Page 371 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 371

Page 10 of 12  Original Research

              will generate adequate  first-trimester  NVP exposures to   Conclusion
              further  explore this  association.  Previous  international
              reports have not found an association between NVP-based   We found no association between first-trimester exposure to
              ART exposure and the risk of CMs but with other ABOs such   EFV-based treatments and risk of congenital malformations.
              as stillbirths. 16,36,37                              The risk of other  ABOs is greater among HIV-exposed
                                                                    versus HIV-unexposed infants. However, the timing of
              Data on early exposure to TDF, FTC and EFV will dominate   initiation of EFV and NVP-based ART regimens, in relation
              future analyses, facilitating improved quantification of risks   to conception, did not affect the risk of  ABOs. While
              of ABOs. Similarly, information on the safety of second-line   reassuring, the data are not yet sufficient to completely
              regimens will grow. The recent safety signal of an association   exclude relevant drug-related risks associated with the
              between dolutegravir-based ART and the risk of neural tube   components of the current first-line  ART regimen for
              defects in Botswana is already delaying the use of this   pregnant women in South Africa, and surveillance should
              effective regimen in women with child-bearing potential.   be continued. The unexpected statistically significant
              This has highlighted the importance of ongoing pregnancy   associations, found between T1 exposure to NVP and CMs,
              exposure surveillance in African settings where the burden of   demonstrate the need to continue to monitor the safety of
              HIV  and  other  communicable  diseases  is  high,  given  a   medicines in pregnancy even in the absence of previous
              growing pipeline of new medicines, including vaccines,   animal and human evidence of teratogenic risk. These
              targeting pregnant women.                             initial signals of statistical association need to be reassessed
                                                                    using multivariable analysis as the surveillance system
              The conservative inclusion of only cases with a definite   expands. The overall low rate of CMs in women on the
              timing of exposure into the risk factor analysis meant that a   current first-line  ART regimen (TDF/FTC/EFV) for
              significant proportion (30.4%) of the cohort of ART-exposed   pregnant women in South  Africa is reassuring and
              birth outcomes were excluded from the analyses. However,   supported by similar work in Botswana. 12,16,17,38
              we found no difference between the cohort that was
              included in the risk analysis and the excluded group in   This PER/BDS surveillance system, having produced
              terms of age category, parity and educational status, and   significant unexpected, albeit crude, associations in its first
              believe that the exclusion of these cases is unlikely to bias   year, is clearly creating a rich resource of data. This will be
              our findings. As the surveillance system matures, we also   critical for monitoring potential risk, for mothers and their
              expect improved data on  ART exposures from record    infants, for widely used medicines and for addressing
              linkage between maternal and child health services and the   potential concerns with formal measures of low risks.
              data  captured  in  the  national  electronic  ART  registration
              system (Tier.Net). Reported LMP dates will be augmented   Acknowledgements
              with data on gestational age from routine early ultrasound
              scans to better characterise the timing of exposures.   The cooperation of the women who provided information
              Nevertheless, the low rates of SGA and PTD reported in this   after delivery and the efforts of the surveillance nurses, data
              study suggest that the estimations of gestational age at birth   capturers and hospital staff who continue to work on this
              may not be accurate. This can be attributed to the low   novel surveillance project is gratefully acknowledged. Louisa
              reporting of LMP, late presentation of prenatal ultrasound   Bhengu, Engela Honey and Thirona Naicker served as
              and lack of a standardised assessment used for assessing   members of the CM review panel. Dr Augustin Ntilivamunda
              prematurity at birth in labour ward. In future analyses, low   and Dr Francois Renaud from WHO provided technical and
              birth weight, albeit crude, may be a more reliable endpoint   administrative support throughout the project.
              to measure instead of SGA and PTD.
                                                                    Competing interests
              The background rates of common malformations detectable   The authors have no conflict of interests.
              at birth will be more reliably observed as capacity
              development activities at this sentinel surveillance site are
              expanded, including systematic assessment of stillbirths   Authors’ contributions
              and improved access to clinical genetic expertise at the site   All listed authors contributed to the drafting and/or editing
              for better characterisation and diagnosis of CMs detected   of this manuscript. U.C.M. developed the protocol and
              at the  time of birth. The surveillance system is currently   procedures, provided technical oversight throughout
              only able to detect external visible malformations detectable   the development of the surveillance system, developed the
              immediately  after  delivery.  As  the  surveillance  system   analysis plan together with C.v.S. and  A.W. and drafted
              matures and the  ABOs under scrutiny accumulate,      the  report in collaboration and consultation with all
              multivariable analyses incorporating the data collected on   co-authors. C.v.S. assisted in data cleaning and conducted
              other risk factors and exposures, including the use of   the statistical analysis of the data. O.M. served as the
              herbal and traditional medicines, illicit drugs, tobacco and   chairperson of the project steering committee, N.R.M. and
              alcohol, can be incorporated into the risk analyses as can   N.N. provided clinical support for surveillance staff at the
              calendar time.                                        facilities.  A.R. and P.N. were responsible for obtaining

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