Page 316 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 316

Page 5 of 7  Original Research

              Unique diagnosis on bone marrow examination           predictor of a unique diagnosis. More advanced HIV disease,
                                                                    with a lower CD4 cell count, was found to be an additional
              Positive results on BME were found in 48.3% of cases, which   predictor of a positive BME in some international studies. 3,13
              highlights the important persistent utility of BME in the   Keiser et al.  and Luther et al.  both found that a haematocrit
              investigation of patients with advanced immunosuppression   < 25% and 30%, respectively, predicted positive results. This
              and unexplained cytopenias, fever or the suspicion of   variable; however, was not measured in the current study.
              disseminated mycobacterial infection. The finding of positive
              results in 48.3% of cases was marginally higher than previous   Mycobacterial infection on bone marrow
              studies in which diagnoses made on BME accounted for   examination
              25% – 47% of cases. 3,4,5,8,9,10,12,13,14,21  In the current study, 23.6%
              of diagnoses made were unique to the BME. This finding was   Just over one-fifth of the unique diagnosis observed on BME
              similar  to  the  24.9% unique  diagnoses on  BME  found  by   resulted from confirmed MTB infection (22.1%). This finding
              Karstaedt et al. ; furthermore, this is also higher than   highlights the persistent utility of the BMEs in diagnosing
              international studies in which the prevalence of unique   MTB despite the introduction of the Xpert MTB/RIF testing
              diagnoses has ranged between 8% and 10%. 3,13  Van Schalkyk   in early 2011.  GeneXpert MTB/RIF testing of sputum has a
              et  al.,   however, had  an  even  higher  yield  of  33%  unique   reported sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 99%.
              diagnoses in their cohort of 147 patients. The higher yield of   Between 2012 and 2014, 690 435 Xpert MTB/RIF tests had
              unique diagnoses across South African studies may reflect   been performed in Gauteng with the diagnosis of MTB
              the fact that in the developing  world because of resource   made in 12% of cases.  Despite access to this useful
              constraints this investigative modality is not widely available   investigative modality being available at the CMJAH during
              and, therefore, more consideration  is given prior to   the study period, we demonstrate that the BME still had
              performing a BME, thus those investigations that are   utility  to  not  only  aid  with  diagnosis  of  MTB  but  also
              performed are more likely to yield a positive result. Despite   provide additional diagnoses that may not have been
              this, the study’s findings may be important to those   clinically suspected such as malignancies.  An additional
              practitioners in resource-constrained areas of SA as a guide   consideration is that many ill patients are unable to provide
              as  to  which  patients  are  likely  to  benefit  from  BME to  aid   good quality sputum samples.  Although induction of
              with diagnosis.                                       sputum may be attempted if this is unsuccessful, the
                                                                    availability of alternative diagnostic means such as BME is
              The  predominant  unique  diagnosis  made  on  BME  in  the   necessary.  In recent years, the urine lipoarabinomanin
              current study was that of MTB, which encompassed 22.1%   (urine LAM) test has become available as another modality
              (17/77) of BMEs with a unique diagnosis. This finding is in   to aid diagnosis of disseminated MTB infection; however,
              agreement with the findings by both Van Schalkwyk et al.    this testing modality was not available at our centre at the
              and Karstaedt  et al.,  which  also revealed MTB  as the   time of the study and its influence on the future necessity of
              predominant unique diagnosis on BME. Brooke et al.  in   BME is still to be determined.
              1997 reviewed 215 bone marrow samples over a 9-year period
              in London and similarly found MTB as the predominant   Granulomata on bone marrow examination
              diagnosis (20% of all cases).                         In 57 cases granulomata were the only positive finding on the
                                                                    BME.  Although there are potentially multiple causes of
              Other unique diagnoses found in the current study, which   granuloma on BME, in the setting of advanced HIV and with
              were similarly found in other studies, were disseminated   a clinical suspicion of MTB in 32% of cases, the presence of
              MAC, haematological malignancies and disseminated     granuloma in the clinical setting would add value in assisting
              cryptococcosis. 11,14,21  Most international studies, however,   with the decision to possibly initiate a patient on empiric
              found the prevalence of MAC to be higher than that of MTB,   MTB treatment. Lin et al.,  in their study based in Taiwan,
              reflecting differing disease profiles of mycobacterial infection   found that patients with MTB infection were more likely to
              in developing countries like SA in which MTB is predominant   have granulomata on BME than those with non-tuberculosis
              versus the developed countries in which MAC appears to be   mycobacterial infections (82% compared to 30% of their 24
              a more common diagnosis on BME. 22                    patients;  p =  0.03).  This finding together  with the  high
                                                                    prevalence of HIV positive patients with lower CD4 cell
              Predictors of a positive bone marrow                  counts possibly accounts for the higher prevalence of
              examination result                                    granulomata observed on BME in South  African studies.

              This study found that a WCC  ≤ 4 × 10 /L was a positive   Riley et al.  found that there were no positive MTB stains on
              predictor  of a unique  diagnosis  on BME  (p =  0.002).  A   BME in the absence of granulomata leading to their
              neutrophil count of  ≤ 0.5 × 10 /L, although  found more   suggestion that the ZN stain is of no use in the absence of
              commonly in those with a unique diagnosis, was not found   granulomata. A similar finding was observed in our study
              to be significant. Karstaedt et al.,  similar to our study, found   with 48 patients having both a positive ZN stain and
              that a WCC < 4 × 10 /L predicted a unique diagnosis. Van   granulomata observed on BME as compared to three patients
              Schalkwyk et al.  found that a neutrophil count < 0.5 × 10 /L   with a positive ZN stain and no granulomata observed on
              predicted a unique BME result; however, that study    BME. Despite this difference, the presence of a concurrent
              additionally found that a Hb < 6 g/dL was also a significant   positive ZN stain increases the index of suspicion that the
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