Page 251 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 251

Page 2 of 7  Original Research

              Competency has been described as the knowledge,       Although there is substantial evidence that nurses can
              perceptions, skills, attitudes and standards that an individual   provide high-quality treatment and care, several challenges
              develops or acquires through education, training and work   have been identified, such as shortages of essential drugs,
              experience, which can be used to depict particular    salary concerns, excessive workload, lack of practice
              occupational  roles  or  functions  against  which  personal   standards, access to mentoring and infrastructural
              performance may be assessed.  Although it is ideal that all   barriers. 4,11,15,16   This  therefore  highlights  the  need  for
              health professionals should be competent to undertake the   continuous quality assurance in settings where NIMART is
              tasks they perform, competency may be difficult to assess.   being implemented. 17,18
              The assessment of competency in the form of subjective,
              multiple-choice and standardised patient assessments may   No published studies could be found that specifically
              underemphasise significant domains of professional    investigated the factors that influence the knowledge and
              capability such as the integration of knowledge and skills,   confidence of nurses currently prescribing ART. Evaluating
              the framework of care, cooperation and patient–provider   the HIV management confidence and knowledge of
              associations.  It is  even  more  challenging  to  assess  the   professional nurses who prescribe ART may help to improve
              competency  of clinicians in  practice. In this study, self-  ongoing NIMART training interventions. This study
              assessment was used to measure how confident nurses are in   therefore aimed to determine the factors that influence the
              performing HIV management skills. Knowledge questions   HIV management confidence and knowledge of professional
              were used to provide an objective assessment. Self-assessment   nurses prescribing ART in a rural and urban district in the
              is often used to help practising clinicians  to identify their   Western Cape province.
              own strengths and weaknesses for continuous professional
              development.  However, the  process  of  assessing  oneself  is   Methods
              complex and never completely objective. Self-assessment can   Research design and setting
              therefore not be used as an accurate measure of competency,
              but it can be used to help individuals identify gaps in their   A quantitative cross-sectional and analytical research design
              clinical  performance.   One  such  study  conducted  in  the   was used because NIMART training has been operational
              Eastern Cape province of South  Africa found satisfactory   for several years and is in its implementation phase.  The
              self-efficacy in the clinical performance of NIMART amongst   study was conducted in one urban and one rural district –
              358 trained nurses, with some limitations in their abilities   the City of Cape Town (City Health) and the Cape Winelands
              regarding clinical evaluation.  Care provided by providers   districts.
              with low levels of self-rated expertise who treat low numbers
              of HIV and AIDS patients tends to lead to less favourable   Population and sample
              patient outcomes. 10                                  Based  on a  list  obtained from the Department  of  Health,

                                                                    there were 256 nurses who were authorised to prescribe
              Factors such as training, mentoring and clinical experience   NIMART in the two districts. Of the five subdistricts in the
              have been found to influence the competency of healthcare   Cape Winelands, three districts gave permission for the
              providers.  A  systematic  review revealed  better  clinical   research and two declined. The assessable population,
              outcomes for patients treated by a provider with more   determined by contacting facilities, was 146 (67 in the City
              training in HIV and AIDS care.  There is very little research   of Cape Town and 79 in the Cape Winelands). All the nurses
              available on the evaluation of the different NIMART training   authorised to prescribe NIMART for a period of 1 year were
              courses and training outcomes. One study found that 62% of   invited to participate in order to account for the clustering
              nurses who had been trained in NIMART were initiating   effect in the subdistricts. In the Cape Winelands, 49 (69%)
              patients on ART in the clinics where they were working, yet   participants completed the questionnaires, 18 (25%) refused
              some of these nurses did not pass the open book exam after   to participate and four (6%) were absent, on leave or not
              the training.  In KwaZulu-Natal province, knowledge scores   available when the research was conducted. In the City of
              of nurses increased significantly after NIMART training,   Cape Town, 28 (42%) participants completed the
              with a median post-test knowledge score of 77%. However,   questionnaires, 22 (33%) refused to participate and 17 (25%)
              the majority of nurses were not confident enough to practise   were absent, on leave or not available when the research
              their  skills,  which  emphasised  the  need  for  continuous   was conducted.
              mentorship.  A study in Khayelitsha, South Africa, showed
              an increase in the confidence of nurses to manage patients on
              ART after mentorship.  Similarly, a study evaluating 5 years   Instrumentation
              of NIMART mentorship in South Africa identified improved   A self-completion questionnaire was used that was designed
              knowledge,  attitudes  and  confidence  perceived  by  nurses   by the researcher based on the literature and previous
              who received NIMART mentoring, but highlighted the need   instruments. The questionnaire measured demographic
              for mentoring to continue in light of continuous changes to   details, influencing factors, HIV management confidence and
              treatment guidelines.  In addition to mentoring, provider   HIV management knowledge. The questionnaire was
              experience in HIV and AIDS care has shown to improve the   available in English only. In addition, facility statistics related
              quality of care.                                      to caseload were collected.
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