Page 255 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 255

Page 6 of 7  Original Research

              80 cases are required to be seen by a nurse in consultation   These may nonetheless still have an impact on overall service
              with a mentor, according to  the Clinical Mentorship   delivery and quality of patient care.
              Guideline for Integrated Services, in order for the nurse to
              be authorised in NIMART.  In the present study, all nurses   Recommendations based on the study findings include
              had received NIMART mentoring. The findings from this   regular guideline updates to reinforce HIV management
              study support a 2-week NIMART mentoring period. It may   knowledge. Methods to strengthen mentoring should
              be that a 2-week mentoring period is more intense. Perhaps   be  engaged such as dedicated roving mentors or access
              those who were mentored for a longer period, for example,   to  telephonic consultations.  Dedicated mentoring may
              for more than 2 months, did not have intensive contact   be  costly and therefore non-governmental organisation
              sessions and case studies or the contact sessions may have   support may be required to ensure mentor capacity.
              been too far apart. A study conducted by Orner et al. found   NIMART-trained nurses should be offered sufficient
              that nurses and doctors were too busy for mentoring, which   opportunities to practise their skills. As not all nurses may
              may result in less frequent contact sessions. A longer period   be exposed to a high caseload because of the PHC approach
              of mentoring may therefore not translate to the acquisition   of providing integrated services, especially in rural settings,
              of more knowledge and confidence in practice. This,   those with low caseloads need access to updated guidelines
              however, needs to be explored further. Having an assigned   and mentors to assist them when they initiate patients or
              mentor or the frequency of contact sessions with the mentor   encounter complex cases.
              were not associated with the participants’ level of confidence
              or knowledge. However, other studies have found
              mentoring to improve nurses’ confidence, improving    Limitations
              institutional barriers and the quality of patient care. 13,14  Study limitations include the small sample size and high
                                                                    refusal rate, which limits the generalisability of the findings.
              Although mentoring was not associated with the        The  small  sample  size  further  limits  the  power  of  the
              participants’ knowledge in the present study, participants   statistical tests to detect significant differences. As mentioned
              who  received regular  feedback  about  their  personal and   before, self-assessment may not accurately measure
              clinical performance (classified in this study as part of   confidence. The cross-sectional nature of the study implies
              quality assurance) had significantly higher knowledge   that no cause and effect relationships between the variables
              scores (75.2%) compared to those with limited or no   explored can be inferred. Further, the knowledge and
              feedback (67.9%). Feedback was mostly received from the   competency items assessed were delimited to adult HIV care.
              clinic manager or HIV and AIDS, STIs and TB coordinator.
              Regular feedback provided about individual and clinic   Conclusion
              performance related to the provision of  ART is likely to
              influence nurses’ HIV management confidence.  However,   This study investigated various factors that influence
              the Clinical Mentorship Manual for Integrated Services    the  knowledge and confidence of professional nurses
              distinguishes between clinical mentorship and supportive   prescribing ART in an urban and rural setting, and gave an
                                                                    account of what is currently happening at the healthcare
              supervision.  Although both have similar  goals and some   facilities that partook in the study. The majority of
              overlapping activities, supervision tends to emphasise   participants had adequate HIV management knowledge
              health  facility  management  and  is  more  hierarchical,   and reported being very confident or experts in the HIV
              whereas mentoring is more focused on the enhancement   management skills and competencies. Training, mentorship
              of  the skills of the mentee. Mentoring should therefore   and clinical practice experience are associated with
              be  more effective in improving the confidence and    knowledge and confidence. Recommendations include
              knowledge of nurses than feedback from supervisors. The   the  strengthening of current training and mentoring
              above mentioned results may mean that mentoring is not   programmes and ensuring that NIMART-trained nurses are
              currently being implemented or practised effectively.
                                                                    provided with regular updates and sufficient opportunities
                                                                    for clinical practice.
              Knowledge and confidence of the clinicians should increase
              as they gain experience.  In this study, the HIV management   Acknowledgement
              confidence and knowledge scores were the same across all
              categories of experience. However, the average number of   Competing interest
              patients living with HIV seen or the caseload may be an   The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
              indication of the intensity of experience and was associated
              with both HIV management confidence and knowledge. It
              therefore appears that the total years of experience does not   Author contributions
              influence confidence and knowledge, rather it is more clinical   D.J.S. wrote the proposal and conducted the study as part of
              practice experience, for example, the patients living with   her Master of Nursing degree. T.C. supervised the study and
              HIV  caseload, that  influences  confidence  and  knowledge.   developed the initial draft of the article.  A.S.v.d.M.
              None of the other  health system influencing  factors were   cosupervised  the  study,  and  T.M.E.  provided  statistical
              associated with HIV management confidence and knowledge.   support. The article was reviewed by all the authors.

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