Page 367 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 367

Page 6 of 12  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Maternal characteristics by HIV infection status.
              Variable               Total            HIV uninfected      HIV infected      HIV status unknown   HIV status
                                N     %    IQR†     N    %     IQR†    N     %    IQR†     N     %    IQR†  association
              Number of mothers  10 417  -  -      6280  60.3   -     4013   38.5  -      124    1.2   -       -
              Maternal age                                                                                   < 0.001
              < 18 years       704   6.8    -      620   9.9    -      73    1.8   -       11    8.9   -       -
              18–35 years      8596  82.5   -      5197  82.8   -     3299  82.2   -      100   80.6   -       -
              > 35 years       1106  10.6   -      463   7.4    -      640  15.9   -       3     2.4   -       -
              Unknown           11   0.1    -       0     0     -      1     0.0   -       10    8.1   -       -
              Median            25    -    21–30   23     -   20–27    28    -    23–32    22    -    19–26  < 0.001
              Education                                                                                      0.214
              None/primary     808   7.76   -      471   7.5    -      328   8.2   -       9     7.3   -       -
              Secondary/Tertiary  9538  91.6  -    5773  91.9   -     3665  91.3   -       97   78.2   -       -
              Unknown           71   0.7    -      33    0.5    -      20    0.5   -       18   14.5   -       -
              Currently employed  1393  13.4  -    696   11.1   -      689  17.2   -       8     6.5         < 0.001
              Gravidity                                                                                      < 0.001
              1                4060  39.0   -      3127  49.8   -      889  22.2   -       44   35.5   -       -
              2                3509  33.7   -      1857  29.6   -     1610  40.1   -       42   33.9   -       -
              > 3              2807  27.0   -      1283  20.4   -     1500   37.4  -       24   19.4   -       -
              Unknown           41   0.4    -      13    0.2    -      14    0.4   -       14   11.3   -       -
              Median            2     -    1–3      2     -    1–2     2     -     2–3     2     -    1–2    < 0.001
              Parity                                                                                         < 0.001
              0                4309  41.4   -      3265  52.0   -      998  24.9   -       46   37.1   -       -
              1–2              5285   50.7  -      2602  41.4   -     2613  65.1   -       60   48.4   -       -
              > 2              809   7.8    -      409   6.5    -      396   9.9   -       4     3.2   -       -
              Unknown           24   0.2    -       4    0.1    -      6     0.1   -       14   11.3   -       -
              Alcohol use during pregnancy                                                                   < 0.001
              Non-user         9352  89.8   -      5724  91.1   -     3542  88.3   -       86   69.4   -       -
              Past user        786   7.6    -      407   6.5    -      370   9.2   -       9     7.3   -       -
              User              23   0.2    -       9    0.1    -      13    0.3   -       1     0.8   -       -
              Unknown          256   2.5    -      140   2.2    -      88    2.2   -       28   22.6   -       -
              Tobacco use during pregnancy                                                                   0.003
              Non-user         9766  93.75  -      593   94.4   -     3744  93.3   -       91   73.4   -       -
              Past user        370   3.55   -      192   3.1    -      174   4.3   -       4     3.2   -       -
              User              9    0.09   -       5    0.1    -      4     0.1   -       0     0.0   -       -
              Unknown          272   2.61   -      152   2.4    -      91    2.3   -       23    4.0   -       -
              Illicit substance use during pregnancy                                                         0.003
              Non-user         9770  93.8   -      5930  94.4   -     3748  93.4   -       92   74.2   -       -
              Past user        364   3.5    -      192   3.1    -      168   4.2   -       4     3.2   -       -
              User              4    0.04   -       1    0.0    -      3     0.1   -       0     0.0   -       -
              Unknown          279   2.7    -      157   2.5    -      94    2.3   -       28   22.6   -       -
              Gestational age at first ANC                                                                   < 0.001
              < 12 weeks       500   4.8    -      275   4.4    -      224   5.6   -       1     0.8   -       -
              12 to 20 weeks   4057  39.0   -      2415  38.5   -     1632  40.7   -       10    8.1   -       -
              21 to 28 weeks   3399  32.6   -      2145  34.2   -     1240  30.9   -       14   11.3   -       -
              > 28 weeks       1092  10.9   -      681   10.8   -      405  10.1   -       6     4.8   -       -
              Unknown          1369  13.1   -      764   12.2   -      512  12.8   -       93    75    -       -
              Median age        20    -    16-26   21     -   16-26    20    -    16-25    24    -    18-28  < 0.001
              Number of ANC visits during current pregnancy                                                  < 0.001
              0–3 ANC visits   2658  25.52  -      1715  27.3   -      932  23.2   -       17   13.7   -       -
              > 4 ANC visits   7341  70.47  -      4381  69.8   -     2944  73.4   -       16   12.9   -       -
              Unknown          418   4.01   -      190   3.0    -      137   3.4   -       91   73.4   -       -
              Median            5     -    3-6      5     -    3-6     5     -     4-7     3     -    2-6    < 0.001
              Reported previous adverse   344  5.4  -  151  2.4  -     192   4.8   -       1     0.8   -      0.05
              pregnancy outcomes
              (N = 6316)§
              Medical conditions
              Pre-existing diabetes  34  0.3  -    26    0.4    -      8     0.2   -       0     0.0   -     0.077
              Epilepsy          53   0.5    -      28    0.4    -      24    0.6   -       1     0.8   -     0.217
              Tuberculosis (TB)  202  1.9   -      53    0.8    -      148   3.7   -       1     0.8   -     < 0.001
              Syphilis         177   1.7    -      81    1.3    -      96    2.4   -       0     0.0   -     < 0.001
              †, IQR – Interquartile Range; ANC – Antenatal Care.
              ‡, The hypothesis in each case is that there is no association between known HIV-status and the characteristic described. At a 5% level of significance, a p-value of less than 0.05 can be interpreted
              as a significant association between HIV status and the given characteristic.
              §, Analysis excludes primagravidae.

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