Page 260 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 260

Page 4 of 8  Original Research

              isoniazid prophylaxis and the other eight to Rifafour®. Of   continuum of the drug reactions with seven complications
              these eight patients, only three were microbiologically   noted in SJS patients, 19 in SJS-TEN overlap syndrome and
              confirmed cases of tuberculosis. The three patients were   27  noted in the patients with TEN (Table 4). Ten patients
              rechallenged with anti-tuberculosis therapy without   (28.7%) were noted to have infections (Table 5).
              further incident.
                                                                    There was one death in our study representing a case fatality
              The most common drugs implicated were nevirapine (69.4%),   rate of 2.8%. The patient was pregnant (34 weeks gestation)
              anti-tuberculosis medication (16.7%) and trimethoprim/  and was admitted with TEN secondary to nevirapine.
              sulfamethoxazole  (8.3%). Other drugs  included  phenytoin   She had a CD4 count of 185 cells/mm  and a SCORTEN score
              (2.8%) and fluconazole (2.8%) (Table 3).              of 4 which predicted a poor outcome (expected mortality rate
                                                                    of  58.3%). She experienced preterm labour  2 days after
              Thirty-two of the study patients had associated complications   admission and gave birth to a stillborn male. She died 4 days
              such as anaemia, drug-induced hepatitis, ocular involvement,   after admission. She presented with poor prognostic factors:
              renal impairment, deep vein thrombosis, respiratory distress,   SCORTEN score of 4 (tachycardia, BSA involvement of 40%
              lichen planus, Leucopenia, gastritis and hypernatremia.   acidosis and elevated urea, as well as hypernatremia and
              The  number of complications noted increased along the   Staphylococcus aureus septicaemia).
              TABLE  3:  CD4,  SCORTEN,  drugs  implicated,  co-morbidities  and  mortality  of  36  HIV-infected  patients  presenting  with  Stevens–Johnson  syndrome–toxic  epidermal
              Variable                 Total (n = 36)        SJS (n = 11)       SJS/TEN (n = 13)       TEN (n = 12)
                                   n    %   Mean  s.d.  n    %   Mean  s.d.  n    %   Mean  s.d.  n    %   Mean  s.d.
              CD4 count (cells/mm ) 3  -  -  236.8  146.8  -  -  216.3  109.2  -  -   270.5  194.8  -  -   217.4  115.5
              SCORTEN score
              0-1                  11  30.5  -    -     11  30.5  -    -     0    -    -    -     0    -    -    -
              2                    12  33.3  -    -     0    -    -    -     8   22.2  -    -     4   11.1  -    -
              3                    9   25.0  -    -     0    -    -    -     4   11.1  -    -     5   13.9  -    -
              4                    3   8.3   -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -     2    5.6  -    -
              5                    1   2.8   -    -     0    -    -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -
              Drugs used
              NVP alone            15   41.7  -   -     7   19.4  -    -     3    8.3  -    -     5   13.9  -    -
              NVP, D4T, 3TC/TMP/SMX  6  16.7  -   -     1    2.8  -    -     2    5.6  -    -     3    8.3  -    -
              NVP, D4T, 3TC/Rifafour  2  5.6  -   -     1    2.8  -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -
              NVP, D4T, 3TC/INH    1   2.8   -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -     0    -    -    -
              NVP, D4T, 3TC/INH/TMP/SMX  1   2.8  -  -  0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -     0    -    -    -
              TMP/SMX              2   5.6   -    -     1    2.8  -    -     1    2.8  -    -     0    -    -    -
              TMP/SMX + phenytoin  1   2.8   -    -     0    -    -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -
              TMP/SMX + Rifafour   3   8.3   -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -     2    5.6  -    -
              Rifafour             3   8.3   -    -     1    2.8  -    -     2    5.6  -    -     0    -    -    -
              Phenytoin            1   2.8   -    -     0    -    -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -
              Fluconazole          1   2.8   -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -     0    -    -    -
              TB                   8   22.2  -    -     2    5.6  -    -     3    8.3  -    -     3    8.3  -    -
              Hypertension         2   5.6   -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -     1    2.8  -    -
              Epilepsy             2   5.6   -    -     0    -    -    -     1    2.8  -    -     1    2.8  -    -
              Mortality             1   2.8  -    -     0    -    -    -     0         -    -     1    2.8  -    -

              TABLE 4: Complications correlated to the various drug reactions.
              Complications                   SJS             SJS-TEN overlap        TEN                 Total
                                         n         %         n         %         n         %         n        %
              Infection                  1         2.8       4        11.1       5        13.9       10       27.8
              Anaemia                    3         8.3       5        13.9       8        22.2       16       44.4
              Drug-induced hepatitis     2         5.6       4        11.1       3         8.3       9        25
              Deep vein thrombosis       0         -         0         -         2         5.6       2        5.6
              Lichen planus              0         -         1         2.8       0         -         1        2.8
              Ocular                     1         2.8       4        11.1       3         8.3       8        22.2
              Renal impairment           0         -         1         2.8       2         5.6       3        8.3
              Hypernatraemia             0         -         0         -         1         2.8       1        2.8
              Leucopenia                 0         -         0         -         1         2.8       1        2.8
              Acute respiratory distress syndrome  0  -      0         -         1         2.8       1        2.8
              Gastritis and esophageal ulceration  0  -      0         -         1         2.8       1        2.8
              Total                      7         -         19        -         27                  53        -
              SJS, Stevens–Johnson syndrome; TEN, Toxic epidermal necrolysis; SJS-TEN overlap.

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