Page 290 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 290

Page 6 of 9  Original Research

              TABLE 3: Increased clinician confidence in managing patients based on their perceived usefulness of the group as a learning tool (n = 91).
              Variable                             Greater clinical confidence (%)  OR  95% Confidence interval  p
              Used guidance to manage patients             91             48.13         4.99–464.49        < 0.05
              Referred to old chat cases                   91             21.42         4.39–104.84        < 0.05
              New clinical insights                        90             23.75         3.95–142.88        < 0.05
              Practical application of pre-existing knowledge  94        Undefined      Undefined          < 0.05
              Guidance according to national or international guidelines  89  Undefined  Undefined         < 0.05
              OR, odds ratios.

              TABLE 4: Clinician recommendation of the WhatsApp group based on their perceived usefulness of it as a learning tool (n = 91).
              Variable                               Recommend group (%)   OR       95% Confidence interval  p
              Used guidance to manage patients             89             1.69           0.17–16.1         0.32
              Referred to old chat cases                   90             2.64          0.46–14.95         0.16
              New clinical insights                        93             17.33         3.13–96.01         < 0.05
              Practical application of pre-existing knowledge  93         12.83         2.55–64.56         < 0.05
              Guidance according to National or international guidelines  91  20        1.63–245.63        < 0.05
              OR, odds ratios

              TABLE 5: Clinician recommendation of the WhatsApp group based on their level   distributed healthcare settings. Our research adds to the
              of engagement in the group (n = 91)                   literature by further clarifying that the knowledge  gained
              Variable     Recommend   OR   95% Confidence   p
                            group (%)          interval             (whether from peers or specialists) in belonging to such a
              Posted responses  88     0.83   0.19–3.28   0.4       group aids in the application of new clinical insights and
              Posted questions  88     0.97   0.24–3.89  0.46       previous medical  knowledge, as  well as  contributing  to
              Followed group  93       4.79   1.19–21.10  0.01      clinical confidence by facilitating distance learning.
              OR, odds ratios
                                                                    Lastly, our study found that participants were more likely
              posting of cases or responses, was regular.  The  results   to recommend the group to other colleagues if they had
              further demonstrated that there was a statistically significant   followed  the  group  regularly  (OR  4.79),  and  in  those
              association between engagement in the group and increased   who  reported the group as a useful learning tool. The
              clinical confidence – those who followed the group regularly   investigators therefore surmised that the WhatsApp group
              were 8.44 times more likely to report an increase in clinical   seems to have promoted good group engagement which,
              confidence and 3.8 times more confident if they posted a   in  turn,  facilitated  learning, decreasing professional
              case. This correlates with findings by Raiman et al., who   isolation and produced a recommendation of a similar
              discussed in their article that the use of mobile applications   platform to other colleagues. Such a mobile learning
              has been shown to increase student participation and   platform is therefore an important adjunct to current CME
              therefore foster improved learning.  Similarly, Rambe et al.   practices. E-learning (of which WhatsApp forms a part)
              also reported that WhatsApp facilitated, in learners, the   can result in greater educational opportunities for
              ability  to more confidently  engage with peers and   participants, while at the same time enhancing student
              educators. 19
                                                                    effectiveness and efficiency, as is the reported outcome in
                                                                    our study. 22
              This form of engagement and success can be described
              through the theory of cooperative learning. In cooperative   Clinical confidence in managing complicated
              learning, students who maximally engage in a group are   HIV and TB cases
              able to extend their current knowledge base, as they are in
              control of the discussion construct.  In our study’s context,   The majority of the participants in the study agreed that
              participants posted a case they are most interested in and   they had gained greater clinical confidence in managing
              there develops a close relationship between theory, research   their patients after participating in the group. The findings
              and  a  practical  working  through  the  case;  this  underpins   showed that there was also an improvement in clinical
              long-term retention of knowledge and maximises student   confidence among those participants who perceived the
              learning. 21                                          group as a useful  learning tool (it has been previously
                                                                    mentioned how engagement in the group had a similar
              Furthermore, the participants also reported that the group   effect). Participants who used the chat group guidance to
              gave them new clinical insights; helped them to practically   manage their patients were 48 times more likely to feel
              apply pre-existing knowledge and felt that the guidance was   clinically confident. There  was an  increase in  clinical
              aligned with international or national guidelines. In a systemic   confidence in those who referred to old chat cases (OR
              review of medical literature, Kamel Boulos  et al. found   21.42) and those who gained new clinical insights
              collective evidence that WhatsApp has been successfully used   while participating in the group (OR 23.75). Raiman et al.
              in health and medical education and learning.  They also   reported similar findings in their study – a WhatsApp group
              concluded that apps can help to create virtual communities   provided a unique environment to be able  to quickly
              of  enquiry and practice, and bridge distances of busy   access learning resources while participating in a discussion

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