Page 243 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 243

Page 6 of 7  Original Research

              were likely to have unsuppressed VLs (defaulters, those that   with viral suppression, and males, age group less than
              demised or were LTFU) did not have VL data used for these   15  years and prior  ART exposure were more likely to
              measurements. The proportion of individuals virologically   experience virologic failure. 13,14  When the factors that are
              suppressed was therefore calculated based on the number of   associated with viral suppression in the long term were
              individuals who had data recorded at a particular time point.  reviewed, gender and baseline laboratory results had no
                                                                    significant association. It seemed as if males that were able
              Our study found that 64% (n = 648), 70% (n = 577) and 72%   to stay on treatment for longer had similar virologic response
              (n = 366) of our cohort were virologically suppressed at 6, 12   to females. This may have been because of the retention bias,
              and 60 months, respectively. When the definition of viral   noted above, as more males died or were LTFU during the
              suppression was changed to < 400 copies/mL, the minimum   study. Bello et al.  also found that absence of prior exposure
              proportion  of  virologically  suppressed  individuals  at   to antiretrovirals before initiation on lifelong HAART was
              every time point throughout the study was 80%. This was   associated with viral suppression at 10 years post-initiation.
              similar to a large meta-analysis conducted by Boender and   They also found that age, race and baseline CD4+ cell count
              colleagues in low- to medium-income countries. They found   had no influence on viral suppression in the longer term.
              that at every interval between 6 and 60 months, at least 80%
              of patients were virally suppressed.  This was an unexpected   Limitations of the study
              but important finding in the drive towards achieving one of
              the ‘90-90-90 targets’ set by the UNAIDS. Present cART   Although attempts were made to prevent bias, missing data
              guidelines recommend initiation once diagnosed with HIV.   on and the use of patient recall to record some
              One of the major aims of this is to prevent HIV transmission   variables, such as previous antiretroviral therapy exposure,
              through  achieving  viral  suppression,  as  revealed  by  the   may have introduced some bias to the study. Furthermore,
              Partner study.  A review was, therefore, attempted to assess   patients recorded as LTFU may have died. However, because
              how consistently patients were able to maintain viral   the data were not updated with the South African national
              suppression after attainment. Fifty-nine per cent of the   mortality database, the cumulative mortality may have been
              sample were able to maintain one consecutive viral    underestimated. Furthermore, being a retrospective study,
              suppression. These patients maintained viral suppression   data on some variables that may influence responses to cART,
              over a period of at least 6 months. When reviewed for those   such as adherence, were not available. This introduces the
              able to maintain viral suppression consecutively for at least   possibility of residual confounding into the study.
              54 months, only 14% of the sample achieved this. This low
              proportion of people with consistent viral suppression may   Despite the limitations outlined above, this study has a
              have a negative impact on the use of viral suppression as a   number of strengths. The use of all patients on cART recorded
              prevention strategy.                                  on  affords an opportunity  to find  a difference in
                                                                    outcomes if there really is one. Finally, there is a paucity of
              With the initiation of cART, immune recovery, in the form of   studies  reviewing  immunologic  and  virologic  responses
              CD4+ cell count increase, is expected. In our review of   in  the long term  in healthcare facilities  in Limpopo,
              immunological response to cART, the mean CD4+ cell count   South Africa; therefore, this study will serve as a foundational
              increased almost throughout the study, as was the case in a   study for such research.
              study in Tshwane District.  However, their cohort did  not
              achieve a normal CD4+ cell count (> 500 cells/µL) at   Conclusion
              60 months, unlike in our study.  Also, at 60 months, only 11%   According  to  the  South African  NDoH  definition  for  viral
              of patients had a CD4+ cell count of less than 200 cells/µL.   suppression, the proportion of individuals attaining viral
              This meant that fewer patients may have needed prophylaxis   suppression was well below the UNAIDS 90% target. Also,
              against opportunistic infections. It must, however, be stated   the sustainability of viral suppression seemed quite low
              that the baseline CD4+ cell count of many patients initiated   when individuals were reviewed over a 54-month period.
              prior to 2010 was missing on
                                                                    Immunologic response was adequate for most individuals
                                                                    in  the period under review. Being male was associated
              The only factors found to be significantly associated with   with  poorer virologic response  to cART. Furthermore,  the
              early viral suppression were baseline CD4 count and gender,   age group less than 15 years had poorer immunologic and
              with individuals with higher CD4+ cell counts and females   virologic outcomes. Therefore, a targeted approach focusing
              more likely to achieve viral suppression at 6 months. The age   on improving virologic and immunologic responses of males
              group less than 15 years also had comparatively poorer   and patients less than 15 years may aid in improving
              immunological and virologic outcomes. Problems with   outcomes at a community level because infected male
              adherence and drug formulations may account for this.   partners are likely to infect a female partner and vice versa. 26
              Mlangeni and Senkubuge,  in a study to ascertain patient
              retention  on  ART after  5 years  of treatment  in  Tshwane   Acknowledgements
              District, however, found that gender and age had no influence
              on  early  VL  response  (6  months). Some  other  studies  also   The authors are grateful to officials of the Limpopo Provincial
              found that higher baseline CD4+ cell count was associated   Department of Health and Vhembe District Department of

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