Page 383 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 383

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              The prevalence of STIs varies according to region, gender   A 4 mL blood sample was collected into a clot activating
              and risk group.  A number of key populations with high   tube  and processed for onsite testing. Processing involved
              prevalence of STIs have been reported. These include sex   centrifuging of the sample after clotting and harvesting the
              workers, their clients and other partners; men who have sex   serum for subsequent tests. Herpes simplex virus type 2
              with men; transgender people; people who inject drugs; and   infection was tested in serum using PreCheck HSV 2 IgG test
              people living with HIV (PLWH). Enhanced STI screening is   kits. The seroprevalence of syphilis was defined as having a
              recommended in these key populations. 9,10,11  However,   positive treponemal-specific antibody test using the SD
              access and uptake of STI services among these groups is   Bioline Rapid Antibody Test with or without a positive non-
              often challenging. In resource-limited settings, there are   treponemal RPR carbon assay. All participants with confirmed
              limited data regarding the prevalence of STIs, with the   STI diagnoses were managed using an aetiological approach,
              exception of HIV, which is often the only STI for  which   and respective antibiotic treatment was administered as
              functioning surveillance systems are in place. In Zimbabwe,   recommended in the national guidelines. 14
              the prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15–64 years is
              14.6%, corresponding to approximately 1.2 million PLWH.    VL measurements were performed on EDTA plasma using
              Coinfection rates of HIV and STIs are not widely reported   the Roche COBAS Ampliprep and TaqMan version 2.0, while
              and there are no local guidelines regarding the screening   CD4+ counts were measured in whole blood using a Partec
              for STIs in PLWH. This study was conducted to determine   Cyflow Counter II.
              the prevalence of STI coinfection in a cohort of HIV-infected
              women and to identify associated risk factors for an STI
              diagnosis.                                            Statistical analysis
                                                                    Data were entered into a Microsoft Access 2016 database and
              Methods                                               then exported to Microsoft Excel for cleaning. Cleaned data
                                                                    were exported to Stata 12.1 for analysis. Medians and
              This analytic cross-sectional  study was conducted in HIV-
              infected adult women at Newlands Clinic (NC), Harare,   interquartile ranges (IQR) were used to describe continuous
              Zimbabwe. NC provides comprehensive HIV care and      data. A maximum p-value of 0.05 was considered statistically
              treatment services to approximately 6000 individuals in the   significant. Unadjusted odds ratios with 95.0% confidence
              greater Harare urban area. The clinic operates in a public-  intervals  (CIs) were  calculated for  risk factors of STIs.
              private partnership with the Ministry of Health and Child   Significant risk factors in univariate analysis were further
              Care, Zimbabwe. Funding for the clinic is provided by the   analysed in a multivariable logistic regression to calculate
              Ruedi Luethy Foundation and other partners.  Sexually   adjusted odds ratios.
              active, non-pregnant adult women (≥ 18 years of age)
              attending  NC  for  routine  annual  cervical  screening  were   Ethical consideration
              invited to participate in the study.                  The study was approved by the NC Research Unit and the
                                                                    Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe (approval number
              Study procedures                                      MRCZ/A/1980). All participants provided written informed
                                                                    consent before enrolling in the study.
              A questionnaire was verbally administered by a trained
              study nurse, which collected sociodemographic, medical,   Results
              gynaecological and sexual history data. Current CD4+ count,
              HIV VL and antiretroviral therapy (ART) history were   Participant enrolment
              documented in the medical history. Current CD4+ count and   Between 01 January and 30 June 2016, 385 women were
              VL were defined as results which had been obtained within   enrolled in the study, 356 (93.0%) being on ART. The median
              the preceding month. The sexual history included questions   age of the participants was 41 years (IQR: 35–47). A total of
              regarding age of sexual debut, number of sexual partners,   171 (44.0%) participants were married and 103 (27.0%) were
              type of sexual activity, STI symptoms, previous STI diagnoses,   widows; 86 (22.0%) had seven years or less of education and
              condom use, family planning, sexual orientation and past   57 (15.0%) had reached tertiary education. Table 1 shows the
              history of sexual abuse.                              characteristics of the participants in the study.

              On completion of the questionnaire, a complete abdominal
              and gynaecological examination including the collection of   HIV treatment history
              endocervical swabs was conducted. Findings were recorded   Of the 356 (93.0%) participants who were taking  ART, 324
              on a participant’s respective case report forms. On completion   (91.0%) were virologically suppressed with VLs of < 50 copies/
              of endocervical swab collection, the nurse proceeded with an   mL. Twelve (3.0%) were severely immunocompromised
              examination of  the cervix using  the visual inspection  with   (CD4+ cell count < 100 cells/mL), but the majority were
              acetic acid and cervicography (VIAC) methodology. The   immunocompetent with the median CD4+ cell count being 503
              swabs were used for  Chlamydia trachomatis (CT),  Neisseria   (IQR: 347–655) cells/μL.  Among those receiving  ART, the
              gonorrhoeae (NG), and  Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) using the   median duration on ART was 6.2 years (IQR: 3.2–9.0) and 323
              Cepheid Xpert® CT/NG and Xpert® TV assays.            women (84.0%) were taking a first-line ART regimen.

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