Page 347 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 347

Page 4 of 8  Original Research

              TABLE 2: Univariable and multivariable logistic regressions looking at the association between NVP plasma concentrations and other adherence measures.
              Adherence measure                       Univariable regression                    Multivariable regression
                                        NVP plasma concentration         Crude association       Adjusted association
                                  ≥ 3 µg/mL  %     < 3 µg/mL  %    Odds ratio   95% CI  p    Odds ratio  95% CI  p
                                    n                n
              Self-reported adherence
              Good                 128      74.4     44      25.6    0.60     0.298, 1.2  0.16  0.62   0.30, 1.27  0.19
              Poor                  28      63.6     16      36.4     1         -       -      1          -       -
              Clinic attendance
              Good                 135      75.4     44      24.6    0.43     0.21, 0.89  0.02  0.45   0.21, 0.95  0.04
              Poor                  21      56.8     16      43.2     1         -       -      1          -       -
              NVP, nevirapine; CI, confidence interval.

              attendance (3.6 [1.2 µg/mL – 6.5 µg/mL] p = 0.005). Based on   adherence levels. These methods also proved to have high
              caregivers’ self-report, higher NVP plasma concentrations   positive predictive values of over 74% with the immunological
              were noted among those who reported good adherence    status having a positive predictive value of 80.9% (Table 4).
              compared to those with poor adherence, 5.7 (2.9 µg/mL –
              9.5 µg/mL) and 4.8 (1.6 µg/mL – 6.8 µg/mL) respectively,   Findings related to the challenges on cART in
              although these results were not significant (p = 0.06). Bivariate   orphans
              analysis showed statistically significant correlations between   The analysis of questionnaires involved the assessment of
              NVP plasma levels and clinic attendance (p = 0.02) and NVP   responses from the caregivers on some of the challenges they
              plasma concentrations and immunological status (p = 0.001).
                                                                    face regarding taking care of orphans on cART. Major
                                                                    challenges  identified  by  most  caregivers  were  financial
              The relationship between NVP plasma concentrations  and   constraints, which include transportation cost to the clinic
              caregivers’ and patients’ demographic/clinical characteristics   (87.5% of caregivers incurred transport expenses) and long
              was measured using univariate logistic regression (Table 2).   waiting times at the clinic (75.5% spent more than 2 h at the
              Disclosure status and orphan status presented notable   outpatient  HIV  clinics).  Other  challenges  faced  when
              associations. It was found that patients with disclosed HIV   bringing the orphan to the clinic include being busy at work
              status were less likely to have below the therapeutic plasma   (33.8%) and forgetting the appointment dates for drug refills
              NVP concentrations (< 3 µg/mL), compared to undisclosed   (10.3%). Of those who had missed cART doses, most
              patients (unadjusted odds ratio, UOR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.34 to   caregivers attributed the missed doses to forgetfulness
              1.24). Being a double orphan  was associated  with 1.37   (46.7%), being busy at work (15.6%) or being away from
              increased risk of having sub-therapeutic plasma NVP   home thereby being unable to oversee drug administration
              concentrations, compared to having at least one surviving   (15.6%). Although the knowledge of the caregivers on HIV/
              parent (UOR: 1.37, 95% CI: 0.69 to 2.68). Confounding bias   AIDS was above average in some aspects, there was lack of
              introduced  in  the  crude  association  between  plasma   knowledge on isolated issues. A total of 91.2% of caregivers
              concentrations and caregivers’ and patients’ demographic/  did not know that the emergence of drug resistance might
              clinical characteristics was also assessed using multivariate   result from not taking cART as per instructions. Fewer than
              logistic regression models. Results from the multivariate   half of the respondents could link the contribution of cART to
              models were used to determine  the association between   the decreasing incidence of opportunistic infections (44.4%),
              NVP  plasma concentration,  the caregivers’ and patients’   reduction of viral loads (31%) and the increase in CD4 cell
              demographic/clinical characteristics after adjusting for each   counts (29.2%).
              demographic and clinical characteristic. Adjusted associations
              of disclosure status and NVP concentration was: AOR: 0.64,   Discussion
              95% CI: 0.32 to 1.27 and for orphan status was: AOR: 1.38,
              95% CI: 0.62 to 3.05.  Table 3 details these univariable and   In this study, cART adherence levels were measured using
              multivariable logistic regression analyses.           three different measurement tools: caregivers’ self-report,
                                                                    clinic attendance consistency and NVP plasma levels
              To validate the different adherence assessment methods used   determination. Based on this, adherence to cART was found
              of caregivers’ report, clinic attendance and biological   to be 79.6%, 82.9% and 72.2% by caregivers’ self-report, clinic
              outcomes (Immunological outcome) consistency against the   attendance and NVP  plasma levels, respectively. The
              actual detected plasma NVP drug concentrations, the   assessment of adherence based on orphans’ immunological
              sensitivity, specificity, as well as the negative and positive   status showed a correlation of 78% between CD4 counts above
              predictive values were calculated. It was concluded that all   500 cells/µL among patients with good adherence to cART.
              these methods were highly sensitive (over 80% sensitivity) to   These cART adherence levels among orphans established in
              predicting levels of adherence among the HIV-infected   this study are still relatively low compared to reported
              orphans. Despite the high sensitivity, these methods   adherence levels in non-orphaned children studies. 23,30,31
              lacked  specificity particularly for the caregivers’ report   Mghamba et al. in 2012 used the same CTCs to study cART
              and  clinic  attendance. Notable specificity was found with   adherence levels in non-orphaned children and obtained
              immunological status, which had 50.8% specificity at predicting   higher levels of adherence compared to what was observed in

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