Page 378 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 378

Page 5 of 8  Original Research

              treatment group, apart from the personal–social subscale   helpful. However, we have experience in this community
              (Table  5),  which  is  the  most  subjective  as  caregiver  report   using the GMDS and are able to use these results for
              items are used, and may reflect a change in child-rearing   comparison 30,32  (Appendix 1, Table 3-A1). The confounding
              practices over time with less emphasis on self-care skills. The   problems of mothers with substance abuse did not seem to
              CHER early treatment arms had a mean baseline VL of log    have a major impact, but the limitation is probably sample size.
              copies/mL 5.64 which is far higher than the current study
              and baseline mean CD percentage of 35% which is lower than   Our findings are relevant  to upscaling neonatal HIV
              the current study, and longer time to undetectable VL. This   identification and care. 45,46  While the number of HIV+ infants
              may suggest that there is a safe window period for starting   is decreasing, this population remains at high risk because
              ART – between birth and a median of 7.7 weeks; however,   of  structural and behavioural challenges in providing
              these are early neurodevelopmental outcomes. Alternatively,   appropriate care. As liquid Lopinavir/Ritonavir formulation
              were it not for adverse in utero exposures and non-suppressed   is poorly tolerated, newer formulations and other alternatives
              VLs in six infants, the scores may have been higher than   such as integrase inhibitors will be better accepted. Healthcare
              CHER  early treatment  participants.  The  early  diagnosis  of   planners  should  not  downscale  programmes  according  to
              HIV+ infants within 48 h in 24% and by 7 days of age in 59%   decreasing numbers, as those failing PMTCT require a higher
              reflects high proportion of prenatal HIV infection, which also   level  of  care and intensive  intervention to  enable  benefit
              negatively impacts outcomes. In the CHER trial,  in utero   from  early ART. With the potential of early ART to limit
              infection could not be assessed as infant screening began at   HIV  reservoir seeding, and potential to contribute to
              4–6 weeks of age for HIV.                             functional cures, treatment programmes need to support
                                                                    these vulnerable infants and their caregivers.  Mentor
              An important finding is that we identified a number of   mothers as treatment supporters may decrease the burden
              challenges within the context of perinatal HIV infection,   of HIV care and consequences of developmental delay, and
              despite good PMTCT programmes. In those perinatally   could be very important when planning programmes. If
              infected infants, a number of secondary effects, including   these needs can be met, our findings are encouraging.
              systemic illnesses and environmental affects, may negatively
              impact a child’s early neurodevelopment. 39,40,41  In our sample,   Conclusion
              we identified three with no prenatal care, three substance   Preliminary findings in this small group suggest that despite
              abuse, two congenital infections (syphilis and pneumonia   PMTCT failure, children infected perinatally with HIV may
              of  unknown aetiology), one co-infected with tuberculosis   have typical neurodevelopment if starting ART at a median
              and one nutritional failure. Growth in participants was   age of 6 days, and similar to those starting ART at a median of
              appropriate for weight and head circumference, but mean   7 weeks. Good supportive care, including for ART adherence,
              length z-score was -1.1.                              is essential. A larger cohort that includes controls is in study
                                                                    and the findings at 18 months of age will inform on the
              We noted variability of  ART adherence and the delay in   influence of time to VL suppression and reservoir size and
              attaining competence with  ART dosing and adherence,   also the influence of social factors and demographic factors on
              with six children not yet suppressed at the time of GMDS   neurodevelopmental outcomes. This may also allow for more
              assessment. Management of these young children was    precise study of locomotor outcomes.
              challenging as caregivers were non-compliant, under-skilled
              and found difficulty administering liquid formulations.   Acknowledgements
              Solid  or dispersible formulations would certainly improve
              adherence. 42,43  Our findings do not suggest neurotoxicity   The authors thank the parents and babies who were willing to
              from ART.                                             be part of this study, as well as the research support team at the
                                                                    Family Centre for Research with Ubuntu and Médecins Sans
              This  work  had  some  limitations.  As  multiple  factors  may   Frontières [Doctors Without Borders] (MSF) Khayelitsha for
              influence outcomes, 29 children starting ART very early are   providing excellent care; Martin Kidd for statistics help; and
              too few to assess weak associations with neurodevelopmental   Helen Payne, Di Gibb, Nigel Klein, Jean Maritz and Wolfgang
              outcomes, including our finding of lower locomotor scores   Preiser who contributed to the original study design.
              compared to other subscales. More girls than boys were
              enrolled in the sample; although previously described,    Competing interests
              this may be because of small sample size. We were not able   The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
              to  determine reliable predictors for neurodevelopmental
              outcomes,  or  compare  the  outcomes  of  suppressed  and
              unsuppressed participants. This was also hindered by time to   Authors’ contributions
              suppression being inaccurate as VLs were only done at   B.L. was the primary author of the article and was responsible
              baseline 3, 6 and 12 months. We did not collect information   for neurodevelopmental testing; S.N. was responsible for
              on maternal health, immune status, VL or antiretroviral   lymphocyte subtest testing and provided input into the
              therapies. In the absence of South African normative data on   article writing; E.F.M.T.D. was the clinician on study
              the GMDS, a control or comparison group would have been   managing infants and assisted with the article writing; M.J.B.

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