Page 276 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 276

Page 2 of 10  Original Research

              TABLE 1: South African guidelines for treatment of adults with human immunodeficiency virus infection.
              Variable             2004 guidelines  April 2010 guidelines  March 2013 guidelines†  December 2014 guidelines‡ August 2016 circular§
              ART eligibility      CD4 count < 200 cells/mm 3  CD4 count ≤ 200 cells/mm 3  CD4 count ≤350 cells/mm ¶  CD4 count ≤ 500 cells/mm 3  UTT: all HIV-infected
                                   or               or              or                or               clients regardless of
                                   WHO Stage IV disease  CD4 count ≤ 350 cells/mm   WHO stage III or IV disease  WHO stage III or IV disease  CD4 count
                                                    in clients with TB/HIV or   or    or
                                                    pregnant women  Clients with all types of TB  Active TB disease
                                                    or                                or
                                                    WHO stage IV disease              Pregnant and breastfeeding
                                                    or                                women
                                                    MDR/XDR-TB                        or
                                                                                      Known HBV co-infection
              First-line ART regimen (new clients) d4T + 3TC + EFV/NVP  TDF + 3TC/FTC + EFV/NVP  FDC††  FDC††
              CPT                  All clients initiating ART  CD4 ≤ 200 cells/mm 3   CD4 count ≤ 200 cells/mm   3
                                                    WHO stage II, III or IV           WHO stage III or IV disease
                                                    disease (including TB)            HIV/TB co-infection
              Source: National Department of Health of South Africa 5,6,7,8,9
              3TC, lamivudine; ART, antiretroviral therapy; CPT, cotrimoxazole preventive therapy; d4T, stavudine; EFV, efavirenz; FDC, fixed-dose combination; FTC, emtricitabine; HIV, human immunodeficiency
              virus; HBV, hepatitis B; MDR/XDR-TB, multidrug-resistant or extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis; NVP, nevirapine; TB, tuberculosis; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; UTT, universal test and
              treat; WHO, World Health Organization
              †, Implementation date = 01 April 2013;
              ‡,Implementation date = 01 January 2015;
              §, Implementation date = 01 September 2016;
              ¶, Implementation of the CD4 count ≤350 cell/mm  cut-off occurred in August 2011, prior to the publication of the 2013 guidelines ;
              ††, FDC consists of TDF, FTC and EFV.
              and thereby reducing morbidity and mortality. 5,6,9  Triple-  urban and rural HIV epidemics in South  Africa, namely,
              therapy antiretroviral drug regimens have also been updated   Johannesburg and Mopani districts. Specifically, this study
              over time, from combination single formulation regimens   aims to use routine TIER.Net data from adult clients in an
              including stavudine in 2004  and tenofovir in 2010  to a fixed-  urban and rural district of South Africa to (1) describe ART
              dose combination (FDC), a single  tablet containing three   programme growth and baseline CD4 count over time, (2)
              antiretroviral drugs (tenofovir, emtricitabine and efavirenz),   analyse 5-year mortality in the context of baseline CD4 count
              in 2013.  As the ART programme has evolved and expanded,   and (3) describe the population initiating  ART at low CD4
              it  has become increasingly important to have an effective   counts (< 200 cells/mm ) in 2017 in order to identify priority
              monitoring system, and in 2010 the Department of Health   groups at high risk of mortality for intervention.
              adopted an electronic monitoring and evaluation tool known
              as TIER.Net, which was developed by the University of Cape   Methods
              Town’s Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and   Study population and data source
              Research.  TIER.Net is used operationally to monitor
              baseline clinical care and client outcomes over time, providing   Routinely collected data from adults initiating ART in two
              a rich source of cross-sectional and longitudinal routine   districts of South Africa, Johannesburg district in Gauteng
              ART data.                                             province  and  Mopani  district  in  Limpopo  province,  were
                                                                    analysed. Of the seven regions in Johannesburg, four
              Despite the widespread availability of  ART, there is still a   (C, D, E and G) were included in the analysis, as these regions
              considerable burden of HIV-related morbidity and mortality.   have been supported by Anova Health Institute and routine
              In South  Africa, HIV accounted for almost two-thirds of   data were therefore available for analysis. Johannesburg
              medical admissions at one hospital in 2012 and 2013,  with no   district has a population density of 3044 persons/km  and is
              improvement in the number of deaths due to AIDS nationally   relatively economically affluent, falling into socio-economic
              from 2013 to 2017,  and in West  Africa,  AIDS-defining   quintile 5.  In contrast, Mopani district is sparsely populated
              conditions remained the primary cause of hospitalisation   and socio-economically deprived, having a population
              among HIV-infected adults years after the scale-up of ART   density of 56.9 persons/km  and a socio-economic quintile
              services.   High  morbidity  and  mortality  is  specifically   of  2.   Antenatal HIV prevalence, a proxy for overall
              associated with late presentation for HIV care, as indicated by   population prevalence, is 29.6% and 24.5% in Johannesburg
              low  baseline  CD4  counts or  advanced  clinical  stage. 3,16,17,18    and Mopani districts, respectively.  Both districts provide
              These poor outcomes potentially undermine the population-  HIV care and treatment services, with 71.8% and 72.9% of
              level impact of the  ART programme, as  ART coverage in   adults diagnosed with HIV-infection being retained on ART
              individuals is known to impact HIV transmission, incidence   at 12 months, respectively. 21
              and community viral load. 19,20  Interventions to improve ART
              initiation, specifically among clients at risk of presenting late   In April 2018, data for Johannesburg and Mopani districts
              for HIV care, are therefore essential to improve both individual-   were extracted from TIER.Net. Records were included in the
              and programme-level outcomes. This study used operational   analysis from clients initiating ART between 2004 and 2017
              programme data to describe  ART initiation and outcome   (inclusive), where clients were 15–80 years of age, were newly
              trends over time, with a focus on clients presenting late for   initiating ART and had a baseline CD4 count on record. In
              care, so as to identify programmatic gaps that can guide   order to exclude outlying CD4 counts that were likely data
              interventions to reduce HIV-associated morbidity and   errors, records with baseline counts above 2000 cells/mm
              mortality. Two districts were investigated as examples of the   were excluded. For the Kaplan–Meier analysis only, clients

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