Page 328 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 328

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

                   30                                                                 BMI   Thinness (<-2SD)  Overweight (>+1SD)
                                        Male                                           Female

                 BMI (kg/m 2 )  22




                       8     10      12     14     16     18     20   8      10     12     14      16     18     20
                                                             Age (years)
              Source: Data for Figure 1 were sourced from the World Health Organization growth charts and BMI (kg/m ) was plotted according to standard deviation per age (years) 12
              BMI, Body mass index.
              FIGURE 1: Age-related body mass index (kg/m ) scatter plot for breast events reported in male and female adolescents on antiretroviral therapy (male: n = 27; female: n = 14).
              TABLE 3: Association of breast abnormalities to patient characteristics and prescribed antiretroviral therapy (n = 631).
              Characteristics  Categories              Patients with abnormal breast (n = 37)  Patients with normal breast (n = 594)  p
                                                            n          %             n           %
              Age (years)†     During follow-up            15.5        2.0          14.0         2.6       < 0.0005*
                               At ART initiation           8.3         4.2           8.5         4.3        0.771
              Clinic           Clinic A                    19          51.4         321         54.1        0.622
                               Clinic B                     8          21.6          94         15.8         -
                               Clinic C                    10          27.0         179         30.1         -
              Sex              Female                      13          35.1         309         52.0        0.043*
                               Male                        24          64.9         280         47.1         -
              ART‡,§, NRTI¶    Abacavir                    28          75.7         347         67.1        0.363
                               Zidovudine                   1          2.7           20          3.9        0.998
                               Stavudine                    2          5.4           8           1.2        0.139
                               TDF††                        2          5.4           49          9.5        0.563
                               Abacavir and zidovudine      0          0.0           19          3.7        0.630
                               Other NRTI combinations‡‡    2          5.4           8           1.5        0.139
                               Incomplete§                  2          5.4           66         12.8        0.296
              ART‡: Non-NRTI and/or PI  Efavirenz          34          91.9         384         74.3        0.016*
                               Other NNRTI§§                0          0.0           3           0.1        0.998
                               Lopinavir or ritonavir       0          0.0           50          9.7        0.039*
                               Atazanavir or ritonavir      0          0.0           9           1.7        0.998
                               Darunavir or ritonavir       0          0.0           1           0.2        0.998
                               Non-NRTI + PI                0          0.0           4           0.8        0.998
                               Neither: Lamivudine monotherapy  3      8.1           66         12.8        0.606
              ART, Antiretroviral therapy; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.
              *, indicates that p is significant.
              †, Mean (standard deviation [s.d.]).
              ‡, Excluded those records for which regimen was not available (n = 77).
              §, Lamivudine (3TC) not included in analysis when it is a part of combination ART regimen.
              ¶, Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).
              ††, Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate.
              ‡‡, Other NRTI combinations include abacavir and stavudine, abacavir and TDF, abacavir and didanosine, stavudine and didanosine, TDF and zidovudine, abacavir and TDF and zidovudine.
              §§, Other NNRTI includes nevirapine and rilpivirine.
              ¶¶, Protease inhibitor (PI).

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