Page 307 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 307

Page 3 of 7  Original Research

              using forced entry. A  p-value < 0.05 was considered to be   Results
              statistically significant.
                                                                    Of the 548 participants, 547 were included in the study. One
              For the statistical analyses, we used the statistic programme   participant was excluded as there was no information on HIV
              ‘IBM SPSS statistics’ version 24.0 (IBM SPSS Statistics for   status. Almost all participants were black Africans (99.6%), 341
              Windows, Version 24.0. IBM Corp., Armonk, NY).        (62%) were women, 394 (72%) were HIV-positive,  and the
                                                                    median age was 37 years (Table 2). Of the HIV-positive group,
              Ethical considerations                                103 (26%) were ART-naïve, 94 (24%) were on first-line treatment

              Ethical permission was obtained from the Human Research   and 197 (50%) were on second-line treatment (Table 2).
              Ethics Committee of the University of the Witwatersrand
              (HREC number M160131). All participants provided written   The HIV-positive group on second-line treatment had a
              informed consent prior to participation.              higher percentage of women (73%, p < 0.001) and was older

              TABLE 2: Characteristics of the study population.
              Variable                      HIV-negative                           HIV-positive
                                                               ART-naive          First-line ART     Second-line ART
                                        n   %    median   n   %     median   n   %      median    n   %     median
                                                  (IQR)             (IQR)                (IQR)              (IQR)
              Total(n = 547)           153  28.0   -     103  18.8    -      94  17.2     -      197  36.0    -
              Patient characteristics
              Female sex                75   49.0  -      64  62.1    -      59  62.8     -      143  72.6    -
              Age in years              -   -  32.0 (27.0–40.5)  -  -  33.0 (28.0–39.0)  -  -  35.0 (32.0–41.0)  -  -  42.0 (38.0-48.0)
              BMI (kg/m )*              -   -  24.5 (21.2–28.85)  -  -  23.5 (20.9–27.1)  -  -  24.2 (21.3–29.1)  -  -  26.3 (22.9–32.0)
              Underweight               8   5.2    -      7  6.8      -      3   3.2      -       -  1.5      -
              Normal weight             75   49.0  -      57  55.3    -      49  52.1     -       -  39.3     -
              Overweight                36   23.5  -      24  23.3    -      20  21.3     -      50  25.5     -
              Obese                     34   22.2  -      15  14.6    -      22  23.4     -      66  33.7     -
              Black African            151  98.7   -     103 100.0    -      94  100.0    -      197  10.0    -
              Primary school or less    12   7.8   -      13  12.6    -      10  10.6     -      27  13.7     -
              Secondary school completed  74   48.4  -    51  49.5    -      51  54.3     -      96  48.73    -
              Matrix completed          37   24.2  -      29  28.2    -      24  25.5     -      59  30.0     -
              College or university     29   19.0  -      9  8.7      -      8   8.5      -      13  6.6      -
              Employed                  60   40    -      56  54.9    -      72  78.3     -      139  70.9    -
              Unemployed                90   60    -      46  45.1    -      20  21.7     -      57  29.1     -
              Occupational exposure
              Worked in the mining industry ≥ 1 year   0   0.0  -  1  1.0  -  0  0.0      -       2  1.0      -
              Worked in a dusty job ≥ 1 year  2   1.3  -  1  1.0      -      7   7.6      -       6  3.1      -
                Exposure to gas, chemical fumes or   2   1.4  -  0  0.0  -   6   6.4      -       3  1.6      -
              pesticides in work ≥ 1 year
              Respiratory illnesses
              Pneumonia in the past     4   2.6    -      2  1.9      -      2   2.2      -      27  13.8     -
              Asthma                    7   4.6    -      3  2.9      -      3   3.2      -      18   9.4     -
              Seasonal allergy          0   0.0    -      0  0.0      -      3   3.2      -       9   4.8     -
              Active TB                 1   0.7    -      0  0.0      -      0   0.0      -       7   3.6     -
              TB in the past            5   3.3    -      9  8.8      -      19  20.2     -      82   41.8    -
              Unknown TB status         1   0.7    -      0  0.0      -      0   0.0      -       2   1.0     -
              Current daily smoker      56   36.8  -      27  26.2    -      15  16.0     -      18   -       -
              Pack-years                -   -   3.7 (1.3–8.1)  -  -  3.7 (1.8–6.3)  -  -  1.8 (1.2–7.3)  -  -  7.5 (3.1–10.7)
              Former smoker             6   3.9    -      7  6.8      -      8   8.5      -      14  7.1      -
              Never smoker              89   58.6  -      69  67.0    -      71  75.5     -      165  83.8    -
              Daily smoker of marijuana  14   9.2  -      4  3.9      -      4   4.3      -       1  0.5      -
              Passive smoker            52   34.0  -      24  23.3    -      15  16.9     -      24  12.2     -
              HIV characteristics
              Time since HIV diagnosis in months  -  -  -  -  -   0.0 (0.0–1.3)  -  -  47.0 (37.8–72.3)  -  -  108.0 (84.0–149.0)
              CD4-cell count/uL         -   -      -      -   -  281.0 (191.0–400.8)  -  -  413.5 (278.5–574.5)  -  -  619.0 (429.5–798.0)
              Viral load < 40 cp/mL     -   -      -      10  10.0    -      81  91.0     -      175  92.6    -
              HIV medication
              On ART                    -   -      -      66  64.1    -      94  100.0    -      197 100.0    -
              Duration ART < 6 weeks    -   -      -      65  98.5    -      2   2.2      -       0  0.0      -
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; IQR, interquartile range; TB, tuberculosis.

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