Page 355 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 355

Page 4 of 10  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Associations between disclosure and child characteristics – Univariate analyses.
              Child characteristics   Total                                         Disclosure
                                  Mean   n  %    Non-disclosed  Non-disclosed  Non-disclosed   Full/partial   Full/partial Full/partial  Odds   95% CI  p
                                                   (mean)    (n)      (%)     (mean)    (n)   (%)  Ratio
              Age (N = 190)
              Mean (s.d.)        8.1 (2.6)  -  -  7.3 (2.3)  -        -      10.7 (1.4)  -     -     -     -     -
              Median (IQR)      8.5 (5.8-10.2)  -  -  7.3 (5.2-9.0)  -  -   10.8 (9.9-11.8)  -  -    -     -     -
              Age (N = 190)
              3–5 years            -     49  25.8    -       49      33.8       -       0      0     -     -     -
              6–9 years            -     89  46.8    -       78      53.8       -       11    24.4   -     -   0.008*†
              10–14 years          -     52  27.4    -       18      12.4       -       34    75.6   -     -   0.000*†
              Age (N = 190)
              Young child (< 10 years)  -  138 72.6  -       127     87.6       -       11    24.4   -     -     -
              Early adolescence (≥ 10 years)  -  52  27.4  -  18     12.4       -       34    75.6  21.81 9.41–50.52* 0.000*
              Sex (N = 190)
              Female               -    109 57.4     -       84      57.9       -       25    55.6   -     -     -
              Male                 -     81  42.6    -       61      42.1       -       20    44.4  1.10  0.56-2.16  0.778
              HRQoL - Overall (N = 155)
              Mean (s.d.)        90.5 (10.4)  -  -  90.1 (11.3)  -    -      92.0 (6.4)  -     -     -     -     -
              HRQoL - Overall (N = 155)
              12.8–88.0            -     47  25.1    -       35      24.6       -       12    26.7   -     -     -
              88.1–93.0            -     46  24.6    -       39      27.5       -       7     15.6  0.52  0.19–1.48  0.222
              93.1–96.6            -     45  24.1    -       30      21.1       -       15    33.3  1.46  0.59–3.60  0.412
              96.7–100             -     49  26.2    -       38      26.8       -       11    24.4  0.84  0.33–2.16  0.724
              HRQoL - Self-report (N = 155)
              Mean (s.d.)        91.5 (11.4)  -  -  90.0 (9.1)  -     -      91.9 (12.0)  -    -     -     -     -
              HRQoL - Self-report (N = 155)
              6.5–88.0             -     36  23.2    -       23      19.5       -       13    35.1   -     -     -
              88.1–94.5            -     42  27.1    -       33      28.0       -       9     24.3  0.48  0.18–1.32  0.154
              94.6–99.9            -     41  26.5    -       31      26.3       -       10     27   0.57  0.21–1.53  0.265
              100                  -     36  23.2    -       31      26.3       -       5     13.5  0.29  0.09–0.91* 0.035*
              HRQoL school - Self-report (N = 147)
              Mean (s.d.)        82.8 (18.2)  -  -  83.6 (18.1)  -    -      80.5 (18.4)  -    -     -     -     -
              HRQoL school - Self-report (N = 147)
              5.0–74.9             -     34  23.1    -       25      22.7       -       9     24.3   -     -     -
              75.0–89.9            -     41  27.9    -       29      26.4       -       12    32.4  1.15  0.42–3.18  0.778
              90.0–99.9            -     31  21.1    -       23      20.9       -       8     21.6  0.97  0.32–2.93  0.951
              100                  -     41  27.9    -       33      30.0       -       8     21.6  0.67  0.23–1.99  0.475
              HRQoL school - Proxy-report (N = 172)
              Mean (s.d.)        81.6 (19.3)  -  -  82.3 (18.9)  -    -      79.3 (20.5)  -    -     -     -     -
              HRQoL school - Proxy-report (N = 172)
              5.0–74.9             -     36  20.9    -       28      20.9       -       8     21.1   -     -     -
              75.0–89.9            -     56  32.6    -       39      29.1       -       17    44.7  1.53  0.58–4.03  0.394
              90.0–99.9            -     40  23.3    -       35      26.1       -       5     13.2  0.5  0.15–1.70  0.267
              100                  -     40  23.3    -       32      23.9       -       8     21.1  0.88  0.29–2.64  0.813
              CI, confidence interval; s.d., standard deviation; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; IQR, interquartile range.
              *, Significant (p < 0.05); †, p-value Fisher’s exact test (cell size below 5).
              TABLE 2: Associations between disclosure and caregiver characteristics – Univariate analyses.
              Caregiver        Total                                         Disclosure
                           Mean    n   %    Non-disclosed  Non-disclosed Non-disclosed   Full/partial   Full/partial  Full/partial  Odds   95% CI  p
                                               (mean)    (n)      (%)     (mean)    (n)    (%)   Ratio
              Age (N = 190)
              Mean (s.d.)  39.2 (11.2)  -  -  38.6 (11.2)  -       -     40.8 (11.0)  -     -      -     -      -
              Median (IQR)  37.3 (31.7-44.1)  -  -  36.1 (31.1-44.0)  -  -  39.0 (34.5-47.2)  -  -  -    -      -
              Age (N = 190)
              16.0-31.6      -     47  24.7     -        39       26.9      -       8      17.8    -     -      -
              31.7-37.2      -     47  24.7     -        39       26.9      -       8      17.8  1.00  0.34-2.93  1.000
              37.3-44.5      -     49  25.8     -        32       22.1      -       17     37.8  2.59  0.99-6.78  0.052
              44.6-74.5      -     47  25.8     -        35       24.1      -       12     26.7  1.67  0.61-4.56  0.316
              Sex (N = 190)
              Female         -     175  92.1    -        134‡    93.7‡      -       41‡    72.7‡   -     -      -
              Male           -     15  7.9      -        11‡      6.3‡      -       4‡     27.3‡  5.58‡ 1.24-25.19*‡ 0.025*‡
                                                                                              Table 2 continues on the next page →

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