Page 272 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 272

Page 8 of 10  Original Research

              Discussion                                            compared with EFV seen in treatment-naive patients.
                                                                    However, the subgroup analysis of patients who switched
              SALIF examined the effect of switching to TDF/FTC/RPV   from  NVP to either  RPV  or EFV showed  tolerability
              in  patients  from  LMICs  with  suppressed  viral  loads  who   differences in favour of RPV.
              were on an NNRTI-based first-line  ART. This study is
              important because it provides additional data on the utility   The strength of this study is that it illustrates the benefit of
              of  TDF/FTC/RPV  as a  viable  alternative  for  virologically   STRs for patients in resource-limited settings who have
              suppressed patients on first-line NNRTI-based regimen in   tolerability issues with currently available NNRTIs and who
              LMICs and in a study population that is predominantly   are already virologically suppressed. The main limitation of
              female because women comprised  > 60% of the patients   the study was that all patients entering the TDF/FTC/RPV
              enrolled.                                             arm changed the previous NNRTI component of their
                                                                    regimen, while > 50% of the patients in the TDF/FTC/EFV
              The SALIF data add to the evidence from the SPIRIT study,   arm had previously received an EFV-based regimen.
              which examined TDF/FTC/RPV STR as a switch option     Switching to a new regimen may confer a potential risk for
              from a PI-based regimen in mostly Caucasian men in high-  new tolerability or safety issues. Furthermore, the treatment-
              income  settings,  and  the NEAR-RWANDA study, which   emergent neuropsychiatric events in the subgroup of
              demonstrated non-inferior efficacy and comparable safety of   patients  switching  from  EFV  are  discordant  with general
              a TDF/FTC/RPV STR versus NVP-based ART in Rwanda.     tolerability data (that show that EFV is associated with
              Taken together, these data support the use of RPV-based STR   higher rates of neuropsychiatric events compared with
              regimens in virologically suppressed patients. Given that   other NNRTIs, including NVP).  This suggests that our
              viral load measurements prior to  ART initiation are not   safety findings are subject to some inherent bias of the study
              routinely conducted in many LMICs, RPV-based STR      design. This negative bias might explain why the ITT
              regimens are an appropriate switch option for patients with   analysis showed no differences in tolerability, while other
              suppressed  viral  loads.  These  patients  have  demonstrated   studies in treatment-naive patients have demonstrated a
              sufficient adherence and might benefit from a switch,   generally more favourable tolerability profile of RPV
              particularly given concerns around the safety profile of EFV-   compared with EFV. 6,7,21,22,24,47   A control group of non-
              and NVP-based regimens.
                                                                    switchers (or deferred switchers) staying on their original
                                                                    ART might  help address  such  inherent  biases in future
              Recent reports from Europe have provided encouraging   switch studies. Another limitation of the study is the open-
              data on the tolerability of TDF/FTC/RPV in clinical   label design, which may influence the reporting of side
              practice,  which may be  transferable to  the LMIC    effects and discontinuation rates. For instance, QT
              settings. 38,39,40,41,42  In  addition, the introduction of STRs   prolongations were reported in three patients on TDF/
              containing tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) 25 mg instead of   FTC/RPV and three patients receiving  TDF/FTC/EFV;
              TDF 300 mg, or an STR of DTG/RPV, could potentially offer   while two of the three patients receiving TDF/FTC/RPV
              increased long-term tolerability at lower dosing and,   discontinued their regimen,  none in the  EFV arm
              eventually, lower costs. 43,44,45  For virologically suppressed   discontinued. A caveat to the generalisability of the study
              patients such as those in the SALIF trial, who are stable on   results is that trial candidates with CD4 cell counts < 200
              ART and have already demonstrated high adherence, the   cells/mm  were excluded. Also, it should be noted that the
              risk of virologic failure is considered low. Therefore,   definition of viral suppression used in the study was < 400
              switching to an STR may further motivate patients to stay   copies/mL rather than < 50 copies/mL; this was chosen to
              on therapy while leading to fewer medication errors and   reflect real-life practice in LMICs and to account for blips,
              supporting long-term adherence. This is in line with current   and is within the recommended WHO guidance to use a
              normative guidance for mature  ART programmes, which   definition < 1000 copies/mL in LMICs. Finally, our study
              recommends differentiated models of care for patients who   required participants, as  an inclusion criterion,  to have
              are stable on ART.                                    access to at least one meal a day, a situation that does not
                                                                    necessarily always pertain in sub-Saharan Africa and other
              Increased rates of rash and neuropsychiatric events have   LMIC regions.
              been reported following RPV and EFV treatment; 21,47
              therefore, patients in SALIF were closely monitored for these   Conclusion
              AEs. In studies in treatment-naive patients, most rash events
              (3% with RPV vs. 14% with EFV) occurred during the first   In adults from LMICs with suppressed viral load on first-line
              48  weeks of treatment,  with few additional patients   NNRTI-based  therapy,  switching to  an  STR  of  TDF/FTC/
              experiencing rashes during the second year.  SALIF included   RPV was non-inferior to an STR of TDF/FTC/EFV in
              patients who had already been successfully treated with   maintaining high rates of viral suppression, with comparable
              NNRTIs, and rashes were rarely seen. EFV can cause    safety at 48 weeks. Our findings support the use of TDF/
              neuropsychiatric side effects, which often resolve within the   FTC/RPV as a viable alternative to both EFV- and NVP-
              first weeks of treatment.  This study could not confirm   based regimens in LMICs, where access to a wider variety of
              the  improved central nervous system tolerability of RPV   affordable ART options is urgently needed.

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