Page 322 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 322

Page 4 of 6  Original Research

              TABLE 4: Normal values for Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital Electrophysiology Laboratory.
              Nerve                           Distal motor latency (ms)  Amplitude     NCV (m/s)       F latency (ms)
              Peroneal nerve (EDB)                  < 6.5             > 4mV             > 41              < 57
              Tibial nerve ( AHB)                   < 5.9             > 4mV             > 40              < 57
              Ulnar nerve (ADM)                     < 3.6             > 6mV             > 51              < 32
              Median nerve (APB)                    < 4.5             > 4mV             > 48              < 33
              Sural (Stimulation site = 14cm)       < 4.5              > 7uV             -                 -
              Superficial peroneal (Stimulation site = 14cm)  < 3.8    > 7uV             -                 -
              Ulnar SNAP                            < 2.1             > 10uV             -                 -
              Median SNAP                           < 2.3             > 15uV             -                 -
              Source: In-house collaboration among neurophysiologists from Pretoria Academic and Groote Schuur Hospital, SA Neurology Association Meeting, Rustenburg, 1998
              EBD, Extensor Digitorium Brevis; AHB, Abductor Hullucis Brevis; ADM, Adductor Digiti Minimi; APB, Abductor Pollicis Brevis; SNAP, Sensory Nerve Action Potential; ms, millisecond; NCV, nerve
              conduction velocity; m/s, metre per second.

              TABLE 5: Needle Examination.
              Muscle                 Spontaneous activity           Motor unit potential  Recruitment pattern
                              Insertional activity  Fib  PSW  Fasic   Amplitude  Duration  Polyphasia
              Lumbar paraspinals   2+ (3+ in patient 11, 7)  3+  2+  0  normal  normal  3+  Reduced (Single unit recruitment in patient 11)
              Gluteus medius      1+        2+    1+    0      normal   normal    2+     Reduced (Single unit in patient 1,9,11)
              Quadriceps          1+        1+    1+    0      normal   normal    2+     Reduced (Single unit recruitment in patient 11)
              Tibialis anterior   1+        1+    1+    0      normal   normal    1+     Reduced
              Gastrocnemius       1+        1+    1+    0      normal   normal    1+     Reduced
              Fib, Fibrillation potentials; PSW, Positive sharp waves; Fasic, Fasiculations.
                                                                    therapy by 4 months had minimal residual deficit at
                                 a                         b        18 months follow-up with a mRS of 1. The median time for
                                                                    recovery in all categories was 3.4 months (IQR 1.8–5.6).

                                                                    There were no relapses during the 18-month follow-up.
                                                                    Within the period of corticosteroid therapy, there were
                                                                    no  documented  side  effects  and no  patients  required
                                                                    corticosteroid sparing immunosuppressive agents or long-
                                                                    term corticosteroids therapy. Six patients had CD4 counts
                                                                    <  350 cells/µL and qualified for  ART according to  ART
                                                                    guidelines at that time. HIV titres were not documented.
                                                                    Three patients were commenced on ART at 4 months after
                                                                    the diagnosis. These three patients had recovered prior
              FIGURE 1: (a) Post-gadolinium sagittal and (b) axial lumbosacral spine images
              showing ventral root enhancement (arrows).            to  ART commencement. The other three patients were
                                                                    commenced on  ART 6 months after presentation.  At 18
              There were no identifiable structural abnormalities and no   months follow-up, seven patients were on ART.
              thoracic root enhancement.
              All patients were treated with corticosteroids (prednisone) at
              an initial dose of 1.5 mg/kg/day at diagnosis for 4–6 weeks   The 11 patients presented in this article represent an unusual
              or longer if needed. Thereafter corticosteroid therapy was   cohort of HIV-infected patients with a subacute motor
              tapered and stopped based on side effects or response to   lumbosacral radiculopathy. Sensory, sphincter function and
                                                                    upper limbs were normal in all patients.
              therapy. This was done at the discretion of the attending
              neurologist. Sixty-four per cent (7/11) of patients showed a   The MRI showed gadolinium enhancement confined to the
              clinical response within the first 4 weeks of treatment and   lumbar ventral roots. In other infective or inflammatory
              recovered fully by 3 months. In this category, corticosteroids   aetiologies, such as syphilis, TB, viral infections or lymphoma,
              were given at full dose for 4 weeks, then tapered over the   both dorsal and ventral roots are involved, enhancement
              subsequent 6–8 weeks and stopped by 3 months. Thirty-six   may be nodular  and  patchy with coexistent myelitis,
              per cent (4/11) of patients received initial full-dose   intramedullary granulomas, subdural collections or discitis
              corticosteroids for longer periods of 4–6 weeks as they had   especially in infective aetiologies. 9,10,11
              taken longer to respond, and then corticosteroids were
              tapered over the subsequent 18 weeks. Eighteen per cent   The  clinical  scenario  of symmetrical  ascending  weakness,
              (2/11) of patients recovered fully by 4 months and the   areflexia and high CSF protein is suggestive of GBS. 12,13  More
              other  18% (2/11) by 5 months. In this category of ‘slower   recently, the boundaries of GBS have expanded and variations
              responders’, corticosteroid therapy was stopped by 6 months.   include a paraparetic GBS where the upper limbs and cranial
              All patients had no residual clinical deficit except patient 11,   nerves are spared.   A further variant is associated with
              who despite demonstrating a good response to corticosteroid   HIV seroconversion. 15,16  These patients typically have a CSF

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