Page 314 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 314

Page 3 of 7  Original Research

              The major indication for performing a BME was for the   the unique diagnosis obtained in 17 of the 77 cases (22.1%)
              investigation of a peripheral blood cytopenia (54% of cases).   with unique diagnoses and confirmed MAC comprising
              Thirty-two per cent of BMEs were performed due to a clinical   three of the unique diagnoses obtained (2.6%). In two of these
              suspicion of MTB and 9% were performed owing to a     cases, MAC was diagnosed considerably faster on BME than
              suspicion of a malignant lesion with bone marrow      peripheral blood culture (4 vs. 38 days and 8 vs. 26 days,
              involvement. Other indications, accounting for 5% of BMEs   respectively). Five patients had the diagnosis of a pure red
              performed, were for the investigation of a thrombocytosis,   cell  aplasia  made  on  BME.  Four  cases  of  haematological
              leucocytosis or suspected disseminated cryptococcal infection.   malignancies were identified. These comprised two cases of
                                                                    non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), one case of Hodgkin’s
              Unique diagnoses made on bone                         lymphoma and one case of peripheral T cell lymphoma.
              marrow examination                                    Aplastic anaemia and disseminated cryptococcal  disease

              Of  the  327  BMEs  performed,  158  (48.3%)  yielded  positive   were two additional unique diagnoses made on BME.
              results (Table 1). Three of these cases yielded two diagnoses
              each. The  most common  findings  were  the presence  of   Three patients had two unique diagnoses obtained on bone
              granulomata on trephine examination (57 cases, 17.4%) and a   marrow investigation. The patient with Hodgkin’s
              positive bone marrow culture for MTB (50 cases, 15.3%). The   lymphoma also had the finding of granulomata on BME
              presence of granulomata together with a positive ZN stain on   and was  on  empiric TB treatment.  One  patient  with a
              BME was found in 32 cases (9.8%).                     positive Parvovirus B19 PCR slide also had a positive TB
                                                                    bone marrow culture. This patient was also on empiric TB
              In 77 cases (23.5% of the study population), the diagnoses   treatment at the time of the BME. The third patient, who
              made were unique to the BME (Table 2). Confirmed MTB was   was not on TB treatment at the time of the BME, had both
                                                                    the diagnosis of NHL as well as a positive ZN stain together
              TABLE 1: All diagnoses on bone marrow examination.    with granulomata observed on BME.
              Diagnosis                       Number of   Percentage
                                               patients   of study
                                                     population (%)   Of the laboratory parameters measured, a white cell count
              Microbiologically confirmed MTB                       (WCC) ≤ 4 × 10 /L was found to be a significant predictor of
              MTB culture positive on BME       48      14.68       a unique diagnosis on BME (OR: 2.38 and 95% confidence
              MTB culture positive on BME (Rifampicin resistant)  1  0.31
              MTB culture positive and TB PCR positive  1  0.31     TABLE 2: Unique diagnoses on bone marrow examination.
              TB PCR positive alone              5      1.53        Mycobacterial infection           Number  Number of
              Total                             55      16.82                                           of   patients on
                                                                                                      patients TB treatment
              Microbiologically confirmed MAC                                                                already
              MAC cultured on BME                4      1.22        Microbiologically confirmed MTB
              Total                              4      1.22        MTB culture positive on BME only    9      3
              Microbiologically proven mycobacterial infection      BME MTB culture positive and granulomata observed  6  1
              BME mycobacterial culture positive, organism unknown   1  0.31  BME MTB culture positive and ZN positive and   2  1
              Total                              1      0.31        granulomata observed
              Undifferentiated mycobacterial infection              Microbiologically confirmed MAC
              Granulomata observed & ZN positive  32    9.79        MAC cultured on BME only            1      1
              ZN positive only                   2      0.61        MAC cultured on BME faster than on peripheral blood   2  0
              Total                             34      10.4        Total                               20     6
              Possible mycobacteral infection                       Undifferentiated or possible mycobacterial infection
              Granulomata observed only         57      17.43       ZN positive with/without granuloma  12     5
              Total                             57      17.43       Granulomata observed only           37     24
              Haematological malignancies                           Total                               49     29
              Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma             2      0.61        Pure red cell aplasia
              Hodgkin’s lymphoma                 1      0.31        Parvovirus B19 PCR positive         2      -
              Peripheral T cell lymphoma         1      0.31        Suspected Parvovirus B19 infection but PCR negative   1  -
              Total                              4      1.22        Secondary PRCA, Parvovirus PCR negative   2  -
              Pure red cell aplasia                                 Total                               5      -
              Parvovirus B19 PCR positive        2      0.61        Malignancies
              Suspected Parvovirus B19 infection but PCR negative   1  0.31  Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma     2      -
              Secondary PRCA, Parvovirus PCR negative   2  0.61     Hodgkin’s lymphoma                  1      -
              Total                              5      1.53        Peripheral T cell lymphoma          1      -
              Other diagnoses                                       Total                               4      -
              Aplastic anaemia                   1      0.31        Others
              PAS stain positive, cryptococcus on BME  1  0.31      PAS stain positive, cryptococcus on BME  1  -
              Total                              2      0.61        Aplastic anaemia                    1      -
              Total                             158      -          Total                               2      -
              MTB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis; ZN, Ziehl-Neelsen; BME, bone marrow examination; MAC,   MTB,  Mycobacterium  tuberculosis;  ZN,  Ziehl-Neelsen;  BME,  bone  marrow  examination;
              Mycobacterium avium complex; MTBR, Mycobacterium tuberculosis rifampicin resistant; PCR,   MAC,  Mycobacterium  avium  complex;  MTBR,  Mycobacterium  tuberculosis  rifampicin
              polymerase chain reaction; PRCA, pure red cell aplasia; PAS, Periodic acid-schiff.  resistant; PRCA, pure red cell aplasia; PAS, Periodic acid-schiff.

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