Page 302 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 302

Page 3 of 5  Original Research

              Serious clinical manifestations were seen more frequently   manifestations, including purulent conjunctivitis, pancreatitis
              in  HIV-positive than HIV-negative patients (OR  5, 95%   and encephalitis (Table 4).
              confidence interval [CI] 0.48–51.8, p = 0.34). One of the six
              patients testing HIV-negative developed pneumonia, while   HIV-positive patients had a significantly longer hospital stay
              six of the 18 HIV-positive patients had a clinical course   (p = 0.03). There were three deaths in the HIV-positive group,
              complicated by pneumonia (OR 2.5, 95% CI 0.23–26.5,   but none in the HIV-negative group. The OR of death was
              p  =  0.63). Five of these HIV-positive patients required   2.9  times higher in the HIV-positive group (OR 2.9, 95%
              admission to the intensive care unit or high care unit, three   CI 0.13–65.3, p = 0.55).
              developing respiratory failure necessitating mechanical
              ventilation. These three patients also developed acute   Discussion
              kidney injury. HIV-positive patients had several other   In this study, there were no differences in demographic,
                                                                    clinical and laboratory parameters when comparing the
              TABLE 1: Presenting symptoms in 24 adult patients with measles: Comparison of
              HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases.
              Presenting symptom  HIV-positive patients  HIV-negative patients  p  TABLE  4:  Complications  in  24  adult  patients  with  measles:  Comparison  of
                               n   N†    %    n   N†   %            HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases.
                                                                    Complication      HIV-positive   HIV-negative   p-value
              Fever           17   18   94.4  6    6  100  1.0                       patients (N = 18)  patients (N = 6)
              Rash            18   18   100   6    6  100  1.0                        n     %       n    %
              Red eyes or conjunctivitis  18  18  100  6  6  100  1.0  Any complication  9  50.0    1    16.7  0.34
              Coryza           9   18   50    3    6   50  1.0      Pneumonia         6    33.3     1    16.7  0.63
              Cough           11   18   61.1  6    6  100  0.13     ICU/ high care admission  5   27.8  0  0   0.28
              Shortness of breath  2  18  11.1  0  6   0   1.0      Respiratory failure  3   16.7   0     0    0.55
              Vomiting         3   16   18.8  3    4   75  0.06     Mechanical ventilation  3   16.7  0   0    0.55
              Diarrhoea        2   17   11.8  0    4   0   1.0      Acute kidney injury  3   16.7   0     0    0.55
              Abdominal pain   1   17   5.9   0    4   0   1.0      Purulent conjunctivitis  1   5.6  0   0     1
              Headache         1   18   5.6   2    6  33.3  0.22
                                                                    Pancreatitis      1     5.6     0     0     1
              †, n denotes the number of patients in whom the symptom was present; N is the number of   Encephalitis   1   5.6  0  0  1
              patients in whom the presence or absence of the symptom was recorded.
              TABLE 2A: Examination findings in 24 adult patients with measles: Comparison of HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases.
              Vital signs     Sub-indicator      HIV-positive patients (N = 18)   HIV-negative patients (N = 6)  p-value
                                            Median    Range     x ̅   s.d.   Median    Range     x ̅   s.d.
              Temperature (°C)  -            39       37.5–40   -      -      39       37–39     -      -      0.1
              Blood pressure (mmHg)  Systolic  103.5  90–149    -      -      123.5    103–129   -      -     0.13
                              Diastolic      69.5     40–99     -      -      75       67–79     -      -     0.42
              Heart rate (beats/min)  -       -         -      124    23       -         -      105    23      0.1

              TABLE 2B: Examination findings in 24 adult patients with measles: Comparison of HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases.
              Clinical features   Sub-indicator        HIV-positive patients (N = 18)  HIV-negative patients (N = 6)  p-value
                                                        n            %             n            %
              Rash                -                     18          100             6           100         1.00
              Conjunctivitis      -                     18          100             6           100         1.00
              Koplik spots        -                     5           27.8            1          16.7         1.00
              Oral thrush         -                     6           33.3            0           0           0.28
              Lymphadenopathy     -                     6           33.3            2          33.3         1.00
              Confusion           -                     3           16.7            0           0           0.55
              Chest examination   Crackles              5           27.8            1          16.7         1.00
                                  Bronchial breathing   1            5.6            0           0           1.00

              TABLE 3: Laboratory findings in 24 adult patients with measles: Comparison of HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases.
              Findings                      HIV-positive patients (n = 18)      HIV-negative patients (n = 6)  p-value
                                    Median   Range     x ̅     s.d.      Median   Range      x ̅     s.d.
              White cell count (cells x10⁹/l)†  6.6   4–14.8  -  -        6.9     5.8–16     -        -       0.40
              Haemoglobin (g/dl)     13.1   9.3–16.3   -        -         16.5    9.6–17.4   -        -       0.11
              Platelets (cells x10⁹/l)  -     -       187.7    53.9        -        -       183.0    49.9     0.87
              Sodium (mmol/l)        135.5   122–140   -        -         132.5   126–141    -        -       0.24
              Potassium (mmol/l)      -       -        4.0      0.6        -        -       4.0      0.6      0.97
              Bicarbonate (mmol/l)    -       -       21.7      3.4        -        -       23.8     3.5      0.23
              Urea (mmol/l)           -       -        9.6      6.1        -        -       7.2      2.3      0.18
              Creatinine (µmol/l)     -       -       117.9    55.2        -        -       100.5    45.7     0.46
              Albumin (g/l)           -       -       36.1     6.2†        -        -       34.3     6.7‡     0.65
              CRP (mg/l)              -       -       120.8    74.9†       -        -       110.6    58.5¶    0.76
              †, number of cases with available data = 17.
              ‡, number of cases with available data = 4.
              ¶, number of cases with available data = 5.

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