Page 333 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 333

Page 2 of 7  Original Research

              Annual studies reporting on MTCT in infants ≤ 1500 g from   Study population
              2005 to 2007 noted HIV transmission rates of 14.9%,  19.0%    The  study  population  was  identified  from  ward  registers.
              and 10.0%,  respectively. At this time, the implementation of   The start of this study, 01 March 2010, coincided with the
              ART for PMTCT in South Africa was inconsistently applied   implementation of the National 2010 PMTCT guideline.
              (Table 1). Subsequently (2008–2015), MTCT declined from   Records of patients admitted to the unit in the subsequent 36
              7.6% to 0.0% 15,16,17  when PMTCT became the standard of care   consecutive months were audited. Breast milk was prescribed
              (Table 1). This included improved infant regimens at and   to all infants admitted to the neonatal unit and supplemented
              post-delivery 18,19,22,23,24  and the provision of maternal   by DBM if MOM was insufficient.
              combination  ART (cART) to pregnant and breastfeeding
              women.  No infants included in these studies (n = 289)   Infants were included if they were HIV-exposed, that is, born
              received rMOM from birth. 15,16,17                    to an HIV-positive mother and received prMOM, that is, at
                                                                    least two-thirds of the total enteral volume, over the study
              Most HIV-exposed preterm infants prior to initiation of   period. The remaining one-third enteral fluid volume was
              modern PMTCT programmes received EFF, as did their    DBM  and  was  given  with  infant  antiretroviral  prophylaxis.
              term counterparts. 18,19  Subsequently, the safety of heat-  The latter was daily nevirapine from birth until at least 6 weeks
              treated expressed MOM was confirmed, 20,21  and this became   of age. A surveillance HIV-PCR was checked at 6 weeks as per
              the feeding choice for hospitalised preterm infants in many   the 2010 National PMTCT programme. 19,22  (Table 2).
              facilities. Although  affordable, 20,21   heat-treated  MOM is
              labour-intensive in a hospital setting and for mothers   Deviations from the surveillance regimen 19,22  were indicated
              after  discharge.  Also, it remained unclear whether   in some infants. These included HIV-PCR testing at ‘non-
              non-HIV-related benefits of MOM were lost through the   routine’ times, for example, within 72 h after birth to diagnose
              heat treatment.                                       congenital infection; before 6 weeks of age in the event of
                                                                    clinical signs suggestive of HIV infection; and should
              Study objective                                       discharge occur before 4 weeks of age to minimise the
                                                                    number who might not return and so be lost to follow-up. All
              A retrospective, observational audit was undertaken to   HIV-PCR test results were accessed from patient files and the
              determine the cumulative incidence of peripartum HIV   National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) database.
              transmission at 4–6 weeks of age in HIV-exposed VLBW
              infants, who received infant prophylaxis according to the   Definitions
              National PMTCT programme of 2010 19,22  and ‘predominantly’
              raw MOM (prMOM) (see Study Population section for the   Congenital infection
              definition of prMOM).                                 In utero acquisition of HIV (congenital infection) was diagnosed
                                                                    when an HIV-PCR was positive within 72 h of birth.
              Material and methods
              Setting                                               Peripartum infection
                                                                    The MTCT of HIV during the peripartum period was defined
              This study was performed in the Neonatal Unit of Kalafong   as HIV acquisition during labour, delivery or while receiving
              Provincial Tertiary Hospital, South Africa. The neonatal unit   prMOM and nevirapine (NVP) prophylaxis. It was diagnosed
              comprises 30 beds, which include 6 neonatal intensive care   when an HIV-PCR test was negative within 72 h after birth
              beds. There are approximately 5900 deliveries per year at   yet positive at 4–6 weeks. In the absence of an early HIV-PCR,
              Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, with a maternal HIV   peripartum infection was excluded if the HIV-PCR was
              prevalence of approximately 18%.                      negative at 4–6 weeks.

              TABLE 1: South African studies reporting on human immunodeficiency virus transmission by postnatal age in infants ≤ 1500 g birth weight.
              Year Hospital   Birth weight (n) Maternal ART       Infant regimen   Infant feeding    MTCT of HIV
              2003–2005         < 1500 g  sdNVP during labour or AZT from 34 weeks  sdNVP or sdNVP+AZT: 99%  Heat-treated EBM/DBM/EFF  14.9% by 14 weeks
              Tygerberg 12       (141)  gestation with sdNVP during labour: 72%
              2006–2007         < 1500 g  cART: 1%                sdNVP: 73%       Not documented    19% by 6 weeks
              Chris Hani Baragwanath 13  (26)  NVP before delivery: 36%                              (95% CI: 7% – 40%)
              2006–2007         ≤ 1500 g  sdNVP: 37%              sdNVP: 100%      Heat-treated EBM/EFF  10% by 6 weeks
              Kalafong 14        (83)   cART: 13%
                                        No ART: 50%
              2007–2008         ≤ 1500 g  cART: 17%               AZT: 100%        Heat-treated EBM/DBM/EFF   7.6% by ≥ 2 weeks
              Tygerberg 15       (185)  AZT/NVP before delivery: 28%
                                        AZT/NVP during labour: 43%
                                        No ART: 15%
              2010–2011         ≤ 1000 g  Some ART: 72%           NVP or sdNVP+AZT: 100%   Heat-treated EBM/DBM/EFF  2.7% by 6 weeks
              Groote Schuur 16   (37)   (ART >1 month before delivery: 44%)                          (95% CI: 0.7% –14.1%)
              2014–2015         < 1500 g  ART >1 month before delivery: 72%  NVP+AZT: 100%  Heat-treated EBM until infant   0% by 6 weeks
              Groote Schuur and New   (67)†  ART <1 month before delivery: 9%      can breastfeed/DBM/
              Somerset 17               No ART: 13%                                EFF
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; AZT, azidothymidine; DBM, donor breast milk; EFF, exclusive formula feeding; cART, combination antiretroviral therapy; NVP, nevirapine; sdNVP, single dose nevirapine;
              PCR, polymerase chain reaction; EBM, expressed breast milk.
              †, Number of infants calculated from the statement by the authors that 87% of the cohort that was negative at birth (n = 77) was tested at 6 weeks of age.

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