Page 368 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 368

Page 7 of 12  Original Research

              TABLE 2: Birth outcome by HIV infection status.
              Birth outcome              Total            HIV negative       HIV positive     HIV status unknown   p†
                                     N        %         N        %          N       %          N       %
              Number of birth outcomes‡  10 517  -      6330    60.2       4063     38.6      124      1.2       -
              Live births (incl. NND)  10 197  97.0     6162    97.3       3941     97.0      94       75.8    0.249
              Pregnancy losses       275      2.6       149      2.4       109      2.7       17       13.7    0.081
              (Stillbirths + Abortions)
              Neonatal Death (NND)   85       0.8       44       0.7       39       1.0        2       2.4     0.139
              Congenital malformations  56    0.5       36       0.6       20       0.5        0       0.0     0.603
              Congenital malformations   37   0.4       26       0.4       11       0.3        0       0.0     0.242
              (included only)§
              Unknown birth outcome   45      0.4       10       0.3       13       0.3       13       10.5      -
              Birth weight in kg (Mean + s.d.)  3.0   0.6  3.0   0.6       3.0      0.7       2.7      0.9     < 0.001
              Small for gestational age (SGA)   852  8.1  482    7.6       364      9.0        6       4.8     0.011
              (< 10th percentile)
              Low birth weight (LBW) (< 2500 g)  1287   12.2  685  10.8    587      14.4      15       12.1    < 0.001
              Birth weight unknown   34       0.3       18       0.3       15       0.4        1       0.8       -
              Twins/ triplets (1 set)  199    1.9       99       1.6       100      2.5        0       0.0     0.001
              Male                  5288     50.3       3191    50.4       2043     50.3      54       43.5    0.383
              Gestational age at birth  -     -          -       -          -        -         -        -      < 0.001
              Preterm < 37 weeks    2285     21.7       1281    20.2       970     23.9       34       27.4      -
              Term delivery 37–40 weeks  7578  72.1     4652    73.5       2874    70.7       52       41.9      -
              Post term > 40 weeks   488      4.6       326      5.2       160      3.9        2       1.6       -
              Unknown                166      1.6       71       1.1       59       1.5       36       29.0      -
              †, The hypothesis in each case is that there is no association between known HIV-status and the characteristic described. At a 5% level of significance, a p-value of less than 0.05 can be interpreted
              as a significant association between HIV status and the given characteristic.
              ‡, Denominator includes 98 twins and 1 set of triplets = 100 more infants than number of pregnant women.
              §, Included cases are congenital malformations that could be influenced by environmental exposures and therefore included in teratogenicity analysis. Decision on whether or not to include cases
              are made by the congenital malformation review panel.
              TABLE 3: Births with antiretroviral therapy exposure during pregnancy in HIV infected women.
              Variable                 Total ever exposed    Definitive and   Ambiguous/partial   First   Unknown/uncertain   Self-reported as
                                          in utero     entire first   first trimester   trimester   exposure time   ‘Before pregnancy’
                                                       trimester     exposure  non-exposure   (Excluded)   without exposure
                                                       exposure                                             dates
                                         N    %*       N    %†      N    %‡      N  %§      N    %¶       N    %††
              Total births in HIV-infected women  4063  -  -  -     -     -      -   -      -     -       -     -
              No ART exposure reported  131    3.2     -    -       -     -      -   -      -     -       -     -
              Number exposed to ART regimen   3932*  96.8  486  12.4  667  17.0  1541  39.2  1238   31.5  74    1.9
              ART regimens switched during pregnancy   219   5.4‡‡  -  -  -  -   -   -      -     -       -     -
              Twin babies exposed to ART regimen  85   2.1  -  -    -     -      -   -      -     -       -     -
              Number exposed to ART regimen   3632  89.4  380  10.4  653  18.0  1494  41.1  1105   30.4  56     1.5
              (excluding those who switched and
              excluding twin births)
              Regimens (excluding those who switched
              and twin births)
              TDF/FTC/EFV               3391   -      261   7.7    641   18.9   1473  43.4  1016  30.0   43     1.3
              TDF/3TC/EFV               57     -      30   52.6     0     0.0    3  5.3    24    42.1     1     1.8
              TDF/FTC/NVP               75     -      45   60.0     4     5.3    5  6.7    21    29.0     3     4.0
              D4T/3TC/NVP                8     -       5   62.5     0     0.0    0  0.0     3    37.5     1    12.5
              Other EFV-based regimens**  17   -      15   88.2     0     0.0    1  5.9     1    5.9      3    17.6
              Other NVP-based regimens***   13  -      8   61.5     1     7.7    0  0.0     4    30.8     2    15.4
              PI-based regimens****     30     -       7   46.7     4    13.3    4  13.3   15    50.0     0     0.0
              Missing/Unknown regimens  41     -       9   22.0     3     7.3    8  19.5   21    51.2     3     7.3
              †, ART initiated before reported LMP and continued on the specific regimen throughout the first 15 weeks of pregnancy; in the absence of known LMP, ART initiated at least 12 months before
              delivery or in the absence of any dates, exposure self-reported by the woman as being initiated before pregnancy (i.e. last column: ‘Self-reported as ‘Before pregnancy’ without exposure
              ‡, Cases excluded from birth risk analysis because date of ART onset was reported to be between 2 weeks prior to LMP and LMP+15 weeks.
              §, First trimester unexposed birth outcomes where ART was initiated at least 15 weeks after first date of the last menstrual period.
              ¶, Cases excluded: where date of ART onset was unknown; LMP date was unknown (and ART onset was reported as < 12 months prior to infant’s date of birth) or where there was discordance
              between reported dates of exposure and woman’s reporting of whether treatment was initiated before or during the pregnancy.
              ††, Cases that were classified as ‘Exposed’ based on the woman’s self-reported timing of ART exposure as being ‘before pregnancy’ but where LMP or onset date was not reported. These cases are
              included as Definitive and entire first trimester exposures.
              ‡‡, Regimen was switched in 2 twin pregnancies.
              *, Of 4063 HIV-exposed births, 3932 were exposed to ART in utero; **D4T/3TC/EFV or AZT/3TC/EFV; ***AZT/3TC/NVP or NVP/3TC/TDF; ****TDF/3TC/LPV/r; TDF/FTC/LPV/r; AZT/3TC/LPV/r;
              TDF/3TC/ATV/r; AZT/3TC/ATV/r; TDF/FTC/ATV/r.

              was  associated with a higher rate of  ABOs compared to   tendency towards higher risk ratios when ART-, EFV- and
              HIV-uninfected women (adjusted: 1.23 95% CI 1.23–1.31;   NVP-based regimens were initiated before conception
              p  < 0.001; 1.22 95% CI 1.14–1.31;  p  = 0.001). There was a   compared to initiation after conception (Table 6).

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