Page 297 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 297

Page 4 of 6  Original Research

                                                                    prevented and treated.  In the cART era, more than 50% of
                                     Source of the curve
                                         AGE    WF    Reference line  deaths  of HIV-positive  individuals in  Europe  and North
                                                                    America are not because of AIDS.  In highly resourced regions,
                                     ROC curve                      cardiovascular disorders and hepatic disease, mainly because
                  1.0                                               of chronic co-infection with hepatitis B or C, are important
                                                                    causes of morbidity and mortality among the HIV-infected.
                                                                    The development of hepatic steatosis in mono-infected HIV
                                                                    patients is common and in one report, the cumulative incidence
                                                                    over a 4.9 year period was 24%.  NAFLD is also associated
                                                                    with idiopathic cirrhosis in HIV-infected patients, and cardiac
                Sensi vity  0.4                                     disease and decreased survival in the general population.  Its
                                                                    early recognition – it is asymptomatic in the early stages – in
                                                                    the HIV-infected is therefore a priority.
                                                                    WC and BMI are widely used for the identification of
                                                                    individuals with NAFLD. 29,30  Both metrics have limitations
                                                                    because  BMI  does  not  take  into  account  the  specific
                   0                                                distribution between peripheral and central fat compartments.
                    0       0.2     0.4    0.6     0.8     1.0      WC is a better marker in that sense, but it also does not
                                    1 - specificity                  reliably reflect the quantity of visceral fat tissue alone.
                                                                    Waist-to-height ratio as a measurement of abdominal obesity
              FIGURE 1: Results of the receiver operating characteristic analysis.
                                                                    linked to age showed better sensitivity in the risk evaluation
                                                                    than WC in different populations. The advantage of this
              TABLE 3: The presence of steatosis in subgroups of patients (formed according
              to the cut-off values of the visceral fat and age).   indicator  is  probably  because  of neutralisation  of  the
              Subgroups of patients          Steatosis    Total     influence of the height, so it enables identification of fat
                                         Absent   Present           concentration  in  relation  only  to  age and  no  other  body
                                        N   s.d.  N  s.d.           measurements.  All three anthropometric measurements
              Group 1 (visceral fat < 31.98, age < 38.5)  27  2.9  0  -3.4  27  showed significant differences in our study population, being
              Group 2 (visceral fat > 31.98, age < 38.5)  12  0.4  4  -0.4  16  higher in patients who developed steatosis than in those who
              Group 3 (visceral fat < 31.98, age > 38.5)  9  0.5  4  -0.6  13  did not.
              Group 4 (visceral fat > 31.98, age > 38.5)  3  -3.1  29  3.7  32
              Total N                   51   -   37   -   88        In the results of our study, the VFT > 31.98 mm was
              N, number; s.d., standard deviation.
                                                                    significantly associated with the presence of steatosis in HIV-
              Discussion                                            positive patients, and requires to be checked in additional
                                                                    HIV-infected populations such as women, children, non-
              Obesity represents an emerging health care issue of modern   Caucasian populations and those not on cART.
              times.  A very important fact is that the obesity phenotype is
              not an entirely reliable predictor of the development of the   In our study, the cut-off age point  of > 38.5 years was
              cardiometabolic syndrome (CMS).  The intake of excessive   associated  with  steatosis.  Our  ROC analysis  provided  us
              calories and suboptimal physical activity lead to the   with a cross section of categories. Lombardi et al.  showed
              deposition of triglycerides in peripheral and central depots   that age is indeed a significant predictor of steatosis,
              of fat. Although the peripheral depot has a protective role in   confirming that the risk is higher with increasing age. In this
              cardiovascular diseases development, excessive caloric   same study, BMI and WC were also predictors of the
              intake over time overwhelms this depot and fat is transferred   development of steatosis and fibrosis.
              to the central compartment, leading to central obesity (CO),   In a large retrospective study, Sebastiani et al.  observed that
              a fundamental component of the CMS.  Waist circumference   elevated blood glucose levels were a reliable predictor of
              is used as the most common anthropometric measurement   advanced liver fibrosis. In our cohort, patients with steatosis
              of CO, even though it reflects the volumes of both peripheral   did have generally higher blood glucose levels, but as a
              and central fat tissue compartment. The importance of   single predictor, glucose levels were an insensitive measure
              quantification of the VFT lies in its specificity. Visceral fat   of hepatic steatosis.
              tissue behaves as an endocrine organ: it excretes  several
              proteins,  and via direct or indirect actions, it assists in the   This study does have several limitations. These include the
              regulation of numerous physiological and pathophysiological   cross-sectional nature of the study and the restriction of the
              processes. 23,24                                      study  to  male  gender  only.  Women  and  children  make  up
                                                                    large numbers of the HIV-infected in middle- to low-income
              The relationship between the WC and the visceral fat   countries. The question of the value of VFT is likely to be of
              compartment is especially relevant to people living with HIV,   importance to this group too. Cross-sectional studies do not
              as it is usually a manifestation of drug toxicity and can be   answer the question of intervention and of long-term

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