Page 262 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 262

Page 6 of 8  Original Research

              showed that there was no therapeutic benefit in using IVIG.    our patients with TEN had tuberculosis and Pseudomonas co-
              This study showed a higher mortality rate of patients   infection with a positive outcome. De Prost et al. noted that BSA
              receiving IVIG than in controls and concluded that there is no   involvement was the main predictor of infection.  This group
              role of IVIG in the setting of TEN and this should not be used   identified   Staphylococcus  aureus,  Pseudomonas  and
              outside of trials. 39                                 Enterobacteriaceae as the most commonly implicated pathogens
                                                                    leading to mortality.  These were similar pathogens noted in
              Recent studies have shown that a combination of       our patients. Complications noted in our patients who died are
              corticosteroids  and  IVIG  arrested  disease  progression,   unlikely to have been due to the administration of systemic
              and  decreased  hospitalisation  and  mortality  in  patients   corticosteroids and IVIG. We receive patients that may have
              with  SJS/TEN more than the use of corticosteroids as   been at more than one health care facility prior to being
              monotherapy.  Jagadeesan et  al. noted that combining   transferred to our unit. Nosocomial infections may have been
              systemic steroids and IVIG may have a synergistic action   acquired at the referral centres prior to systemic corticosteroid
              targeting the different pathways of apoptosis active in   use. Infections noted in the pregnant women included herpes
              SJS/TEN.  Thus, combination therapy was noted to arrest   simplex, vaginal discharge and vaginal warts. Urinary tract
              disease progression and there was a faster onset of re-  infections are common in pregnancy and may be independent
              epithelialisation with no adverse side effects.  A systematic   to the use of systemic corticosteroids. Cutaneous Pseudomonas
              review showed that patients who received systemic steroids   and Staphylococcus aureus infection may have been owing to the
              and IVIG had a  favourable clinical outcome compared to   immunocompromised pregnancy state and HIV infection and
              patients who received supportive care alone. 40       may  or  may  not  be  dependent  on  the  use  of  systemic
                                                                    corticosteroids. Anaemia in one patient may be due to HIV
                                                                    disease, blood loss from the wounds, pregnancy and renal
              Local studies oppose the use of systemic steroids and
              immunoglobulins in patients with SJS/TEN. Kannenberg   impairment. Drug-induced hepatitis was most likely due to
              et al. conducted a study in which 78.9% of the patients were   nevirapine and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole use as the
              HIV-infected. All patients in the study received extensive   liver dysfunction returned to normal once the drugs were
              supportive care. There was a mortality rate of 29.8% in the   stopped. Infectious hepatitis was excluded in the study
              HIV-infected patients and 6.0% in the non-infected patients.   population.
              The prognostic indicators noted were HIV -tuberculosis co-  Ocular lesions are the most common and devastating
              infection, sepsis and BSA > 40.0%.  Knight et al. implemented   complications in SJS/TEN (20% – 79% of patients).  Araki
              similar treatment strategies of extensive supportive care in   et al. noted that steroid pulse therapy with methylprednisone
              their study. Seventy-eight per cent of their cohort was   at the onset of SJS/TEN is of great therapeutic importance
              HIV-infected. The study concluded that the extent of BSA   in preventing ocular complications.  Kim et al. noted that
              involvement increases  the risk of  bacterial skin infections   early treatment with systemic steroids and IVIG improved
              and that tuberculosis co-infection and bacterial skin   ocular outcomes.  The aetiology of deep vein thrombosis is
              infections increase the mortality rate. This study had a   multifactorial, and in one patient it may have been due to
              mortality rate of 9%. 41                              prolonged hospital stay, HIV infection, low CD4 cell count,
                                                                    pregnancy or IVIG used. 48,49,50
              Many view TEN and major burns as similar entities based
              on  BSA  involvement,  and  hence  the  general  principles  of   In our study, the high female-to-male ratio may be due to the
              management should be the same.  However, burns differ in   use of nevirapine which is implicated as the cause of SJS/
              pathophysiology, presentation, long term sequelae; hence,   TEN. It was prescribed in pregnant women (who accounted
              target therapy to counteract the process of apoptosis such   for 44.4% of the study sample) as part of the HIV treatment
              as the use of systemic corticosteroids and IVIG is indicated   guidelines at the time of the study.
              for SJS/TEN. The admission of patients to specialised
              dermatology centres has shown good clinical outcomes, and   The three drugs most implicated included nevirapine,
              this is illustrated in our cohort. 18                 trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole  and  anti-tuberculosis
                                                                    medication – mainly isoniazid and rifampicin. Risk factors for
              None of the patients in this cohort had wound debridement,   nevirapine-induced SJS/TEN include female gender, baseline
              and this is supported by a number of studies. 1,19  Blisters   CD4 counts > 250 cells/mm  in women and > 400 cells/mm  in
              act  as  a  natural  biological  dressing  which  favours  re-  men, history of drug allergy, low body weight, high nevirapine
              epithelialisation.  Fluid management also differs between   serum levels and certain human lymphocyte antigen types. 5,51,52
              SJS/TEN and burns patients in that SJS/TEN patients require   Pregnant woman in the study had a mean CD4 count of 267.2
              only two-thirds to three-quarters of the fluid requirements   (s.d. 60.6) cells/mm , a risk factor in keeping with nevirapine-
              of burns patients. 43                                 induced SJS/TEN as noted in the literature.
              Infection is the leading cause of death in patients with SJS/TEN   Pregnancy was not a risk factor for developing a drug reaction
              and maybe as high as 40% in tertiary centres.  Knight et al.   in our patient profile. This is contrary to what has been
              noted that epidermal detachment > 30% in SJS/TEN has an   suggested in the literature. 5,24  Pregnancy is associated with
              increased risk of bacterial infections and mortalities.  One of   immune dysregulation, which may predispose a woman to
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