Page 267 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 267

Page 3 of 10  Original Research

              electrocardiogram (ECG) to be eligible. Patients co-infected   percentage of patients with plasma HIV-1 RNA levels
              with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, who were likely to require   < 400 copies/mL after 48 weeks (non-inferiority margin of
              rifampicin-based treatment during the study, were excluded.   10%) using a modified Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
              Written  informed consent  was  obtained  from  each  patient   Snapshot method.  Patients were classified as virologic
              prior to the screening procedures.                    responders if their HIV-1 RNA was < 400 copies/mL within
                                                                    the time window of the week 48 visit (between week 42 and
              Treatment                                             week 58), or if a single HIV-1 RNA value ≥ 400 copies/mL
                                                                    within the time window was not confirmed by a second
              At baseline, patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive   measurement – the definition of virologic suppression
              an STR of either TDF (300 mg)/FTC (200 mg)/RPV (25 mg)   selected was < 400 copies/mL, to reflect the real-life practice
              or TDF (300 mg)/FTC (200 mg)/EFV (600 mg). Both products   in LMICs where a viral load of < 1000 copies/mL should be
              were supplied by the sponsor and given in accordance with   taken as evidence as suppression.  Patients with no HIV-1
              the product labels at the recommended dose of one tablet per   RNA measurement within the time window of the week 48
              day. Patients randomised to TDF/FTC/RPV were advised to   visit were considered non-responders.
              take the medication with food, whereas patients randomised
              to TDF/FTC/EFV were advised to take it on an empty    Secondary endpoints were non-inferiority in the percentage of
              stomach at bedtime. To assess adherence, patients were asked   patients with plasma HIV-1 RNA levels < 50 copies/mL after
              to bring the study drug containers, whether empty or not, to   48 weeks (modified FDA Snapshot method), rates of virologic
              each study visit.                                     failure during the 48 weeks of treatment with HIV-1 RNA
                                                                    levels ≥ 400 or ≥ 50 copies/mL (non-virologic failure-censored
              Assessments                                           analysis excluding patients who discontinued the study with
                                                                    HIV-1 RNA < 400 or < 50 copies/mL), change in CD4+ cell
              Blood samples were collected at screening, baseline, weeks 4,   count, loss of treatment options, as defined by treatment-
              12, 24, 36 and 48, and every 24 weeks up to study end or until   emergent drug resistance, and adherence to study treatment
              discontinuation and then at post-treatment follow-up. HIV-1   based on tablet count at each study visit up to week 48.
              RNA was measured at a central laboratory, using the Abbott
              RealTime HIV-1 RNA assay with a lower limit of quantification
              of 40 copies/mL. Patients with a plasma HIV-1 RNA level   Assuming response rates of 90% at 48 weeks for both treatment
              ≥  50 copies/mL were counselled on treatment adherence,   arms, 192 patients were required per arm to establish non-
                                                                    inferiority of TDF/FTC/RPV versus TDF/FTC/EFV, with a
              and had blood samples collected for re-testing at the central
              laboratory at up to 8-week intervals until the plasma HIV-1   maximum allowable difference of 10%, a one-sided significance
              RNA was < 50 copies/mL or the plasma HIV-1 RNA level   level of 2.5%, and 90% power. To account for a maximum of up
              was confirmed by two consecutive tests to be ≥ 400 copies/  to 10% major protocol deviations that would result in exclusion
              mL. Patients with a confirmed plasma HIV-1 RNA level ≥ 400   of patients from the per protocol (PP) analysis, 213 patients
              copies/mL measured at the central laboratory were classified   were planned to be recruited in each treatment arm, resulting
              as virologic failures. The confirmatory viral load sample was   in 426 randomised patients in total.
              tested for genotypic drug resistance at the central laboratory.
                                                                    The primary efficacy analysis was conducted on the intent-
              CD4+ cell counts were determined at a central laboratory at   to-treat (ITT) population (all randomised patients who had
              screening, baseline, every 24 weeks up to study end or until   taken at least one dose of study drug, regardless of their
              discontinuation and then at post-treatment follow-up.  compliance with the protocol). This analysis was repeated for
                                                                    the  PP  population  (a subset  of  the  ITT  population  that
                                                                    excluded patients with major protocol deviations). As pre-
              Safety                                                specified in the statistical analysis plan (SAP), treatment arms
              Safety monitoring (adverse events [AEs], including HIV-related   were compared using the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel
              events, clinical laboratory analyses, vital signs and physical   method, adjusted for the stratification variable (use of EFV
              examination) was performed throughout the treatment phase   vs.  NVP  at  the screening  visit).  TDF/FTC/RPV  was
              until study end. Electrocardiograms were recorded at screening,   considered non-inferior to TDF/FTC/EFV if the lower limit
              weeks 24 and 48, or at treatment discontinuation if earlier. The   of the 95% CI of the difference in efficacy was ≥ 10%. Analysis
              following  AE classes of interest were investigated based on   of the percentages of patients with HIV-1 RNA levels
              previous data from the RPV pivotal studies: rashes,   <  50  copies/mL, a  secondary  efficacy  outcome,  used  the
              neuropsychiatric events, potential QT prolongation-related   same statistical methods as the primary analysis.
              events, hepatic events and endocrinological events. In addition,
              hyperglycaemia and new onset diabetes were analysed based   Subgroup analyses of the virologic response were performed
              on reported AEs during the study.                     in the ITT population for the following pre-defined groups:
                                                                    NNRTI taken at screening (as stratified), baseline CD4+ count
                                                                    category, sex, country and treatment adherence. The ITT
              Statistical analysis and endpoints
                                                                    population was used for all safety analyses; as pre-specified
              The primary objective was to demonstrate non-inferiority of   in the SAP, there was no formal statistical testing of safety
              a TDF/FTC/RPV STR versus TDF/FTC/EFV STR in the       parameters in the study.

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