Page 266 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 266

Page 2 of 10  Original Research

              recommended  for  use  in  non-pregnant  women  who  are   AIDS Clinical Society guidelines, there are sufficient data
              trying to conceive or during the first trimester of pregnancy   from use in pregnancy to recommend RPV as an alternative
              because of concerns about a possible increased risk of neural   agent  in  ART-naive  pregnant  women  with  viral  loads
              tube defects,  a viable alternative to DTG is needed. There is,   ≤ 100 000 copies/mL and CD4+ counts > 200 cells/mm .
                                                                                                               3 3,33
              thus, an unmet need for additional efficacious, well-tolerated
              and more affordable alternative ART regimens, particularly   This study was, therefore, designed to examine the utility of
              in LMICs. 10                                          switching to the STR of TDF/FTC/RPV in LMIC patients
                                                                    with suppressed viral loads, who were on an NNRTI-based
              Rilpivirine (RPV; TMC278) is a second-generation non-  first-line ART.
              nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) with a
              good safety profile  and convenient once-daily dosing, with   Methods
              a reduced special effort access price of US$40 per patient per
              year in sub-Saharan Africa and least developed countries,    Switching at Low HIV-1 RNA into Fixed Dose Combinations
              making it a good candidate component for an affordable   (SALIF) was a 48-week, multicentre, phase 3b, randomised,
              STR in LMICs. 13,14,15,16,17  RPV, in combination, is indicated in   open-label study designed to demonstrate non-inferiority of
              treatment-naïve  patients 12 years of age and older with a   RPV to EFV (both coformulated with TDF and FTC) in
              viral load of HIV-1 RNA  ≤ 100,000 copies/mL.  Tenofovir   maintaining HIV-1 RNA suppression (defined as HIV-1 RNA
              disoproxil fumarate (TDF)/lamivudine (3TC) or emtricitabine   < 400 copies/mL) among adult patients in LMICs on first-
              (FTC) with RPV is listed as a ‘preferred’ first-line regimen in   line NNRTI-based ART (with EFV or NVP) with HIV-1 RNA
              European  guidelines,  has recently been  adopted as a   < 50 copies/mL. The study was conducted at 23 sites in
              preferred first-line regimen in South African guidelines  and   Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal, South  Africa, Uganda and
              is a recommended ‘alternative’ regimen in the United States   Thailand from 23 August 2013 to 27 October 2015.
              and Thailand. 2,20
                                                                    Ethics committee approval was obtained at all participating
              Approval of RPV was based on findings from two double-  centres in accordance with the principles of the 2008
              blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trials, ECHO and THRIVE,   Declaration of Helsinki. Central randomisation was based on
              comparing RPV with EFV, most commonly in combination   a computer-generated schedule prepared before the study by
              with TDF and FTC, in treatment-naive patients. 6,7,21  In a 48-  the sponsor. Randomisation was balanced by using randomly
              week pooled analysis of these trials, RPV was non-inferior to   permuted blocks and stratified by baseline NNRTI. A pre-
              EFV both in patients with viral loads ≤ 100 000 copies/mL   specified  interim analysis  was performed  once all  patients
              (90% vs. 84%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: +1.6, +11.5) and
              with viral loads > 100 000 to ≤ 500 000 copies/mL (80% vs.   had reached week 24 or discontinued earlier, and was
              83%;  95%  CI:  –9.8,  +3.7),   but  non-inferiority  was  not   reviewed by an independent data monitoring committee.
              achieved for patients with viral loads > 500 000 copies/mL   Data from this study have been presented previously.
              (70% vs. 76%; 95% CI: –20.4, +8.30). In addition  to these
              pivotal trials using the individual agents, the STR of TDF/  All patients remained on study until the last patient reached
              FTC/RPV has been evaluated in both treatment-naive    the week 48 visit. Patients were then switched to an
              patients and virologically suppressed patients, including in   investigator-selected treatment according to local prescribing
              at least one LMIC setting. In these studies, TDF/FTC/RPV   practice. In countries where a RPV-based regimen was not
              was found to be non-inferior to several different  ART   yet available, patients with suppressed HIV-1 RNA levels
              regimens, including protease inhibitor (PI)- and NNRTI-  receiving TDF/FTC/RPV could continue in post-trial access
              based combinations. 22,23,24,25  Hence, in Europe and the United   programmes until RPV was publicly available in the country.
              States, TDF/FTC/RPV is indicated for use in treatment-naive
              patients with HIV-1 RNA  ≤ 100  000 copies/mL and for   Study patients
              patients with suppressed viral load for ≥ 6 months prior to
              switching therapy and without known resistance-associated   The study included adults (≥ 18 or 21 years of age, depending
              mutations to NNRTIs, TDF or FTC. 26,27                on national legislation of patient’s country) with documented
                                                                    HIV-1 infection, who had been receiving first-line NNRTI-
              Preclinical studies of RPV showed no evidence of teratogenicity   based ART (defined as two nucleoside reverse transcriptase
              RPV and therefore may be an option in populations with   inhibitors [NRTIs] with either EFV or NVP) for at least 1 year,
              large  proportions of HIV-infected women of childbearing   and the same  ART for at least 8 weeks, before screening.
              potential who have access to regular viral load monitoring.    Previous changes in NRTI background regimen were
              Pharmacokinetic  studies  of  RPV  in  pregnancy  reveal  that   allowed,  but  patients  who  had  previously  switched  from
              most women achieve effective plasma concentrations of   EFV to NVP for toxicity reasons were not eligible.  At
              RPV. 29,30,31  The Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry showed no   screening, eligible  patients had to have suppressed viral
              increased  risk  in  birth  defects  after  first  trimester  RPV   loads, commonly accepted to be a plasma HIV-1 RNA < 50
              exposures as of January 2018.  Furthermore, according to   copies/mL,  a CD4+ cell count of more than 200 cells/mm ,
              both the US Department of Health and Human Services   and a preference to change their current ART for reasons of
              Recommendations  for Use  of  Antiretroviral  Drugs in   simplification and/or NRTI toxicity. Patients also needed to
              Pregnant HIV-1-Infected Women and the 2017 European   have access to at least one meal a day and have a normal
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