Page 353 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 353

Page 2 of 10  Original Research

              is needed on effective strategies for disclosure in resource-  and their  association with disclosure, we included
              limited settings. 10,11  Reported full disclosure to the child in   general  demographic information, supplemented with
              South Africa ranges between 7.9% and 9.0%. 12,13,14   questionnaires. The validated PedsQL  questionnaires
                                                                    measured health-related quality of life (HRQoL) combining
              The South  African National Department of Health has   caregiver proxy-report and child self-report (all children ≥ 5
              committed to prioritise support and guide primary caregivers   years), and the impact of paediatric chronic health conditions
              and healthcare providers for disclosure. This approach   on  family  and  caregivers  (family  impact). 17,18,19   Socio-
              intends  to  ensure  the physical, emotional,  cognitive  and   economic status was calculated using 21 questions from the
              social well-being of the child.  A literature review including   Census 2011.  A higher score (%) indicated better HRQoL,
              17 studies in low-middle-income countries reported a mean   overall family functioning and SES.  A combination of
              age for disclosure as 9.6 years (8.1–15.0), and that 20.4% of   adherence monitoring measures was included. Pill count
              children (3.2% – 69.2%) knew their status.  National   was calculated using the number of pills taken or the volume
              guidelines recommend all children from age 3 years to be
              prepared for disclosure. Disclosure is the  first step for   for liquid formulations (dispensed minus returned) as a
              children transitioning into adolescents and  young adults   percentage of medication prescribed. Adherence was defined
              who successfully manage their own HIV care. 16        as 95% – 105% (a score > 100% could be explained by ingestion
                                                                    of more pills than prescribed and lost pills). Self-reported
              To support the implementation of disclosure guidelines, we   adherence for the last 3 days was recorded with the validated
              assessed the prevalence of disclosure of children’s HIV status   paediatric  AIDS clinical trials group (PACTG) adherence
              to them. In addition, to better understand disclosure, we   modules.  Adherence was defined as no missed dosages in
              explored  the  association  between  disclosure  and  child,   the last 3 days for self-report. Treatment success was defined
              caregiver, clinical and socio-economic characteristics.  by a suppressed viral load (< 50 copies/mL), and immune
                                                                    response  defined  by  CD4  count (> 5 00 cells/mm ). This
              Methods                                               information was retrieved from medical  records  (6  months
                                                                    before or 3 months after inclusion). Regimen specifications
              This cross-sectional study is a sub-analysis of data published   were retrieved from medical records and questionnaires
              elsewhere, which focused on ART adherence in a population   (formulation, prescription, treatment start, progress,
              of active paediatric patients aged 2–14 years who were on   complications, difficulties administering medication, side
              treatment at TC Newman Clinic – a semi-urban ART clinic in   effects).
              the Western Cape, South Africa – and their caregivers.  For
              this sub-analysis, we included all children aged 3–14 years
              who were on treatment between September 2012 and      Statistical analyses
              September 2013. The age group was based on national   All analyses were done using IBM SPSS statistics version 25.
              disclosure guidelines.  Children and their caregivers who did
              not meet  these inclusion  criteria  were excluded  from the   To describe the association between possible predictor
              study. For this study, we assessed prevalence of disclosure   variables and disclosure, univariate logistic regression
              and  explored  all  possible  characteristics  associated  with   analyses were conducted presenting odds ratio (OR) and 95%
              disclosure. Structured questionnaires were administered in   confidence interval (CI) unless otherwise specified.
              interviews while patients were waiting to see the doctor and   Multivariate analyses are presented when confounding or
              supplemented with medical record data.                effect modification was identified for child’s age or caregiver
                                                                    education. Fisher’s exact p-value was presented for cell size
              Definition of disclosure                              below 5. Significance was measured at p ≤ 0.05.
              Paediatric disclosure can refer to disclosure of the child’s HIV   To describe the relation between multiple possible predictor
              status to the child, caregivers’ HIV status to children or   variables and disclosure, we present a prediction model
              children’s disclosure of their own HIV status to others. This
              study focused on disclosure of the child’s HIV status to the   which was constructed using the forward selection procedure.
              child. Based on caregiver interview, healthcare provider report   This method considered all predictors of disclosure by
              and medical files, we categorised disclosure status into non-  adding the predictor with the lowest p-value under 0.05 to
              disclosure (the child is unaware of his or her condition and its   the crude model, which was repeated until no additional
              effect on the body), partial disclosure (the child is aware of his   predictor had a p-value < 0.05. The overall percentage correct
              or her condition without naming HIV) and full disclosure (the   classified cases and Hosmer and Lemeshow chi-square test
              child is made aware of his or her condition which is named as   with p-value for goodness of fit are presented for each model
              HIV).  When referred to disclosure, we consider both partial   (good fit is indicated by p-value > 0.05).
              and full disclosure unless otherwise specified.
                                                                    Ethical considerations
              Measurements                                          Stellenbosch University’s human research ethics committee
              To provide a comprehensive analysis of predictor variables   approved this study (N11/11/329). In addition, hospital
              (child, caregiver, clinical and socio-economic characteristics)   management approved the study in accordance with

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