Page 240 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 240

Page 3 of 7  Original Research

              clinical  variables  were  summarised. Continuous  variables   individuals (14.8%) were initiated in 2014 and 183 (14.7%) in
              were presented as means. Categorical variables were presented   2015. Only 0.3% of the cohort were initiated in 2004.
              as percentages or proportions. Mann–Whitney  U test was
              used to check for equality of the median of the continuous   Twenty-four per cent of the cohort were male and the
              variables (duration on cART and CD4+ cell count) as they   mean  age  was  36  ±  5  years.  Other  baseline  characteristics
              were not normally distributed. Pearson’s chi-square test was   of  participants are shown in  Table 1. Only 0.9% of the
              used for categorical variables.                       cohort had some form of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).
                                                                    Further review showed that 9.8% demised, 10.4% were lost
              To model for factors associated with virologic and    to follow-up (LTFU), 11.1% transferred out and 68.7% were
              immunologic responses, univariate and multivariate logistic   retained in care. Fourteen per cent of males demised during
              regression analysis was performed. Univariate analysis was   the period under review, as compared to 8.4% of females.
              performed first, and crude odds ratios for the association   This  was  found  to  be  statistically  significant  (p  =  0.01).
              of the variables with immunologic and virologic responses   There was no gender difference for those who were LTFU or
              determined. The variables included age, year of initiation,
              gender, marital status, baseline BMI, haemoglobin, clinical   TABLE 1: Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of cohort.  N
              stage and estimated GFR. Variables with p-values < 0.2 were   Gender
              introduced into the multivariate models, and their adjusted   Male             307     24.6     1247
              odd ratios derived. The estimates used were 95% confidence   Female            940     75.4
              interval (CI), and a  p-value < 0.05 was considered to be   Age (years)
              statistically significant.                            < 15                     67       5.4     1237
                                                                    16–29                    308     24.9
              Validity of instrument and reliability                30–44                    582      47
              of the instrument                                     45–60                    262     21.1
                                                                    > 60                     19       1.5
              Face validity was ensured by conducting a review of a sample   Marital status
              of the data collection form by non-experts in the field of HIV.   Married      326     45.3     719
              Content validity was ensured by carrying out a detailed   Single               362     50.3
              literature  review  and  reviewing  the  instrument  with  an   Divorced        4       0.6
              expert in the field of HIV research. Corrections were made   Widowed           27       3.8
              based on the reviews.                                 ART exposure
                                                                    PMTCT                     8       0.6     1236
                                                                    PEP                       2       0.2
              The reliability of the data collection form was measured   HAART                1       0.1
              using interrater reliability method of reliability testing. The   None         1225    99.1
              calculated Cohen κ coefficient was 0.79, which was within the   Baseline clinical stage
              acceptable limit. 20                                  I                        650     52.6     1236
                                                                    II                       176     14.2
              Ethical consideration                                 III                      104      8.4
                                                                    IV                       23       1.9
              Ethical clearance was obtained from the University of Venda   Unknown          283     22.9
              Research Ethics Committee (Protocol number SHS/16/    Baseline BMI
              PH/16/1808).  Approval was obtained from the Limpopo   < 18.5                   2      13.3      15
              Provincial Department of Health to acquire and use the data   18.5–24.9         5 4    33.3
              for the study. The data stored on the computer were protected   ≥ 30            4      26.7
              from theft using the most recent spyware protection.  Baseline haemoglobin (g/dL)
                                                                    < 6                       4       1.1     356
              Results                                               6–9.9                    59      16.6
              Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics        10–13                    204     57.3
                                                                    > 13
              The clinical data of 1912 individuals were reviewed. Two   Baseline eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m )
              hundred and seventy-nine individuals were excluded because   16–29              1       0.2     436
              they had been on treatment for less than 6 months. Of these,   30–59           137     31.4
              68 had died. Those excluded for having no results even after   ≥ 90            257     58.9
              6 months were 177. Then, 209 individuals were not included   Patient outcomes
              because they defaulted treatment and were later reinitiated   Transfer out     137     11.1     1235
              on  cART.  As a result, the determination of their duration   Still on treatment  848  68.7
              on  cART  was affected.  The  clinical data  of  the  remaining   Demised      122      9.8
              1247  individuals were  used for  the  analysis. Of these,  191   Lost to follow-up  128  10.4
              individuals initiated treatment in 2013. This corresponded   ART, antiretroviral therapy; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission; PEP, post-
                                                                    exposure prophylaxis; HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; BMI, body mass index;
              to 15.4% of the total sample. One hundred and eighty-four   eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
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