Page 349 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 349

Page 6 of 8  Original Research

              in North-Western Tanzania, 28.3% of the adult HIV-infected   This study also considered challenges caregivers face in
              patients were found to have sub-therapeutic plasma    taking care of HIV-infected orphan children. Forgetfulness
              antiretroviral drug concentrations. Furthermore, they found   was indicated to be a challenge caregivers face in taking
              that the proportion of patients with sub-therapeutic   orphan children to the clinic for drug refill and was also
              antiretroviral plasma concentrations had significantly higher   implicated as a reason for the child missing at least one dose
              viral loads.  Plasma levels have the potential to be highly   (46.7%). Several other studies found similar caregiver-related
              objective adherence measures and provide unequivocal   reasons of forgetfulness as a major challenge together with
              evidence that medication has been taken. Nevertheless, it   other  varied responses  as the main  reasons  for their
              should be noted that plasma drug levels are not predictive of   defaults. 44,45,46  Distance to treatment centres was also of great
              adherence behaviour in all patients’ due to factors unrelated   concern among the caregivers, with 39.4% of them using over
              to adherence such as drug interactions, individual metabolism   1 h of travel time to the treatment centre together with high
              variation and poor quality of the drug. Although NVP has   transportation cost. Studies have shown that patients who
              a  long elimination half-life, the autoinduction of its   travelled more than 1 h to hospitals were more likely to be
              metabolising enzymes make plasma levels unreliable as   non-adherent. 47,48  Participants were found to spend
              a  measure of long-term adherence. 35,36  These factors may   unnecessarily long periods of time from arrival at the clinic to
              affect the plasma concentrations above or below a threshold   getting  cART; 75.5%  of  the  study  population  reported
              considered to represent adherence.                    spending more than 2 h at the clinic on account of lengthy
                                                                    queues at outpatient HIV clinics. Long waiting times have
              Our  study  found  that  orphans  who  had  their  HIV  status   also been reported in other studies, and this may discourage
              disclosed had better adherence compared to those with an   patients from going to clinics and remaining in care. 49,50
              undisclosed status. Similar studies from around the region
              found that children who had their HIV status disclosed were   Appropriate HIV/AIDS knowledge may play an important
              more likely to be adherent to cART. 37,38  It may be that children   role in enhancing cART adherence. The lack of practical
              who knew their status would be more concerned about their   knowledge  on  HIV/AIDS  and cART medications,
              health and therefore understand the rationale behind taking   understanding the benefit of cART for children and poor
              their medications. Our study also found that older children   individual adherence to treatments are among the root causes
              (aged 10–14) were more likely to adhere to cART compared   of ineffective cART service delivery. This study revealed a
              to younger ones (aged 2–9). This finding is in keeping with   varying lack of knowledge among caregivers on how cART
              other studies that showed similar results where older children   contributes to improvement in health and longevity, where
              had better adherence. 38,39  Older children may have a better   44.4% of the respondents indicated cART decreased incidence
              understanding of medications and need for adherence, and   of opportunistic infections. The ramifications of not taking
              they can self-medicate. Also, older children have increased   cART were linked to poor immunologic response, increased
              independence and improved self-care. Double orphans were   risk of mortality and rapid progression into  AIDS. Potent
              also  found  to  have  lower  adherence  compared  to  single   cART has led to a dramatic decrease in HIV-associated
              orphan children in this study. This may be related to the   morbidity and mortality.  The majority of caregivers (91.2%)
              caregivers’ motivation, where a non-parental caregiver of a   were  unaware  of  the  likelihood  of  drug  resistance  from
              double orphan may be less motivated to care for the orphan   inappropriate cART administration. Inappropriate use of
              compared to a parental caregiver. 40                  cART contributes  to the development of HIV drug-
                                                                    resistance. 52
              The cART adherence levels established in this study by 3-day
              caregiver recall exceeded the level of adherence as determined   The variation in adherence by the three different measurement
              by the NVP plasma concentrations. This finding can be in   approaches demonstrates the critical importance in the
              part due to the tendency of patients to provide socially   choice of adherence assessment/measure in research and
              acceptable responses or exaggerated responses to please the   clinical care. The lack of a perfect measure suggests that a
              provider or because of recall bias. 33,41  The average sensitivity   composite of multiple measures has a value. Caregiver self-
              of good adherence based on self-reported adherence, clinic   report and patient clinic attendance have a role in this regard.
              attendance  and  immunological parameters  was relatively   These methods are low-cost, non-invasive and practical and
              high (83.5%); however, these assessments lacked the   have  the potential  to provide clinicians  with  additional
              specificity.  Self-reported  adherence  is  subject  to  bias  with   insights into the adherence lapses of their patients.
              respondents overstating their actual adherence.  Poor clinic
              attendance may also be due to one or two missed       Our study had some limitations. Information collected from
              appointments (but not consecutive), which might not   the participants was based on self-reports and thus some bias
              correlate with pill counts, where patients may have had extra   is likely to have been included. Caregiver reported adherence
              pills to cover the period.  These results reveal that, whereas   was limited to a 3-day recall bias, and NVP plasma levels
              high self-reported adherence to cART and clinic attendance   only identify poor adherence in the short term. Therefore,
              rates correlated well with normal therapeutic plasma drug   this study could not observe change in cART adherence over
              levels among these patients, these tools may still have some   time nor could actual behaviour be observed. Furthermore,
              limitations while identifying non-adherent patients.   the cross-sectional survey design limits the application of

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