Page 341 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 341

Page 3 of 5  Original Research

              pregnancies (mothers < 18 years old) and 43 (10.1%)   3  (1.9%) tested  positive,  151 (96.2%) tested  negative  and 3
              pregnancies in mothers aged 35 years and older. Nearly   (1.9%) had an insufficient specimen for a result. The median
              half  the mothers had been pregnant at least twice before   number of days for the 10-week PCR testing was 73 days, and
              (parity ≥ 2, 48.5%; gravidity ≥ 3, 45.5%). The ART details were   the mode was 70 days.
              recorded for only 410 of the mothers of which 361 (88.0%)
              mothers were on ART.                                  Of the 375 babies who had a birth PCR, 57.3% (n = 215) had a
                                                                    follow-up test at any date.
              Figure  1 is  a schematic  representation  of the  HIV-exposed
              infants and their PCR testing and outcomes at birth and 10   Twenty mothers or caregivers returned with their infants for
              weeks.                                                follow-up testing before the 10-week time frame (i.e.  ≤ 55
                                                                    days after the birth HIV PCR test). The median number of
              The  majority  of  HIV-exposed  infants  (87.6%) received  an   days was 42 days (range: 7–46 days). Eighteen infants tested
              HIV-1 PCR test at birth, of whom 87.2% tested HIV-negative.   negative, and two infants had an insufficient specimen. Two
              When looking at month-specific percentages, during    infants were tested before 10 weeks and again at 10 weeks.
              November, only 47.9% (23/48) of HIV-exposed infants   One infant tested negative on both occasions. The second
              received  birth  PCR  tests.  Instead,  a  viral  load  test  was   infant had an insufficient specimen before 10 weeks and
              performed on the mother. There was no outcome recorded   tested negative at 10 weeks.
              for 11.7% of all infants tested at birth, because of either
              insufficient specimen or missing results. Of the 22 infants   Fifty infants were tested only after 3 months (i.e. 90 or more
              born in July, 16 (72.7%) had an insufficient specimen. This is   days after the birth HIV PCR test).The median number of days
              48.5% of the total  of 33 insufficient  specimens  at birth.  Of   was 119 days (range: 90–441 days). The PCR outcome for 49 of
              these 33 infants, only a third were retested at 10 weeks.  the infants was negative, and one infant had an insufficient
                                                                    specimen. Four infants were tested before 10 weeks and again
              Of the 34 babies born to teenage mothers, 82.4% had an HIV-1   after 3 months. All four infants tested negative at both dates.
              PCR test at birth. The birth PCR results were conclusive in 24
              babies of whom 2 (7.7%) tested positive. Of the 43 infants born   Nevirapine was given to 427 (99.8%) infants with one file
              to mothers aged 35 and older, 90.7% had an HIV-1 PCR test at   having no record of this.
              birth, but none of these babies had a positive birth PCR test.
              Of the infants who tested HIV-negative at birth, 44.3% had a
              repeat PCR at 10 weeks, of whom 1.4% tested HIV-positive.   A third (33.3%) of the mothers who gave birth at MUCPP
              Irrespective of the HIV PCR test outcome at birth (positive,   CHC  during  2016  were  HIV-positive.  Among  these  HIV-
              negative or insufficient specimen), 43.1% of the infants   positive mothers, there were 7.3% teenage pregnancies and
              (157/364) returned for a 10-week follow-up visit of whom   10.1% pregnancies to women over the age of 35 years, also

                Number of babies                                                     n = 428

                                                                                 Yes       No
                Birth PCR test performed                                        n = 375   n = 53
                                                                                (87.6%)  (12.4%)

                                                     Nega ve                  Posi ve          Insufficient   Missing*
                Birth PCR test outcome                n = 327                  n = 4            specimen   n = 11
                                                      (87.2%)                 (1.1%)           n = 33 (8.8%)  (2.9%)

                                                  Yes       No            Yes       No       Yes      No
                10-week PCR test perfomed        n = 145   n = 182        n = 1    n = 3    n = 11   n = 22
                                                 (44.3%)  (55.7%)        (25.0%)  (75.0%)   (33.3%)  (66.7%)

                                       Posi ve  Nega ve  Insufficient   Posi ve  Nega ve  Posi ve  Nega ve
                10-week PCR test outcome  n = 2   n = 140   specimen  n = 1    n = 0    n = 0    n = 11
                                       (1.4%)   (96.6%)  n = 3 (2.1%)  (100%)  (0%)     (0%)    (100%)

              PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
              FIGURE 1: Birth and 10-week polymerase chain reaction testing of HIV-exposed infants.

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