Page 308 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 308

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

              compared to  the other groups (42 years,  p < 0.001). The   In  total,  143  participants  (26%)  reported  at  least  one
              control group and the ART-naïve group had a high percentage   respiratory symptom of which 128 participants (90%)
              of current daily smokers (37% and 26%, respectively). Thirty-  reported one symptom, 11 (8%) reported two symptoms, 3
              four per cent HIV-positive participants reported a history of   (2%) reported three symptoms and only one participant
              a respiratory infection such as  tuberculosis or pneumonia.   reported all symptoms.
              The numbers were especially high in the group on second-
                                                                    In the unadjusted comparison across the four groups, the
              line treatment (51%).
                                                                    HIV-positive group on second-line  ART had significantly
                                                                    more respiratory symptoms compared to the HIV-negative
              Occupational exposure was uncommon, with only 26      group (odds ratio [OR] 2.5, 95% confidence interval [CI]
              participants (5%) reporting any exposure.  Almost all   1.5–4.1) (Table 3). However, after adjustment for sex and
              participants used gas or electricity for cooking (99.5%) and   age, there was no difference in the frequency of respiratory
              heating (99%).                                        symptoms related to HIV or ART status. Further adjustment
                                                                    for respiratory risk factors did not change this finding.
              Cough was reported by only six (1%) participants. Bringing
              up phlegm was reported by 12 (2%) participants and 9 (2%)   When we restricted the analysis to the HIV-positive
              participants reported both. Wheezing occurred in 9 (2%)   participants, the same crude trend was observed with
              participants and breathlessness in 118 (22%) participants   participants on second-line  ART having more respiratory
              (Figure 1).                                           symptoms  than the other  participants  in  the  unadjusted

                                                               a                                                  b
                  35                                                 35
                  30                                                 30

                  25                                                 25
                Percentage (%)  20                                 Percentage (%)  20

                  10                                                 10                                      8
                                                          6                  5                    5
                   5                3          4                      5                3
                   0                                                  0
                     HIV-control  HIV+ART-naive  HIV+first-line  HIV+second-line  HIV-control  HIV+ART-naive  HIV+first-line  HIV+second-line

                                                               c                                                  d

                  35                                     65          35

                  30                                                 30
                  25     24                                          25
                Percentage (%)  20  17         12                  Percentage (%)  20

                  10                                                 10
                   5                                                 5
                                                                            1          0          2
                   0                                                 0
                     HIV-control  HIV+ART-naive  HIV+first-line  HIV+second-line  HIV-control  HIV+ART-naive  HIV+first-line  HIV+second-line

              FIGURE 1: Frequency of respiratory symptoms by HIV status, (a) cough ≥ 2 weeks (n), (b) bringing up phlegm (n), (c) Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale ≥ 2 (n),
              wheezing or whistling (n).

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