Page 281 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 281

Page 7 of 10  Original Research

                                         WHO stage I/II  WHO stage III/IV a                 WHO stage I/II  WHO stage III/IV b
                         Jhb: CPT delivery by WHO stage to clients with     Mopani: CPT delivery by WHO stage to clients with
                               baseline CD4 <200 cells/mm 3                        baseline CD4 <200 cells/mm 3
                  70                                                 70

                % receiving CPT at ART initiation  50              % receiving CPT at ART ini a on  50


                  0                                                  10 0
                       2013     2014     2015    2016     2017            2013     2014     2015    2016     2017
                                     ART start year                                     ART start year

              ART, antiretroviral therapy; CPT, cotrimoxazole preventive therapy; Jhb, Johannesburg district; WHO, World Health Organization.
              FIGURE 4: Delivery of cotrimoxazole preventive therapy over time to clients with baseline CD4 counts < 200 cells/mm  by clinical stage in (a) Johannesburg district and
              (b) Mopani district.
              countries, with over 30% of clients initiating treatment with   implementation of nurse-managed care,  as well as improved
              CD4 counts < 200 cells/mm  despite generally widespread   quality of care because of enhanced drug regimens. This study
              availability of ART. 24,25  These clients, who may either be ART-  demonstrated significantly lower mortality among clients
              naïve or may have previously defaulted from the  ART   with CD4 counts < 200 cells/mm  who initiated ART in more
              programme,  represent  a  considerable  burden  of  increased   recent  years  when  an FDC was  in use compared  to  those
              medical costs, risk of transmission and HIV morbidity.    initiating treatment in previous years, with the highest
              Interventions to address HIV incidence as well as barriers to   mortality in years when guidelines recommended the use of
              entering care are essential.                          stavudine which has a relatively unfavourable toxicity
                                                                    profile.  Antiretroviral therapy using an FDC has been shown
              Mortality was found to be significantly higher in clients with   in a European study to improve both adherence and quality of
              baseline CD4 counts < 200 cells/mm  compared to those with   life of HIV-infected patients, while maintaining virological and
              higher CD4 counts, as has been well established in South   immunologic efficacy.  In general, the simplification of ART
              Africa and other settings. 3,16,17,28  Interestingly, it has been shown   with an FDC is associated with improved adherence because
              that standardised mortality rates which take background   of decreased pill burden, reduced risk of resistance owing to
              mortality into account are similar for all CD4 strata by 4 years   the inability of patients to take partial regimens, reduced risk
              after ART initiation, suggesting that baseline immunological   of treatment or prescription errors and lower risk of
              status impacts mortality primarily at shorter durations of   hospitalisation, 34,35  supporting the assertion that FDCs may
              ART.  It is specifically at these early time periods after ART   contribute to reduced mortality rates. However, in the context
              initiation that there is a notably high mortality rate, as has been   of overall  ART programme performance, it is important to
              demonstrated in this study, specifically among clients with   note that LTFU appears to be increasing in more recent years,
              baseline CD4 counts <200 cells/mm . Other studies in South   possibly because of the expansion of treatment programmes in
              Africa  and  sub-Saharan Africa  have  similarly  demonstrated   the  absence of  sufficient  resources. 26,36   It  is  important that
              high mortality rates in the first year after starting ART, with up   overall programme performance is monitored in order to
              to 26% of patients dying in the first year of treatment.  There   minimise LTFU and the knock-on effect that this could have on
              is a strong association between early mortality and the degree   mortality.
              of immunodeficiency at  ART start; therefore, strategies to
              reduce mortality must address ‘up-stream’ entry points into   To improve outcomes of the HIV programme, interventions
              the treatment cascade, including earlier diagnosis of HIV and   should focus on clients most likely to present late for HIV
              improved longitudinal care pre-ART. 29                care, including, as expected, clients with advanced clinical
                                                                    stage of HIV disease and those in hospitals. Interventions
              Although clients with low baseline CD4 counts are at increased   such as community-based strategies or home-based HIV
              risk of death, mortality rates have decreased in recent years of   testing should also target men, 37,38  in agreement with previous
              the ART programme in this and other studies. 2,16,17,26  Overall   studies in South Africa and other low- and middle-income
              mortality in South Africa has declined in recent years  and the   countries which demonstrate late presentation of men for
              gains in life expectancy have been largely attributed to a   both HIV diagnosis and treatment. 39,40,41,42,43  This delayed
              decline in HIV-related mortality rates.  This decline can be   health seeking may contribute to the growing gap between
              ascribed to improved accessibility to HIV services with the   male and  female life  expectancy, which  has doubled  from

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