Page 346 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 346

Page 3 of 8  Original Research

              with standard deviations (s.d.) or medians with interquartile   TABLE  1:  Sociodemographic  and  clinical  characteristics  of  the  patients  and
                                                                    caregivers in relation to the nevirapine plasma concentrations.
              range (IQR) were analysed using independent t-test and Chi-  Variable        NVP plasma concentrations  p
              square test (χ ). The outcome variable was NVP plasma                      NVP ≥ 3 µg/mL  NVP < 3 µg/mL
              concentration (either below or above 3 µg/mL as a measure                   n    %      n     %
              of adherence). Univariable and multivariable logistic   Orphan sex
              regression and kappa statistic were used to assess agreement   Male         81   75.0   27   25.0  0.362
              between adherence measures (caregiver report, clinic   Female               75   69.4   33   30.6
              attendance, CD4 cell count and NVP plasma concentration).   Orphan age
              The dependent variable was adherence based on NVP plasma   2–4              19   82.6   4    17.4  0.398
              concentration. Variables in univariate analysis were included   5–9         62   73.8   22   26.2
              in multivariate analysis to assure that all pertinent and   10–14           75   68.8   34   31.2
              potentially predictive variables were studied. The association   Orphan status
              between  independent  and dependent  variables  was   Single orphan        121   73.8   43   26.2  0.364
                                                                    Double orphan
              measured using odds ratios (OR) with their corresponding   HIV disclosure
              95% confidence intervals (CI). The significance level for this   Yes        97   69.3   43   30.7  0.191
              study was set at a p-value of < 0.05. Statistical Package for the   No      59   77.6   17   22.4
              Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used for the analysis.  Caregiver sex
                                                                    Male                  33   78.6   9    21.4  0.306
              Ethical consideration                                 Female               123   70.7   51   29.3
                                                                    Caregiver age
              Ethical clearance to conduct the study was obtained from the   15–30        16   80     4     20  0.716
              Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Muhimbili University   31–49        98   71.5   39   28.5
              of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS). Written informed   50>               42   71.2   17   28.8
              consent  was  obtained  from caregivers  of  the  HIV-infected   Caregiver marital status
              orphan children aged < 8 years old, and child assent together   Married/cohabiting  83  74.1  29  25.9  0.508
              with caregiver consent was obtained for children aged 8–14   Single         28   65.1   15   34.9
                                                                    Caregiver education
                                                                    No formal education   9    60     6     40  0.504
              Results                                               Primary education    113   72.4   43   27.6
              Sociodemographic characteristics                      Secondary and post-secondary  34  75.6  11  24.4
                                                                    Caregiver relation to Orphan
              A total of 216 HIV-infected orphans were recruited. They   Parent           60   72.3   23   27.7  0.986
              were aged between 2 and 14 years (mean ± s.d. age of 9.3 ±   Guardian       96   72.2   37   27.8
              3.3 years) with over 50% of the participants being between   Baseline WHO stage
              the ages of 10 and 14 years. All children were on cART for at   Stage I & II  53  70.7  22   29.3  0.710
              least 6 months, with over 94% of the participants being on   Stage III & IV  103  73.0  38   27.0
                                                                    Current Immunological status
              cART for more than a year. A total of 52 children (24.1%) were   > 25% or > 500 cells/µL  119  78.3  33  21.7  0.001
              double orphans having lost both parents, whereas among the   < 25% or < 500 cells/µL  31  54.4  26  45.6
              single orphaned children, 37% (n = 80) were paternal orphans   cART duration
              and 38.9% (n = 84) were maternal orphans. The children were   < 1 year      10   83.3   2    16.7  0.377
              under the care of either a surviving parent (38.4%) or a   > 1 year        146   71.6   58   28.4
              relative  (61.6%)  with  more  female  primary  caregivers  than   Caregiver self-report
              male (80.6% female vs. 19.4% male). Caregivers’ ages ranged   Good         128   74.4   44   25.6  0.154
              between 14 and 70 years (mean age 43.1 [±12.9] years) with a   Poor         28   63.6   16   36.4
              majority being married or cohabiting (51.9%), which reflects   Clinic attendance  135  75.4  44  24.6  0.021
              a relatively stable family environment. There were two (2)   Poor           21   56.8   16   43.2
              caregivers who were below the age of 18, both being siblings   NVP, nevirapine; cART, combination antiretroviral therapy.
              of the orphans. Detailed sociodemographic characteristics
              are presented in Table 1.                             Using NVP plasma concentrations as the more reliable
                                                                    adherence outcome measure compared to the other two
              cART adherence measures                               qualitative measures, it was found that children with a higher

              Good adherence as assessed by caregiver’s self-report based   CD4 cell count (> 500 cells/µL or > 25%) had significantly
              on not missing a single cART dose in the past 3 days was   higher plasma concentrations (median [IQR] 6.3 [3.7–9.7] µg/
              79.6%, whereas adherence based on consistent clinic   mL) compared to those with lower CD4 cell counts; median
              attendance within 3 days of scheduled appointment visit was   (IQR) of 2.8 (0.8 µg/mL – 5.9 µg/mL) ( p ≤ 0.001). Likewise,
              82.9%. The analysis of the plasma NVP concentrations   patients who had good clinic attendance also had significantly
              showed that 72.2% of the children had good adherence based   higher median (IQR) plasma NVP concentrations of 5.9
              on the NVP concentrations ≥ 3 µg/mL.                  (3.0 µg/mL – 9.3 µg/mL) compared to those with poor clinic

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