Page 317 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 317

Page 6 of 7  Original Research

              granuloma is associated with underlying mycobacterial   and individual bone marrow aspirate and trephine specimens
              infection rather than another cause.                  were not reanalysed; we were, therefore, unable to control
                                                                    for  any unidentified  variables  that may have  influenced
              Ziehl–Neelsen stain on bone marrow examination        patient presentation. The subjectivity associated with the
              Ziehl–Neelsen testing yielded positive results in 28% of cases.   interpretation of the BMEs by the different assessors has to be
              Van Schalkwyk et al.  and Chosamata et al.  found that 44%   noted. In addition, the fact that the study cohort was obtained
              and 65%, respectively, of patients with microbiological proven   specifically from an ID ward in which the yield of tuberculosis
              diagnosis of MTB on BME had concurrent positive ZN stains.   and the HIV sero-prevalence is anticipated to be higher
              This finding is far more than the 29% (16 of 55 cases) found in   than  that of a general medical ward having patients with
              the current study. This may be accounted for by the greater   both communicable and non-communicable diseases may
              percentage of patients already on empiric tuberculosis   influence how the study findings may be applied to primary
              treatment in the current study, with 43.6% (17 of 39 cases) of   or district hospital settings in SA.
              those with positive MTB cultures and negative ZN stains
              being on empiric treatment at the time of the study.   Conclusion

              Predictors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on bone      The findings in this study conclude that bone marrow aspirate
              marrow examination                                    and trephine examinations still provide utility as a diagnostic
                                                                    tool even in the current South  African setting of more
              This study found a WCC ≤ 4 × 10 /L and CD4 cell count ≤ 50
              cells/mm  were predictors of a confirmed diagnosis of   comprehensive rollout of ART as well as increased availability
              mycobacterial infection on BME. A similar finding of a lower   of novel diagnostic tests for MTB. This finding applies
              CD4 count in those with positive mycobacterial findings on   particularly to patients in an ID ward in whom non-invasive
              BME was found in the 2015 study by Sedick et al.,  in which   standard investigations for the presence of cytopenias on
              the median  CD4 cell  count range  amongst the different   peripheral  blood  have  been  negative  and  the  concern
              methods of diagnosing mycobacterial infection on BME was   of  disseminated mycobacterial infection remains high.
              between 7 cells/mm and 33 cells/mm . The statistical   Performance of a bone marrow aspirate and trephine in these
              significance of this finding was, however, not evaluated.  circumstances, through aiding with diagnosis, allows initiation
                                                                    and/or changes in patient treatment plans and by inference
              Mycobacterium avium complex on bone marrow            would  most  likely improve patient  outcomes. The ongoing
              examination                                           advancements occurring in the field of molecular diagnostics
              Four individuals in this study had MAC cultured on BME, as   may in the future further revolutionise the efficacy and means
              compared to 49 who had MTB cultured. This finding is in   of  diagnostic  tests  utilised  in  such  patients.  Although  the
              contrast to studies conducted in the developed world, which   current study shows persistent diagnostic utility of BMEs, these
              reflect a higher prevalence of MAC infection as compared to   ongoing advancements such as introduction of geneXpert Ultra
              MTB. 5,6,9,10,11,12,13  In the London study by Riley et al.,  MAC   testing may reduce the need for BME in the future. Furthermore,
              was the organism most commonly found on bone marrow   similar studies should be carried out and the current study
              culture (42 of 51 cases). The investigators also found that of   would be a good marker to compare future studies against.
              the patients in their study diagnosed with MAC, this was a
              unique diagnosis in one third of the cases, which for them   Our final recommendation would be to conduct the least
              highlighted the usefulness of BME in aiding with MAC   invasive investigations first. If no success is obtained in
              diagnosis.  The  utility  of  BME  in  diagnosing  MAC  in  the   making a diagnosis, a BME is then recommended.
              current study was difficult to comment on given the small   Mycobacterial cultures on blood and bone marrow specimens
              sample of patients who cultured MAC, namely 4 out of 55   should  be  performed  together  to  allow  for  optimal  yield.
              positive bone marrow culture results. This finding may also   Bone marrow trephine results should ideally be made
              reflect a sampling bias as MAC is difficult to diagnose and is   available to the clinician within 2 weeks of the performance
              often only looked for on BME if the clinical suspicion exists.   of the test. Unfortunately, this is often difficult in the resource-
              Given the available literature, however, BME appears to be a   limited public sector in SA. It is imperative in those patients
              useful means to diagnose MAC in areas with higher disease   who have been started on empiric TB therapy to follow up
              prevalence.                                           the results of these invasive investigations in order to confirm
                                                                    the diagnosis and to exclude other unexpected diagnoses.
              Potential limitations of the study                    Acknowledgements
              There were a few potential limitations of this study. This was
              a single centre study undertaken in a single unit and so the   Competing interests
              results  may not  be generalisable  to  other units  or to other   The authors have no conflict of interests.
              hospitals in SA. Study patients were already in an ID ward
              with clinically advanced HIV at the time of the study, this at   Authors’ contributions
              the outset would favour the presence of opportunistic
              infections, particularly MTB. Bone marrow findings were   N.B. assisted in conceptualising the study and writing the
              obtained from the retrospective review of published reports   protocol, performed the data collection and data analysis and

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