Page 364 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 364

Page 3 of 12  Original Research

              chromosomal tests, and the assessment of the clinician at   As these outcomes could be linked to a broader range of
              the  time of the event. The panel classified CMs as major   exposure timings than just T1, we compared any ART exposure
              (i.e. structural changes that have significant medical, social   during pregnancy to a comparator group with no HIV/ART
              or  cosmetic consequences for the affected individual, and   exposure (i.e. HIV-uninfected women).
              typically require medical intervention), or minor, and advised
              on inclusion in the risk factor analyses. We were guided by   Exclusions from analyses
              the  example  of  Holmes;   in  that  single  minor  anomalies,   Maternal deaths whose medical records were not accessible
              normal variations, birth marks, chromosomal or genetic   for review or where there was no delivery of a foetus
              anomalies/disorders, positional deformities, features of   were  excluded from the analysis. Maternal deaths are
              prematurity and physiological abnormalities were excluded   systematically reviewed for causes through other national
              from the analysis of teratogenic potential.
                                                                    procedures.  A central register of deliveries housed at the
                                                                    hospital was used to establish the rate of capture of deliveries
              Neonates born in surrounding clinics or other health facilities
              but admitted to PMMH were not included in this analysis.   through the surveillance system. Women who switched from
              Babies born at home, in the community or en-route to the   a  NVP-based  regimen  to  an  EFV-based  regimen  or  vice
              PMMH who were brought directly to the hospital without   versa, were excluded from all drug-specific and time-period-
              first attending any other health facility were included. CMs   specific (‘entire first trimester’ vs. ‘any part of pregnancy’)
              diagnosed after discharge were not identified or reported in   analyses. Pregnancies were excluded from all risk analyses
              this analysis.                                        (though not from the overall demographic and ART exposure
                                                                    breakdown) if:
              Miscarriages and terminations of pregnancy (TOPs) were not   •  HIV status was unknown.
              systematically captured, as they are not managed in the   •  HIV status was recorded as positive but there was no
              maternity wards. Complicated congenital anomalies detected   record of ART (as this constitutes sub-standard care in the
              on ultrasound may sometimes have been referred to Inkosi   local context and is associated with substantially worse
              Albert  Luthuli  Central  Hospital  and  delivered  there,   outcomes).
              especially if neonatal surgery was anticipated. Early medical   •  Birth outcomes were unknown (alive or dead).
              or curettage-based TOPs that did not require foeticide of the   •  Multiple  births  were  recorded  (as  multiple  births  are
              baby (i.e. before 24 weeks gestational age or a lethal foetal   known to have higher complication rates and higher rates
              anomaly) would have been conducted at PMMH but might    of CMs).
              not have been captured in the maternity registers depending
              on the gestation.                                     Figure 1 below provides a breakdown of the cohort of
                                                                    pregnant women (deliveries) and their birth outcomes
              A concurrent prospective pregnancy exposure registry project   primarily by HIV exposure and ART exposure.
              involving the recruitment of pregnant women at their first
              antenatal visit was implemented at 3 midwife-run obstetric   Antiretroviral therapy exposures
              units (MOUs) within the PMMH catchment area. However,
              as the data for this cohort were not available at the time of the   The  present  analysis  is  based  on  1  year  of  data  from  an
              analysis, we are unable to report on this prospective cohort.  ongoing surveillance system – approximately 18 months
                                                                    after first-line therapy was being changed from TDF/
              Risk analyses                                         lamivudine (3TC)/NVP to TDF/emtricitabine (FTC)/EFV.
                                                                    Exposures to (second-line) PIs, as well as non-standard
              We conducted two separate risk analyses for ART exposure:   regimens, were limited. Given the a priori concern about non-
              •  Analysis A (see 2.3.4.): Risk factors for major CM detected   nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), risk
                 at birth. As the critical exposures are likely to be during   factor analysis was confined to assessing the effects of (1) any
                 organogenesis (T1), we compared exposure ‘during the   ART regimen, (2) EFV-based regimens and (3) NVP-based
                 entire first trimester’ with no exposure during any part of   regimens.
                 the first trimester. Women for whom the timing of ART
                 was  uncertain  in  relation  to  the  first  trimester  were   To verify the timings of exposures reported in  the MCR,
                 excluded from this analysis.                       women were also explicitly asked, after delivery, whether
              •  Analysis  B (see  2.3.5.): Risk  factors  for a  composite  of   ART had been initiated ‘before’ or ‘during’ the pregnancy.
                 other ABOs, which included:
                   ß  Pregnancy losses: Birth of a dead foetus.     Risk analysis A – Major congenital malformations
                   ß  Neonatal deaths (included deaths before 28 days post-  detected at birth
                   delivery which occurred prior to hospital discharge).  For consideration of major CM, risk factor timing is critical
                   ß  Small for gestational age (live births with birth weight   because  the  period  of pregnancy  when  maternal  drug
                   below the 10th percentile using WHO criteria).   exposure has the greatest teratogenic potential is the
                   ß  Preterm delivery (live births born at gestational age less   embryonic phase during which organ differentiation is
                   than 37 weeks).                                  completed. In addition, this analysis of 1 year of data was
                   ß  Low birth weight (live births born at weight < 2500 g)  not  adequately powered to conduct finely differentiated

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