Page 326 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 326

Page 2 of 7  Original Research

              or EFV. Six patients switched ART regimens and all resolved   to common statistical packages and (4) procedures for
              within 2 years.  In South  Africa, a case study described a   importing data from external sources. 9
              prepubertal girl who developed pseudogynaecomastia 4
              months after initiation onto EFV-based ART, with full resolution   Data analysis
              6 weeks following cessation of EFV.  In another case, a 15-year-
              old HIV-infected boy developed severe, bilateral breasts 2   All statistical analysis was performed by using STATA
              years after changing to an EFV-containing regimen. 8  version 14 (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, USA).
                                                                    The prevalence of breast abnormality in this population of
                                                                    HIV-infected adolescents on ART was determined.
              The relationship between puberty and ART appears to affect
              the characteristics of abnormal breast development and has   Statistically significant associations between the extracted
              implications on the short-term management of the breast   patient characteristics and abnormal breast conditions were
              abnormality and future long-term holistic management of   tested using Fisher’s exact test for difference in proportions
              the patient’s HIV care. Therefore, the aim of this study was to   and the Student’s t-test for difference of means. A probability
              establish the frequency and extent of breast abnormalities in   value of p < 0.05 was designated for statistical significance.
              adolescents receiving ART in South Africa and to determine   Fisher’s exact test was chosen as the appropriate significance
              whether there were associated ART drugs and comorbidities   test as we expected values less than 9, making a Pearson’s
              as well as the investigations and prescribed interventions   chi-quared test not optimal.
              used in this setting.

              Methods                                               Ethical consideration
              Record review and data extraction                     Ethical clearance to conduct the study was obtained from the
                                                                    Human Research Ethics Committee (Medical) University of
              A retrospective review of routinely collected medical records   the Witwatersrand (Ethical Clearance Number: M141134).
              was performed  at three public health  facilities  managing
              adolescent HIV patients in Johannesburg, South Africa. In   Results
              order for patients’ records to be eligible for review, they had   Patient characteristics
              to be aged 10–19 years on ART and had to have presented to
              their  health  facility  during  the study  period,  that is,  01   Over the three study sites, 45.9% (631/1376) of files of
              January to 31 December 2014. The outcome of interest was   adolescent patients were eligible for inclusion in the study.
              whether an adolescent patient on  ART had an abnormal   The ART clinic characteristics of included records are shown
              breast event. An abnormal event was defined in men as any   in Table 1.
              recorded breast development and in women as breast
              development that was considered by the clinician, patient or   Prevalence of breast abnormalities
              caregiver to be abnormal.                             The number of files that reported breast abnormalities was
                                                                    5.9% (37/631). Some patients had breast mentioned multiple
              For eligible files, patient demographic profiles and current   times in the file with 41 different abnormal breast events
              ART regimen during the study period were recorded, if this   being recorded for 37 patients.
              information was present in the file. Patient records were
              screened for breast-related events and for those identified, a   Demographic characteristics for abnormal
              comprehensive history of clinical follow-up and  ART   breast events
              regimens at the time of the event, as well as details of the
              actual breast condition were recorded. The description   Table 2 shows the patient and breast characteristics for those
                                                                    files  in  which  abnormal  breast  events  were  recorded.
              provided by the clinician was captured and used to classify   Abnormal breast conditions were reported at a median of
              the breast condition. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated   13.5 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 12.1–15.6 years).  All
              using weight  (in kilograms) divided  by height  (in metres   patients with recorded abnormal breast conditions were on
              squared) . The result was plotted against data sourced from   ART at the time of the reported event, for a median duration
              World Health Organization growth charts. Body mass index   of 4.9 years (IQR: 1.8–6.6) since initiation of ART and 2.0 years
              (kg/m ) was plotted according to standard deviation per age   since starting their current ART regimen (IQR: 1.2–4.6 years).
              (years) for male and female adolescents separately.
                                                                    TABLE 1: Antiretroviral therapy clinic characteristics (n = 631).
              Data were collected and managed using the Research    Characteristic          Abnormal breast  Normal or no breast
              Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool hosted by the                            development  development
                                                                                                           N = 594
                                                                                               N = 37
              University of the Witwatersrand.  Research Electronic Data   Age at most recent visit (years)†  15.7 (14.3, 16.9)  13.8 (11.8, 16.0)
              Capture is a secure, web-based application designed to   Age at ART initiation (years)†,‡  8.3 (5.3, 11.0)  8.5 (5.3, 11.5)
              support data capture for research studies, providing (1) an   Duration of ART (years) †,§  7.5 (4.4, 10.3)  5.6 (2.7, 8.3)
              intuitive interface for validated data entry, (2) audit trails for   ART, Antiretroviral therapy.
              tracking  data manipulation and export procedures, (3)   †, Median (IQR).
                                                                    ‡, 616/631 (97.6%) with recorded age at ART initiation.
              automated export procedures for seamless data downloads   §, 625/631 (99.2%) with recorded ART initiation dates.
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