Page 359 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 359

Page 8 of 10  Original Research

                  80                                                                                   Disclosed (par cial/full)

                  70           65.4


                  50                               45.8
                Percentage  40                               32.7           35.0

                  30                     27.3                     29.8                31.3      26.6      30.4
                                              20.6      20.0                                                   19.5
                          12.4                                         12.2
                  10                 6.3                                         5.6       6.3
                      0.0                                                                            0.0
                       3–5 years  6–9 years  10–14 years  Female  Male  No highschool  Highschool  Not married  Married  Suppressed  Detectable  Tablets only  Syrups  No PI base  PI with D4T DDI  Adherent  Non–adherent  Adherent  Non–adherent

                         Age child     Sex     Educa on  Maritals Status   Viral load  Formula on  Regimen  Self–report   Pill count
                                     caregiver†  caregiver  caregiver                           3 day recall  95–105%
                                                        Predictors of paediatric disclosure
              Percentage (%) disclosed by predictor variable. †, presented for children under 10 years; PI, protease inhibitor; D4T, stavudine; DD1, didanosine.
              FIGURE 1: Predictors of paediatric disclosure.

              Discussion                                            themselves are HIV-positive.  While some studies have
                                                                    confirmed our finding that caregivers with higher education
              Only 17 children (8.9%) in this cohort of 3–14-year-olds   are more likely to disclose the child’s HIV status to their
              received full disclosure. In multivariate analyses, we found   child,  other studies have not.  Caregivers feeling worried
              that increased age of the child and higher education of the   and unprepared for the process of disclosure and answering
              caregiver  were  strongly  associated  with  disclosure  of  HIV   questions prevent actual disclosure. 22,28  The association we
              status to the child. In addition, sex of the caregiver, detectable   found between educational level and disclosure might be
              viral load, syrup formulation, PI regimens with stavudine   explained by better educated caregivers feeling more
              and didanosine, and self-reported non-adherence were   equipped to start this process. Our finding that caregivers
              strongly associated with non-disclosure. The prediction   with better HRQoL are a predictor of non-disclosure is not
              model identified age of the child, caregiver’s marital status,   reported in other literature, although the child’s family
              viral load, regimen and non-adherence defined by pill count   situation and caregiver disclosure-related anxiety are
              (95% – 105%) as predictors of disclosure.             described to affect disclosure.
              Similar to other studies, we found older age of the child to be   We found a strong association between detectable viral load
              strongly associated with increased probability of disclosure   and non-disclosure. A detectable viral load is an indicator of
              of the HIV  status to the child. 14,22,23  Literature does not   failure  of treatment.   Conversely, addressing  disclosure
              specifically associate better HRQoL of the child with non-  could  positively affect adherence and viral suppression. 6,23
              disclosure; however, health-related factors and a child’s   Non-adherence was associated with non-disclosure. Most
              family situation are reported as predictors of disclosure. 10  likely, this association was reversed where  non-disclosure
                                                                    contributed to difficulties remaining adherent.  Similarly,
              Male  caregiver,  level  of  education  and  HRQoL  were   caregivers experiencing difficulties administering medication
              associated with disclosure. While some studies have   had less likely disclosed the child’s HIV status. Non-
              described not having a biological father as a predictor of   disclosure may have contributed to difficulties administering
              disclosure, 24,25  we found that children had more likely   medication. We did not find an association between CD4
              received  disclosure when their main caregiver was their   count and disclosure. Some literature described that children
              father. Both the events of the demise of one’s father and the   with a CD4 percentage over 15% are more likely to receive
              absence of the mother in the household indicate major life   disclosure,  where others did not confirm this association for
              events that are possibly related to HIV. This could explain the   CD4 percentage or CD4 count.  Children on regimens
              association between caregiver’s gender and disclosure, as   including syrups were less likely to receive disclosure.
              disclosure is more likely to happen when the caregivers   Although young children were generally on syrup

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