Page 295 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 295

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              NAFLD in mono-infected HIV people was similar to that of   with ultrasensitive reverse transcriptase-PCR Amplicor HIV
              the general population, namely 30%.  Currently, cART is   Monitor 1.5 [Roche Molecular Systems, Basel, Switzerland]).
              initiated as soon as HIV infection is diagnosed. Treatment is
              lifelong. In the current era, the prevalence of NAFLD in the   The data on co-morbidities and associated risk factors were
              HIV-infected on cART is 10% higher than that of the   also collected: smoking (in years), alcohol consumption,
              uninfected.  Several antiretrovirals (ARVs) cause lipid or fat   diagnosis and therapy of diabetes, diagnosis and therapy of
              toxicity. This results in  lipodystrophy, for example weight   arterial hypertension, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.
              gain, hyperlipidaemia, insulin resistance, loss of fat   Family history data were also collected: data on familial
              (lipoatrophy) and the redistribution of fat from the periphery   presence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease in male (age
              to the centre of the body. The latter promotes the accumulation   under 55 years) and female (under 65 years of age) relatives.
              of fat in the liver. Viral persistence – even when levels are
              undetectable – and the accompanying systemic inflammation   This study received funding from the Provincial Secretariat
              are responsible for the metabolic derangement of the fat cell.    for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Autonomous
              Accelerated ageing, a further consequence of viral persistence,   Province  of  Vojvodina,  Republic  of  Serbia.  Project  name:
              manifests as the premature onset of comorbid disease. Risk   ‘Cardiometabolic syndrome and its impact on the cognitive
              factors such as diet, smoking, lack of exercise and genetic   functions in people living with HIV’. Grant number: 114-451-
              predisposition ensure that many of the HIV-infected on cART   497/2016-01.
              develop end-organ disease and malignancy 10–15 years
              before their uninfected peers. 8,9,10,11,12           Anthropometric data
                                                                    The VFT is measured using ultrasonography (US). The
              The aim of this study was to examine visceral fat thickness   technique requires less skill than liver US and has been
              (VFT) and its relationship to other anthropometric    shown to be a reliable and non-invasive  measure of the
              measurements associated with NAFLD in mono-infected   visceral fat compartment.  Ultrasonography was performed
              HIV-positive subjects on long-standing cART so as to identify   in the supine position using an abdominal 3.5 MHz convex
              those at risk in order to halt progression to NASH, cirrhosis   probe at high resolution (Shimadzu SDU-1100). The
              and hepatocellular carcinoma.                         measurements  were  performed  during  end  expiration  to
                                                                    avoid the influence of respiratory movement. The VFT was
              Materials and methods                                 measured in the transverse plane, in the midline, where
              Participants                                          the  xiphoid line intercepts the waist circumference (WC).
                                                                    The ‘thickness’ is the distance between the anterior margin
              A total of 88 HIV-positive male patients, average age 39.94 ±   of  the vertebral body and the posterior fascia of the
              9.91 years, were included in this institutional ethics board   muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.  Three subsequent
              approved study (clinical centre of Vojvodina, No. 00-81/229).   measurements were performed and the mean value was
              The study began in September 2016 and ended in April 2018.   calculated. The cut-off value of the VFT for the diagnosis of
              Inclusion criteria: age = 22–50 years, male gender, confirmed   hepatic steatosis is determined from the receiver operating
              HIV-positive status on polymerase chain reaction (PCR),   characteristic (ROC) curve and the Youden index. Liver US
              clinically stable, namely good adherence to cART, an   was performed in the morning, after fasting for at least 10 h.
              unchanged current drug regimen for ≥ 1 year, at least two   The presence of hepatic steatosis was assessed by the same
                                                                    radiologist. US reporting was qualitative and ‘staging’ of the
              consecutive suppressed viral loads. Women were excluded   hepatic steatosis was not performed. The hepatic parenchymal
              as we had insufficient numbers in our clinic to provide   echo pattern was, however, scored as:
              gender equipoise. Exclusion criteria: major psychiatric
              disorder, active opportunistic infection, history of drug   1.  ‘Without steatosis’, when echoes were homogeneously
              dependence according to the Statistical Manual of Mental   distributed and liver echogenicity  was not increased in
              Disorders, except for nicotine and alcohol consumption   relation to the parenchyma of the right kidney.
              < 20 g/day, co-infection with hepatitis B or C viruses. The   2.  ‘With steatosis’, if echogenicity  was increased when
                                                                      compared to the parenchyma of the right kidney and in
              following clinical and laboratory data were checked: duration   the more severe forms of fatty infiltration,  when
              of HIV infection, duration of cART, viral load, nadir and   accompanied by posterior beam attenuation and impaired
              current CD4+ count, fasting blood glucose level,  serum   visualisation of the intrahepatic vessels and diaphragm. 15
              triglycerides, serum low- and high-density lipoprotein
              cholesterol. Nadir CD4+ count represents the lowest CD4+   The WC was simply measured as the circumference just
              T-cell count observed in HIV-positive subject’s history,   above the umbilicus. The hip circumference (HC) was
              usually seen at the initiation of cART. Current CD4+ count   measured at the widest distance between the hips.  All
              and viral load data were available from electronic charts, and   measurements were performed by trained staff using a non-
              were obtained in the same week as the measurements. Blood   stretchable tape. Body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio
              glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol levels were determined   (W/H) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) were calculated for
              from fresh venous blood using standard laboratory methods,   each subject. Body mass index is a measure of body fat based
              also in the same week as the measurements. Viral load was   on the ratio of weight and height (in kg/m ). Waist-to-hip
              determined at each 6-month follow-up visit (determined   ratio is calculated as WC (in cm) divided by the HC (in cm).

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