Page 376 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 376

Page 3 of 8  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Demographic characteristics of participants (N = 29).  TABLE 3: Clinical status at the time of neurodevelopmental assessments (N = 29).
              Characteristics           Result                      Clinical characteristics  Result
              Sex                       Female = 23 (79%)           Age: Mean ± s.d. (range)  11.5 ± 0.8 months (range 10.2–13.1)
              Birth weight (g)          3002 ± 501 (2150–4070)      HIV disease severity: WHO categories  1 = 26 (90%)
              Mean ± s.d.                                                                     2 = 1
              Gestational age (weeks)                                                         3 = 2
              Mean ± s.d. (range) (3 unknown gestation)  37.9 ± 2.3 (33–41)  Growth: WHO z-scores for age (mean ± s.d.)
              Birth method: Vertex delivery  21 (72%)               Weight                    -0.09 ± 0.9 (range -1.7 to 1.6)
                                                                                              -1.1 ± 1 (range -3.5 to 0.2)
              Caesarean section         8                           Head circumference        0.23 ± 1 (range -1.9 to 2.4)
              Mother’s age at birth (years)                         ART regimen               29 Abacavir, Lamivudine, Lopinavir/
              Mean ± s.d. (range)       29.3 ± 5.4 (18.9–40.4)                                Ritonavir
              History of prenatal substance exposure  2 – Methamphetamine  VL undetectable, n (%)  20 (69%)
                                        1 – Alcohol + methamphetamine
              Home language             21 (70%) Xhosa              CD4 closest to GMDS
                                                                    Median [IQR]
                                        6 (21%) Afrikaans           Absolute count            2097.9 [743–1512] (range 863–3790)
                                        1 Shona                     CD4%                      33.8 [27–41] (range 18–53)
                                        1 English
              PMTCT – mother            24 (83%) Yes                CD8 closest to GMDS
                                                                    Median [IQR]
                                        4 (14%) No                  Absolute count            1489 [1131–2437] (range 608–7551)
                                        1 Unknown                   CD8%                      27 [21–34] (range 13–53)
              Infant age HIV diagnosis (days)
              Median [IQR] (range)      6 [3–12] (0–52)             CD4/CD8 ratio closest to GMDS  1.33 [0.83–1.92] (0.38–3.79)
                                                                    Median [IQR]
              Infant age HIV diagnosis:                             Current caregiver n (%)   23 (79%) mother
              within 48 h               7 (24%)                                               1 shared mother and grandmother
              within 1 week             17 (59%)                                              2 aunt
              Infant ART start age (days)                                                     1 foster mother
              Median [IQR] (range)      6.0 [3–10] (0–21)                                     2 grandmother
              ART regimen started n (%)  16 (55%) Zidovudine, Lamivudine,   Father or father-figure present, n (%)  20 (69%)
                                        Nevirapine                  Caregiver/father/father-figure
                                        6 (20%) Zidovudine, Lamivudine,   Drugs or alcohol abuse, n (%)  7 (24%)
                                        Lopinavir/Ritonavir         Housing, n (%):
                                        7 (24%) Abacavir, Lamivudine,   Brick                 10 (34%)
                                        Lopinavir/Ritonavir         Informal dwelling         19 (66%)
              Infant baseline VL (copies/mL)                        Electricity in house, n (%)  28 (97%)
                                                                    Household receives social grants, n (%)
                                                                                              26 (90%)
              Median [IQR] (n=26†)      3904 [265–16 922] (range 99–201 916)
              CD4 closest to baseline                               IQR, interquartile range; s.d., standard deviation; GMDS, Griffiths Mental Development Scale.
              Median [IQR]
              Age (days)                14 [9–28] (range 0–251‡)
              Absolute count            1938 [1446–2570] (range 679–3776)  following: congenital pneumonia of unknown aetiology,
              CD4%                      43 [35–56] (range 19.6–71)  intrauterine growth retardation, neonatal jaundice above
              Time to undetectable VL§ (weeks from birth)
              Median [IQR] (range)      19.1 [15–34] (2–53) (n = 23¶)  exchange transfusion levels (resolved without exchange),
              VL, viral load; IQR, interquartile range; ART, Antiretroviral therapy; PMTCT, prevention of   congenital syphilis with mild hypoxia and suspected seizure,
              mother-to-child transmission; s.d., standard deviation; GMDS, Griffiths Mental Development   mild birth asphyxia (low birth Apgar scores and cord blood
              †, Three only had HIV PCR+ and no VL measured.        pH = 7.17) and suspected hypoglycaemia (but glucose level
              ‡, Participant only enrolled into study at this age – only had VL before and no CD4 counts.  not recorded) (these data not shown in any table).
              §, VL done at baseline/diagnosis, 3, 6, 12 and 18 months.
              ¶, Six did not suppress by time of GMDS assessment.
                                                                    The following adverse events, which could negatively impact
              TABLE 2: Scores on Griffiths mental development scales (quotients) at mean age   neurodevelopment,  were  documented  before  the  GMDS
              of 11.5 months (n = 29).                              assessment: six with otitis media (one had two episodes), six
              Scale              Mean   Standard   Maximum  Minimum   with anaemia and three with neutropenia (Zidovudine was
              Locomotor          95.9    13.4     125    74         discontinued). One infant recovered fully after treatment for
              Personal–social    104.2   14.7     138    72         suspected bacterial meningitis and another was hospitalised
              Speech and hearing  112.8  11.3     131    85         for 6 months with pulmonary tuberculosis. Lastly, failure to
              Eye–hand coordination  105.0  17.5  136    60         thrive because of poor feeding and insufficient caloric intake
              Performance (visual–spatial)  99.1  15.7  133  68     occurred in one infant.
              General Griffiths  103.6   10.9     123    82
              Note: Norms from healthy British children: mean 100 ± 16.  Adherence was calculated at a median [IQR] of 10 [9–11]
                                                                    visits. Only one participant had acceptable adherence
              log 3.18 (1519 copies/mL) and log 4.46 (28 649 copies/mL),   percentages for all drugs at all visits. Three participants had
              respectively. Another participant suppressed at 3 months, and   poor adherence for more than half of the visits, with the rest
              had a viral blip to 118 copies/mL at 6 months, with the VL   over or under-dosing at various times. For the former, the
              undetectable 6 months later at GMDS.                  infant would spit syrups out and caregivers were unsure
                                                                    how much to replace. For the latter, the caregivers either
              A number of demographic and exposure issues with potential   measured syrups incorrectly or were non-compliant. This
              to influence neurodevelopmental outcomes were identified.   prompted clinicians to encourage treatment supporters for
              These included two without antenatal care, one with an   the caregivers.
              unsupervised home birth and three with maternal substance
              abuse: two methamphetamine and one methamphetamine    Correlations between GMDS scores and possible predictors
              and alcohol (over time these children were fostered by   of developmental outcomes (birth weight, gestation, maternal
              caring relatives). Medical problems included one each of the   age, baseline VL, age starting ART, time to suppression and

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