Page 336 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 336

Page 5 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 4: Infant characteristics.
              Clinical features  All infants  HIV-exposed   HIV-infected
                                 N = 80 (%)  uninfected infants  infants                  79 infants
                                            N = 78 (%)  N = 2 (%)
                                 n    %    n     %    n    %
              Pregnancy          80   -    78    -    2    -         ART exposure  Yes               No    Antenatal
              Singleton          60  75.0  58   74.36  2  100                    n  =  63           n = 16
              Multiple (twin)    20  25.0  20   25.64  -   -
              Gender             80   -    78    -    2    -         prMOM       n  = 63            n  = 16
              Female             46  57.50  45  57.69  1  50.0       plus NVP                              Postnatal
              Male               34  42.50  33  42.31  1  50.0
              Mode of delivery   78   -    77    -    1    -         HIV
              Caesarean section  43  55.13  43  55.84                PCR   Posi ve   Nega ve   Nega ve   Posi ve
                                                                                                n = 14
                                                                                                          n  = 2
                                                                                     n  = 63
                                                                            n = 0
              Vaginal delivery   30  38.46  29  37.66  1  100        result
              BBA                5   6.41  5    6.49   -   -                        prMOM plus NVP for 4–6 weeks  prMOM plus NVP
                                                                                                        (9 days and
              Place of delivery  79   -    78    -    1    -                                             20 days)
              Inborn             69  87.34  68  87.18  1  100
              Outborn (including BBA)  10  12.66  10  12.82  -  -   ART,  antiretroviral  therapy;  NVP,  nevirapine;  PCR,  polymerase  chain  reaction;  prMOM,
                                                                    predominantly raw mother’s own milk; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
              Amniotic membranes  49  -    49    -    0    -        FIGURE 2: The safety of ‘raw’ mother’s own milk in human immunodeficiency
              Intact             29  59.18  29  59.18  -   -        virus-exposed very low birth weight infants.
              Ruptured < 24 h    9   18.37  9   18.37  -   -
              Ruptured ≥ 24 h†   11  22.45  11  22.45  -   -
              Placental histology  16  -   16    -    0    -                  Infants weighing ≤ 1500 g with HIV-PCR results
              Acute chorioamnionitis  9  56.25  9  56.25  -  -                            n = 80
              Tuberculosis exposed  8  -   8     -    0    -
              Received treatment  3  37.50  3   37.50
              ART                                                            Posi ve HIV-PCR           Nega ve HIV-PCR
              Exposure to antenatal ART  80  -  78  -  2   -                    (> 72 h)                by 4–6 weeks
              Yes                63  78.75  63  80.77  -   -                     n = 2                    n = 78
              No                 16  20.0  14   17.95  2  100
              Not documented     1   1.25  1    1.28   -   -         Scenario 1      Scenario 2      Scenario 3
              Exposure to ≥ 4 weeks   49  -  49  -    0    -
              antenatal ART                                                          In utero HIV infec on
              Yes                37  75.51  37  75.51  -   -         In utero HIV infec on  (n = 1) Peripartum  Peripartum HIV
                                                                                                          (n = 2)
                                                                          (n = 2)
              Lifelong cART      27  55.10  27  55.10  -   -                              HIV (n = 1)
              Dual therapy       10  20.41  10  20.41  -   -
              Exposure to postnatal   80  -  78  -    2    -
              maternal cART                                           Peripartum MTCT   Peripartum MTCT  Peripartum MTCT
              Yes                40  50.0  40   51.28  -   -              0%             1.27%            2.5%
              No                 39  48.75  37  47.44  2  100           (95% CI: 0)     (95% CI: 0.2–8.9)   (95% CI: 0.6–9.9)
              Not documented     1   1.25  1    1.28   -   -
              Infant prophylaxis  80  -    78    -    2    -        HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; MTCT, mother-to-child
              Yes                80  100   78    100  2   100       HIV-transmission.
                                                                    FIGURE  3:  Three  scenarios  related  to  cumulative  incidence  of  peripartum
              Feeding            80   -    78    -    2    -        human immunodeficiency virus transmission by 4–6 weeks.
              prMOM              80  100   78    100  2   100
              Supplemental DBM‡  21  26.25  21  26.92  -   -        determined  with  certainty.  Therefore,  the  cumulative
              HIV-PCR            80   -    78    -    2    -        incidence of peripartum HIV transmission by 4–6 weeks of
              Negative           78  97.50  78   100   -   -
              Positive           2   2.50  -     -    2   100       age in the study population is expressed as ranging
              BBA, born before arrival; cART, combination antiretroviral therapy; DBM, donor breast milk;   between 0% and 2.5%. It would be 0% had both these
              NVP, nevirapine; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; prMOM, predominantly raw mother’s own   infants acquired HIV in utero, 1.27% (95% CI: 0.2–8.9) had
              †, Prolonged ROM is defined as ROM ≥ 24 h.            one infant acquired HIV during the peripartum period,
              ‡, Less than one-third of the total enteral intake.   and 2.5% (95% CI: 0.6–9.9) had both acquired HIV during
                                                                    the peripartum period (Figure 3).
              within 72 h of birth, so  in utero HIV infection cannot be
              excluded. Their birth weights were 1120 g and 1400 g,   Discussion
              respectively.  Both  were  on  NVP  prophylaxis  and  prMOM
              from birth. Neither had been exposed to maternal ART before   The cumulative incidence of peripartum HIV infection in
              birth. Fourteen (14/78) other HIV-exposed but uninfected   VLBW infants by 4–6 weeks receiving the National PMTCT
              (HEU) infants remained uninfected despite the absence of   programme of 2010  19,22  in addition to prMOM is 2.5%. This is
              exposure to maternal ART prior to birth (Table 4).    comparable to the MTCT of 2.7% in a more vulnerable cohort
                                                                    of extremely low birth  weight South  African infants at 6
              The time of HIV acquisition in the two infected infants   weeks.  This cohort, studied when the National PMTCT
              (namely in utero as opposed to peripartum) could not be   programme of 2010 19,22  was operational, did not receive

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