Page 286 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 286

Page 2 of 9  Original Research

              isolation, lack of locum relief and heavy workload, and this   in the United States, or the Data Protection Directive in the
              is seen particularly in rural areas.  Much CME traditionally   European Union.  There are currently no Health Professionals
              happens through conferences, seminars and other face-to-face   Council of South  Africa (HPCSA) guidelines that address
              meetings. These are often difficult to attend which limits   the  issue of clinicians specifically posting on social media.
              training to attendees only.  This is particularly applicable to   However, their guidelines address the issue of patient
              clinicians working in the Eastern Cape (EC), a predominantly   confidentiality, as well as ethical concerns using telemedicine
              rural province, where the clinicians enrolled in this study are   (which have been extrapolated below to the use of social
              working.                                              media). Clinicians who wish to publish details about specific
                                                                    medical cases or clinical experiences online, which identify
              In South Africa, 46% of the population live in rural areas, but   or run the risk of identifying a patient, should ensure
              only 19% of the nursing workforce and 12% of physicians   they  follow the guidelines relating to patient consent and
              practise in those areas.  The EC has a population of 7 million   disclosure set out by the HPCSA.  These state that a patient’s
              and an HIV prevalence of 12.1%.  Approximately 4.1 million   express consent must be obtained before publishing case
              of the population live in rural communities.  In this setting,
              district hospitals and public health clinics are often   reports, photographs or other images in media that the
              geographically widespread, with only three academic or   public  can access. WhatsApp has improved its end-to-end
              tertiary centres servicing these facilities.  In addition, the   encryption policies and does not store chat data in a virtual
              province has only four infectious disease (ID) specialists to   cloud (like Facebook), but this form of protection has not
              provide expert care to its seriously ill HIV and TB patients.  been conclusively tested in clinical environments. Patient
                                                                    confidentiality is therefore still at risk. The increased use of
              Per population size, South Africa (SA) has the largest HIV   medical social media, data and information can be very
              epidemic in the world. The overall HIV prevalence rate is   useful, but any abuse of data needs to be prevented. 14
              approximately 12.6%. Similarly, the country’s TB burden is
              large. In 2016, SA recorded 438 000 new TB infections.    A WhatsApp messenger chat group was created in 2016 for
              TB  was the leading cause of death in the country. HIV   doctors who had attended an advanced HIV management
              treatment and care is often complicated by the emergence of   course, and were working in district hospitals in the EC. The
              drug resistance, drug–drug interactions and the advanced   group included medical specialists and members of the
              immune suppression of newly diagnosed patients.       district clinical support team. Clinicians posted complicated
                                                                    cases. The discussion that followed referenced national and
              The use of smartphone technology and MIM platforms in   international HIV guidelines and evidence-based clinical
              clinical practice is a research topic that is gaining support.   care. This provided cumulative medical expertise that
              Since  January 2017,  there are 1.2 billion  active WhatsApp   assisted the clinician in the management of the case.
              users worldwide.  This service offers users the following
              features: the transmission of text messages, images and videos   It is important to know if this intervention is of benefit to
              to contacts and a chat group feature that allows 256 users to   doctors, particularly those without onsite specialist support
              share content simultaneously. 9
                                                                    in the South African healthcare context. It is also important to
                                                                    know if clinicians are aware of local occupational governing
              However, its use in the public health sector has been poorly   authority rules relating to patient confidentiality breaches
              researched with only a small number of studies published.
              The literature that is available shows that the use of this   when posting on social media. This would raise awareness of
              technology offers an efficient, unobtrusive and portable   these important ethical and legal obligations in the medical
              mode of communication for medical staff.  Not only that, but   fraternity. The data obtained from this research could be
              also  medical  images that  are  captured  using  smartphone   used  to motivate for the use of alternative platforms of
              devices promote the delivery of medical care in a timely   learning and clinician support across different medical
              and  resource-friendly manner.  Kankane et al., in a study   specialist modalities besides ID care. This intervention
              of  neurosurgical  communication,  found  that  WhatsApp   could then support the World Health Organization’s (WHO)
              enabled cost-effective and quick decision-making, namely   recommendation  that  countries  can  aid  in  the  retention  of
              4.06 min from image to registrar report.  This led to   health professionals by providing them with opportunities
              earlier diagnosis and more prompt treatment. Nikolic et al.   for career development, CME, motivation and support. 16
              suggest  that this technology has the potential to improve
              patient education and management, and perhaps, to impact   Aim and objectives
              significantly on health provision as a whole. 11
              There are obvious concerns, however, about the transmission   The aim of this study is to describe the use of a WhatsApp
              of confidential patient information over a social media   clinical discussion group as an alternative learning tool to
              platform.  According to international guidelines, patient   improve clinician access to specialised clinical management
              confidentiality and guarding their personal health data   of complicated HIV/TB cases, as part of CME, and their
              are  a  legal requirement under different laws, such as the   knowledge  of informed consent  use when  posting patient
              Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)   cases on social media.

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