Page 345 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 345

Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              single  adherence measurement tool that has  the  attributes   characteristics of children and their primary caregivers. The
              of  being simple to use, non-invasive, sufficiently sensitive,   questionnaire also explored challenges faced by caregivers
              specific and predictive of adherence.  Access to viral load   regarding taking care of the orphans that could potentially
              monitoring in much of Africa is limited by its cost and general   lead to poor adherence. A modified indicator-based approach
              unavailability. Therefore, an alternative multi-method tool   (as described in the World Health Organization manual) was
              may be useful in resource-limited countries.  The CD4 cell   used to measure adherence among HIV-infected orphans.
              count has been used as an indirect measure of cART adherence   Using this approach, the two core adherence indicators used
              but on its own is nonspecific and too insensitive to provide   to measure adherence in orphans were caregiver self-report
              accurate adherence information. 12,13  The measurement of   and clinic appointment records. Caregiver self-report
              blood drug levels, that is, pharmacokinetic or therapeutic drug   involved questioning the primary caregiver on the number of
              monitoring, provides a very specific and generally sensitive   doses of antiretroviral therapy that had been omitted in the
              measure of adherence but is limited due to lack of access   past  3 days  in a  non-judgmental  manner. Missing  one or
              in many low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Trough   more doses in 3 days was defined as an equivalent of less
              plasma concentration of nevirapine (NVP)  of > 3.0  mg/L   than 95% adherence. Retrospective record review of patients’
              has been suggested as an indicator of adherence. 14,15  Mghamba   files was performed to retrieve data on the pattern of clinic
              et al. recommended the use of NVP plasma concentration in   attendance of the orphans. Adequate adherence to cART was
              the assessment of adherence in HIV-infected children as the   defined when patients attended the CTC on or before the day
              concentration is a good predictor of adherence. 16    of  their  scheduled  appointment  or  within  3  days  of  their
                                                                    appointment. 26
              Factors such as characteristics of a child, caregiver
              (surviving parent or extended family), cART regimen, social   The ages of orphans were grouped into three (2–4, 5–9 and
              challenges  and disclosure  of  HIV  status  to  the  child  affect   10–14 years) for descriptive purposes and grouped into two
              cART adherence among orphans. 17,18,19,20,21,22,23  Reliable and   (2–9  and  10–14  years)  for  the  analysis  of  association.  The
              consistent ways of measuring adherence to therapy would   pattern of CD4 counts over time was also collected using the
              help early detection of patients with poor adherence and   retrospective record review. Immune status was categorised
              allow for immediate and appropriate interventions. 24,25  as good immune status if the percentage of CD4 > 25% for
                                                                    children below 5 years or CD4 count > 500 for children above
              Study objective                                       5 years.  This pattern of changes in CD4 counts was studied
                                                                    to determine response to cART, as well as using it as a
              This study aims to report the extent of adherence to cART   measure of adherence.
              among HIV-infected orphans by assessing caregivers’ self-
              report, consistency of clinic attendance, CD4 cell counts and   A blood sample of 2 millilitres (2 mL) was collected from each
              NVP plasma levels among HIV-infected orphans and      child in an ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid tube. The blood
              determining  factors  that may hinder  adherence  in  this   samples were centrifuged immediately to obtain plasma, and
              population.                                           these samples were later stored at −80 °C until drug assay.
                                                                    Nevirapine plasma concentration was determined by high-
              Methods                                               performance  liquid chromatography  (HPLC) based on the
              Study design, setting and participants                method described by Kappelhoff et al.  This was carried out
                                                                    in the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
              This is a cross-sectional study conducted between June and   (MUHAS) – Swedish International Development Cooperation
              September 2015 at three urban district specialised paediatric   Agency (Sida) Bioanalytical Laboratory, Unit of Pharmacology
              HIV care and treatment centres (CTCs) within the city of Dar   and  Therapeutics,  School  of  Pharmacy,  MUHAS  in  Dar  es
              es Salaam, Tanzania. These sites had a high paediatric patient   Salaam, Tanzania. Nevirapine concentrations in patient test
              enrolment with similar patient population demographics.   samples were calculated by a linear regression equation
              The study participants were enrolled consecutively as long as   (model) from calibration curve. Nevirapine plasma
              they met the inclusion criteria until the required sample was   concentration ≥ 3 µg/mL was categorised as good adherence.
              achieved. A study sample of 216 participants was required   This cut-off point was based on the steady-state trough
              based on the estimated paediatric cART adherence in   concentration reached in the pharmacokinetic curve for NVP
              Tanzania by Mghamba et al.  The study included HIV-   at a dose of 200 mg twice daily. 29
              infected orphans (single or double orphaned) aged 2–14
              years receiving NVP-based cART for at least 6 months,   Statistical data analysis
              accompanied by a parent or guardian who gave written
              informed consent.                                     Descriptive  statistics  for categorical  sociodemographic
                                                                    characteristics of participants such as orphan sex, orphan
                                                                    status, HIV disclosure, caregiver age, caregiver marital status,
              Data collection and study measurements                caregiver relation to orphan, WHO status, caregiver self-
              Nurse counsellors administered a pretested questionnaire to   report and clinic attendance were described as frequencies
              primary  caregivers  of  the  HIV-infected  orphans  which   and proportions. For quantitative variables such as orphan
              collected information on the sociodemographic and clinical   age, caregiver age and NVP plasma concentrations, means

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