Page 370 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 370

Page 9 of 12  Original Research

              However, no difference in ABOs was noted when comparing   particularly vulnerable population), it is not possible to make
              ART initiation before pregnancy against ART initiated after   a direct comparison between treated and untreated HIV-
              conception 0.90 (95% CI 0.76–1.07; p = 0.237). This was also   positive mothers.  As there is no particular suspicion of
              the case when the timing of the initiation of EFV- and NVP-  association between HIV status and CMs, this is probably not
              based regimens was assessed (EFV 0.93 (95% CI 0.77–1.12;   a major limitation of the ‘Analysis A’. For ‘Analysis B’ which
              p = 0.42; NVP 0.57 (95% CI 0.17–1.98; p = 0.379). Moreover,   deals with composite  ABOs, this shows that differences
              there was no significant difference between the risk of ABOs   observed between HIV-exposed and HIV-unexposed birth
              when comparing pre-pregnancy initiation of EFV-based ART   outcomes are composed of mitigation of HIV infection by
              with pre-pregnancy initiation of NVP-based ART (adjusted   ART, possible adverse effects of  ART and residual
              risk ratio: 0.80 95% CI 0.54–1.19; p = 0.267).        confounding. The effect size appeared to be bigger with
                                                                    NVP-based regimens than with EFV-based regimens,
              Discussion                                            although a head-to-head comparison between EFV-based
                                                                    and NVP-based regimens in the first trimester yielded no
              These data represent the findings of the first year of a drug   significant difference in ABOs. Our findings of the lack of
              safety surveillance system aimed at improving our     effect of timing of exposure on ABOs as a composite endpoint
              understanding of the safety of medicines commonly used by   supports similar findings by Malaba  and others. 7,32
              both HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected pregnant women in
              South Africa. A substantial proportion of the women (4013,   Due to pragmatic challenges with implementation during the
              38.5%) were HIV-infected, the majority of whom were on   first year of surveillance, coverage rates for neonatal death
              ART (3932, 96.8%) and of whom 3467 (93.4%) were receiving   (53.1%) at the hospital were found to be lower than the total
              the recommended first-line regimen of TDF/FTC/EFV     coverage  for  all  deliveries  (71.4%),  suggesting  an under-
              according to SA NDoH guidelines. Only 96 women were on   representation of these outcomes and a diminished chance of
              a NVP-based regimen during the pregnancy, mostly initiated   assessing risk factor associations.
              prior to conception (Table 3). The very small number of
              women (40) receiving PI-containing regimens precludes the   The overall detection rate for CMs identifiable by surface
              assessment of their association with primary outcomes.   examination was lower (0.5%) compared to 0.67% reported in
                                                                    other LMIC settings  as only malformations identified
              Risk analysis was conducted only on the subset of CM   through a surface examination conducted at the time of birth
              (‘included CM’) which could plausibly have been caused by   were identified and included in the analysis. The incomplete
              teratogenic exposures, as assessed by clinical geneticists   coverage of stillbirths that were cremated or taken home by
              using predefined criteria.  Reassuringly, and in line with   the family prior to a surface examination being performed by
              previous studies and review, 16,17,22,23,24,33  we did not find an   the surveillance nurses could have contributed to under-
              increased risk of CM among infants exposed to EFV in the   detection, as well as exclusion of serious CMs requiring
              first  trimester.  The  two CMs  reported  (hypoplastic  thumb   urgent referral to other institutions, either prenatally for
              and club foot) in two infants with first trimester exposure are   termination or delivery or postnatally for additional care.
              unlike previously reported CM associated with EFV. 13,14  It is   Medical termination of pregnancies, miscarriages and early
              unlikely that the reported myelomeningocele (a neural tube   stillbirths were also not captured in this cohort, as these
              defect) in an infant exposed to TDF/FTC/EFV later in the   admissions were not seen in the labour wards.
              first trimester was causally linked to the  treatment  given
              during the late onset of treatment initiation in the pregnancy. 34  We have no evidence to suggest that the HIV status of the
                                                                    women influenced the coverage in a way that would
              There was a significant statistical association between first   introduce a bias into the analysis, although it is possible that
              trimester exposure to NVP-based regimens and the      the under-ascertainment of CMs would make detection of an
              occurrence of congenital malformations. This statistical   increased birth prevalence  of CMs related to  ART more
              association will require accrual of further evidence over time   difficult. Improved capacity for the detection and assessment
              (preferably prospectively collected data). Note: (1) the lack of   of CMs, including the capture of terminations of pregnancies,
              a postulated common mechanism for these defects; (2) the   was identified as a priority measure for refining the
              small number of cases (3 cases) and (3) potential confounders   surveillance system at the site.
              such as maternal age, underlying disease severity, nutritional
              state, evidence of alcohol and illicit substance abuse and   The surveillance programme was initiated approximately
              other potential teratogenic exposures which should be   18 months after NVP-based first-line regimen was replaced
              explored.                                             by the EFV-based regimen. Therefore, the cohort of women
                                                                    on  NVP-based  treatment  had  been  initiated  on  treatment
              Our findings of an increased risk of other  ABOs in HIV-  before the new guidelines were implemented and, therefore,
              exposed infants compared to HIV-unexposed infants assessed   probably on ART treatment for longer than those on the EFV-
              in Analysis B (Table 6) are well described. 6,7,10,16,17,35  Given the   based regimens. As most women have likely been switched
              exclusion of HIV-positive untreated pregnancies (noted   from NVP-based regimens to an EFV-based regimen as the
              above as representative of substandard access to care and a   cohort expands, it is unlikely that South African sites alone

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