Page 358 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 358

Page 7 of 10  Original Research

              TABLE 4: Associations between disclosure and socio-economic characteristics – Univariate analyses.
              Socio-economic       Total                                           Disclosure
                               Mean   n   %    Non-disclosed  Non-disclosed  Non-disclosed  Full/partial  Full/partial  Full/partial  Odds   95% CI  p
                                                  (mean)    (n)      (%)     (mean)   (n)    (%)   Ratio
              FI Overall (N = 189)
              Mean (s.d.)    90.4 (11.5)         89.7 (10.8)                92.4 (13.2)             -     -      -
              FI Overall (N = 189)
              41.9-87.4         -     47  24.9     -        40       27.8      -       7     15.6   -     -      -
              97.5-93.3         -     47  24.9     -        38       26.4      -       9     20.0  1.35  0.46-4.00  0.584
              93.4-99.1         -     50  26.5     -        40       27.8      -      10     22.2  1.43  0.50-4.13  0.510
              99.2-100          -     45  23.8     -        26       18.1      -      19     42.2  4.18  1.54-11.32* 0.005*
              FI Activities (N = 189)
              Mean (s.d.)    91.4 (15.2)   -     91.3 (15.2)          -     91.5 (15.4)       -     -     -
              FI Activities (N = 189)
              25.0-91.6         -     44  23.3     -        32       22.2      -      12     26.7   -     -
              91.7              -     28  14.8     -        26       18.1      -       2     4.4   0.21  0.04-1.000* 0.050*
              100               -    117  61.9     -        86       597       -      31     68.9  0.96  0.44-2.10  0.921
              SES-Index (N = 183)
              Mean (s.d.)    52.0 (17.0)   -     50.7 (17.2)          -     56.4 (15.8)       -     -     -      -
              SES-Index (N = 183)
              9.5-42.7          -     40  21.9     -        34       24.3      -       6     14.0   -     -      -
              42.8-57.0         -     47  25.7     -        36       25.7      -      11     25.6  1.73  0.58-5.20  0.328
              57.1-66.6         -     44  24.0     -        34       24.3      -      10     23.3  1.67  0.55-5.10  0.371
              66.7-100          -     52  28.4     -        36       25.7      -      16     37.2  2.52  0.88-7.19  0.084
              SES Toilet facility (N = 185)
              No sewage         -     50  27.0     -        44       31.2      -       6     13.6   -     -      -
              Water-born        -    135  73.0     -        97       68.8      -      38     86.4  2.87  1.13-7.29* 0.026*
              CI, confidence interval; s.d., standard deviation; FI, Family impact; SES, socio-economic status.
              *, Significant (p < 0.05).

              TABLE 5: Socio-economic status indicators and South African comparison.
              Variable                              N         Study (%)    South Africa† (%)  Chi-squared    p
              Number of people per household        184        5.2             3.4            t = 11.3       0.000*
              Type of dwelling (formal / informal)  185        60.0            77.6            32.0          0.000*
              Drinking water (piped in house or yard/other)  185  77.8         73.4             1.8          0.176
              Toilet facilities (waterborne /no sewage)  185   73.0            57.0            19.3          0.000*
              Share toilet facilities (no/yes)      183        52.5             -                             -
              Fuel cooking (electricity/other)      185        77.3            73.9             1.1          0.109
              Fuel heating (electricity/other)      185        58.9            58.8             0.0          0.978
              Fuel lighting (electricity/other)     185        83.2            84.7             0.3          0.571
              Material floor (finished/natural or rudimentary)  185  95.7       -               -             -
              Material walls (finished/unfinished)  185        39.5             -               -             -
              Share rooms in house (no/yes)         183        82.0             -               -             -
              Radio (no/yes)                        184        72.8            67.5             2.4          0.125
              TV (no/yes)                           184        89.1            74.5            20.6          0.000*
              Fridge (no/yes)                       184        79.9            68.4            11.3          0.001*
              Computer (no/yes)                     184        11.4            21.4            10.9          0.001*
              Landline (no/yes)                     184        7.1             14.5             8.1          0.004*
              Cell phone (no/yes)                   184        95.7            88.9             8.6          0.003*
              Car (no/yes)                          184        15.8            29.5            16.6          0.000*
              Bicycle (no/yes)                      184        16.3             -               -             -
              Motorcycle/Scooter (no/yes)           184        1.1              -               -             -
              Donkey/horse (no/yes)                 184         0               -               -             -
              Sheep/cattle/goat (no/yes)            184         0               -               -             -
              *, Significant (p < 0.05),
              †, StatsSA 2012. 20
              Prediction model                                      association with caregiver education attenuated when
                                                                    adding viral load to the model. The overall percentage of
              The prediction model for disclosure included five variables:   correctly classified cases was 91.1% and Hosmer and
              age of the child (OR 146.56; 20.27–1059.69,  p < 0.001),   Lemeshow’s chi-square test for goodness of fit was 58.7 (p =
              PI regimen with stavudine and didanosine (OR 0.01; 0.00–  0.812). Figure 1 provides an overview of the proportion who
              0.22, p = 0.005), marital status (OR 7.00; 1.39–35.03, p = 0.018),   received children disclosure within the categories of all
              viral load (OR 0.05; 0.01–0.41, p = 0.005) and adherence (pill   predictors identified in multivariate analyses and the
              count 95% – 105%) (OR 0.16; 0.03–0.77,  p = 0.023). The   prediction model.
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