Page 375 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 375

Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              However, administering ART in a neonate and young infant   including those exposed to HIV. 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36  Vision was
              is not easy with potential drug resistance because of   assessed clinically during testing and through the ability to
              under-dosing, or neurotoxicity because of overdosing.  The   track small cake decorations (‘hundreds and thousands’ test),
              long-term outcomes of very early exposure to ART are still   which implies visual acuity of 6/24 or better. 37
              unknown. It is therefore imperative that neurodevelopmental
              testing be undertaken after early  ART initiation. Our aim   Statistical analysis was performed using Stata release 11
              was  to determine the neurodevelopmental  outcomes of   (StataCorp, College Station, TX) and Statistica 13 (software.
              perinatally HIV-infected children after initiating ART within Dell Inc. 2015). For descriptive statistics, mean and
              the first 3 weeks of life.                            s.d. were reported for normally distributed data and median
                                                                    and interquartile range (IQR) for skewed data. Guided by
              Research methods and design                           distribution of the data, Spearman and Pearson correlations
                                                                    were used to explore correlation between various parameters
              We report early data from a prospective descriptive study
              conducted in the Family Centre for Research with Ubuntu   and neurodevelopmental outcomes. For calculating age at VL
              (FAM-CRU) in Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa,   suppression, those who had not yet achieved VL suppression
              with recruitment from the Médecins Sans Frontières service in   were assigned a date 2 days after the GMDS. Regression
              Khayelitsha and elsewhere in the public sector. Antiretroviral   analysis explored the contribution of five predictors of GMDS
              therapy was started as soon as HIV infection was confirmed.   scores: birth weight,  ART start age, baseline VL, baseline
              HIV diagnosis was made by quantitative HIV-1 viral load   CD4% and age at first VL suppression.
              (VL) testing and confirmed by a qualitative HIV-1 RNA PCR.
              Indeterminate samples were repeated until HIV diagnosis   Descriptive data and GMDS scores were also compared to
              confirmation. 26,27  Inclusion criteria were the following: birth   those from the early treatment arms on Children with HIV
              weight > 2000 g, commencing ART < 6 weeks of age and no   Early antiRetroviral treatment (CHER) trial participating in
              infant cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. Mothers or legal   a  neurodevelopmental sub-study who received early  ART
              guardians  were  consented  in  person  in  their  language  of   from a median of age of 7.7 weeks and were assessed by the
              choice according to Good Clinical Practice standards.  same investigators at 11 months of age. 10

              Participants were seen as frequently as needed until stable,   Ethical considerations
              monthly for 3 months and then 3 monthly. Visits included a
              medical examination, growth monitoring, adverse event   Mothers or legal guardians were consented in person in their
              assessment and social work support where needed. At each   language of choice according to Good Clinical Practice
              visit, a pharmacist calculated the percentage adherence for   standards. The Stellenbosch University Health Research
              each drug from returned ART containers and an adherence   Ethics Committee approved the study (No.: M14/07/029).
              counsellor established reasons for over or under-dosing with
              the parent or caregiver, offered advice on problems identified   Results
              and reviewed measuring techniques. HIV viral load was   Of 29 children studied, 23 (79%) were female. Mean birth
              performed at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Undetectable VLs   weight was 3002 ± 501 g and gestation was 37.9 ± 2.3 weeks.
              were reported as < 100 or < 40 copies/mL depending on the   HIV+ diagnosis was made by 48 h of birth in 7 (24%) and
              blood volume available for testing. CD4 cell counts were   within 7 days of birth in 17 (59%) infants. Median [IQR] age
              done at 3, 6 and 12 months. Antiretroviral therapy comprised   for starting ART was 6.0 [3–10] days (range 0–21) from birth.
              Zidovudine, Lamivudine and Nevirapine, with Lopinavir/
              Ritonavir  replacing  Nevirapine  after 2 weeks of  age or   Twenty-three achieved VL suppression at median [IQR] 19.1
              gestational age of 42 weeks. Once weight exceeded 3 kg and   [14.7–35.9] weeks of age (range 2–53) (Table 1).
              gestational age was above 44 weeks,  Abacavir replaced
              Zidovudine. Participants also received co-trimoxazole from 6   The GMDS was performed at a mean of 11.5 ± 0.8 months
              weeks of age.                                         (range 10.2–13.1) and scores are described in Table 2. Mean
                                                                    GMDS quotients were in the average range and within 1 s.d.
              The Griffiths mental development scales (GMDS) (0–2 years)   of the standardised scores. The locomotor subscale had the
              were conducted by the same developmental paediatrician   lowest mean quotient. No  children were suspected of
              (B.L.)  at 10–12  months  of  age.   The  GMDS assesses  five   having hearing or vision problems.
              subscales: locomotor, personal–social, hearing-and-language,
              eye–hand coordination and performance (visual–motor   Clinical status at the time of GMDS is described in Table 3. One
              abilities).  A global score, the General Griffiths, is also   child had progressed to WHO stage II HIV disease (persistent
              calculated. Raw scores are converted into quotients, derived   oral candida), and two to stage III (chronic suppurative otitis
              from norms of healthy British children, with a mean of 100   media and pulmonary tuberculosis). Nine children (31%) had
              and  standard deviation  (s.d.)  of  16. While  the  GMDS  is   detectable VL at the time of GMDS testing, six (21%) had
              neither standardised nor validated in South  Africa, it is   not yet achieved viral suppression and three had previously
              the  most widely used developmental assessment tool, is   suppressed  (one  at  27  weeks  and  two  at  19  weeks  of
              considered culturally fair and is used to assess young children   age),  but  rebounded to log 5.44 (273 328 copies/mL),

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