Page 310 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 310

Page 6 of 7  Original Research

              the HIV-negative population (15.2% of PLHIV versus    respiratory symptoms more strictly and it would be helpful if
              36.8% of HIV-negative participants,  p < 0.01). Secondly,   all studies used the same definitions.
              with regard to LMIC, most of the studies from the African
              countries reported that the use of wood fire was still   In conclusion, the results of this study among a large group
              common and responsible for a high burden of respiratory   of HIV-positive and -negative patients do not support the
              disease and symptoms, 28,29  whereas in our study household   view that respiratory symptoms are more common among
              air pollution because of open fires for cooking and heating   patients with HIV.
              was  hardly present  among  the  participants. Thirdly,
              heterogeneity in interpretation of definitions may have   Acknowledgements
              confounded results among the different studies from HIC
              and LMIC.                                             Competing interests
                                                                    The authors declare that they have no financial or personal
              Finally, most of the studies conducted previously in Africa   relationships that may have inappropriately influenced them
              had a low percentage of participants on treatment with   in writing this article.
              ART, 21,30  whereas 74% of PLHIV in our study were on ART.
              Uncontrolled HIV infection, and hence inflammation and a   Authors’ contributions
              high risk of pulmonary infections, would likely result in an
              increased incidence of respiratory symptoms.          A.V. was responsible for the study design and coordination
                                                                    of data collection. E.J.S. was involved in data collection. M.K.
              Despite these possible explanations for our findings, it is still   performed  the  data  analyses  and  was responsible  for
              particularly surprising that HIV-positive,  ART-naïve   interpretation of results under the supervision of A.V. M.K.
              participants in our study hardly reported respiratory   and  A.V. wrote the article. E.J.S., K.K.-G., R.B.B., D.E.G.,
              symptoms. A possible explanation could be the fact that the   F.D.F.V. and C.F. critically revised the article. All authors gave
              ART-naïve group was still young and had not had the chance   final approval for the version to be published.
              to develop symptoms yet. Additionally, they had a median
              CD4 count of 281 cells/mm  and therefore were still at low   Funding
              risk for opportunistic infections.  This is supported by the
              low prevalence of a history of tuberculosis in the ART-naïve   No funding was received for this project.
              group compared to the group on first- and second-line ART,
              which might indicate that ART-naïve participants had not   Data availability statement
              had uncontrolled viremia for a long period of time.   The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of
                                                                    this study are available within the article or its supplementary
              Another unexpected finding of our study was that despite   materials.
              the high burden of respiratory infections in the past in PLHIV,
              this did not result in a higher frequency of respiratory
              symptoms except for breathlessness. It may be the case that,   Disclaimer
              given the relatively young age of the population, there was   The views and opinions expressed in this article are the
              still enough pulmonary reserve capacity to limit complaints   authors’ own and do not reflect an official position of the
              in daily life. Clearly, the next step to clarify the relationship   authors’ institutions.
              between respiratory infections in the past, particularly
              tuberculosis, and current pulmonary function would be to   References
              include lung function testing in the analysis.
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