Page 248 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 248

Page 4 of 5  Original Research

              with HIV (11.6%) and without HIV (10.8%). The presence of   carcinoma in their review of 5924 HIV-infected patients.
              actinomycosis infection in tonsillectomy specimens is well   Mitsuyasu reviewed the incidence of both AIDS-defining
              described. Rebechi et al. evaluated the routine histopathology   and NADC in the United States. He did not find an increased
              of 281 patients who underwent tonsillectomy, most of whom   incidence of tonsillar malignancies.  Grulich et al.
              had recurrent bouts of infection. They found evidence of   performed  a  meta-analysis  of  people  with  HIV/AIDS
              chronic tonsillitis with colonies of actinomyces in 9.6% of   (444  172 patients). They found an increased incidence of
              their patients.  In light of our findings, we concur with   oral cavity and pharyngeal tumours. Unfortunately, they
              Hasan et al., who suggested that actinomycosis is likely to   did not specify whether any of their patients had tonsillar
              have a causal association with recurrent tonsillitis  and   malignancies. 23
              tonsillar hypertrophy. 17
                                                                    In our study, KS was detected in seven patients, all of whom
              South  Africa has one of the highest burdens of TB in the   were HIV-infected. There is an established strong correlation
              world, with an estimated 450 000 active cases in 2013.  We,   between HIV and KS, which has been borne out of the
              however, did not detect any evidence of TB in the specimens   literature. 8,11,24,25  HIV-infected individuals in southern Africa
              that we reviewed. This is not unexpected as tonsillar   have a higher risk of developing KS than their counterparts
              involvement in TB infection is rare. Ricciardello et al. looked   in Europe.  Prior to the HIV epidemic, the prevalence of KS
              at otorhinolaryngology-related TB in 304 patients. Their   was low in Africa. There has been a marked surge in the
              study was conducted in Naples. They found tonsillar   number of KS cases. HHV8 is implicated in this resurgence
              involvement in only two patients. 20                  of KS. The mechanism of how HHV8 causes KS is not
                                                                    completely understood, but it is believed to be instigated by
              SCC is the most common malignancy in patients with non-  oncoprotein production and the inhibition of tumour-
              benign tonsillar lesions. It accounts for up to 7% of   suppressor genes. It usually begins in the head and neck.
              malignancies. Courville et al. tested 1093 adult patients, and   This may be because of the fact that the oropharynx is the
              of these, 75 (7%) had SCC.  Malignancies were suspected   main reservoir for HHV8. 25
              prior  to  the  confirmatory  histology  in  all  of  their  patients.
              Four of our patients had SCC on pathological evaluation;   Franzetti et al. found a significant association between
              three patients were HIV-uninfected and one patient had HIV   NADC and low CD4 counts (< 200 cells/mm ). They
              infection. Randall et al. found 22 patients with SCC (0.04%).   evaluated 5924 HIV-infected patients over a 26-year period.
              The relatively low overall prevalence in their study was   They used regression models to compare the cancer risk in
              probably because of the high number of paediatric     their  HIV-infected  patients  to  age-  and  gender-matched
              tonsillectomy specimens (96%). In their adult population,   individuals.   We  could  not  confirm  this  relationship.  We
              SCC was present in 25 patients (1.2%). 22             cannot exclude the possibility that the retrospective nature
                                                                    of our study, the relatively small number of events and the
              Lymphomatous lesions are well described in patients with   large deviations of CD4 counts would make our results less
              tonsillar malignancy. Their occurrence ranges from 0% to   reliable.  Advancing age was the only predictor of
              1.74%. 1,13,14,15,21,22  Ikram et al. studied 200 patients between the   malignancy in both the HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected
              ages of 4 and 49 years. They detected lymphoma in only one   subgroups.
              patient (0.5%).  Younis et al. evaluated the histopathology in
              2438  routine  tonsillectomy  specimens.  In  the  339 adult   Study limitations
              specimens they reviewed, they detected lymphoma in six
              patients (1.74%). All their lymphoma patients had suspicious   The size of our study cohorts may be adequate, but is not
              clinical findings preoperatively.  We had four patients (1.3%)   ideal for a statistically powerful analysis. Unfortunately,
              with lymphoma; one of these patients had concomitant HIV   many patients were excluded because of the absence of HIV
              infection.                                            results.
                                                                    The lack of clinical data on the patients is not ideal as we
              The relationship between tonsillar malignancies and
              underlying HIV is not well established. We found 14 patients   were unable to establish the absence or presence of established
              with malignancies,  and of those patients,  eight were HIV-  high-risk features.
              infected and six were HIV-uninfected. The results showed no
              significant  correlation  between  tonsil  malignancy  and  HIV   The significance of our study lies in the findings that
              infection.                                            advancing age may be an additional risk factor to consider,
                                                                    and HIV status does not confer an added risk in the
                                                                    development of tonsillar malignancies.
              HIV infection is associated with an increased risk of a range
              of cancers, including KS, NHL and cervical cancer, which   Conclusion
              are considered virus-related and  AIDS-defining diseases.
              The spectrum and incidence of NADC (smoking- and virus-  Our  study  findings  are  consistent  with  current
              related) has also been shown to be augmented. Franzetti et   recommendations that there is inadequate proof for routine
              al. found a higher than expected incidence of tonsil   histological examinations from patients who do not exhibit

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