Page 236 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 236

Page 5 of 6  Original Research

              infections amongst HCWs annually.  The risk of HIV    Of further concern is that 18.1% of subjects were unaware of
              transmission has been estimated as 0.3% after percutaneous   alternate  PEP regimens with  better tolerability. The World
              exposure and 0.1% after mucocutaneous exposure to HIV-  Health Organization advocates the use of PEP regimens
              infected blood.  A meta-analysis that included 5810 patients   containing a third drug with improved tolerability and
              from 22 studies reported a pooled infectivity estimate of   higher associated completion rates (e.g. dolutegravir,
              0.23% (95% CI: 0.00–0.46), with 15 of these studies reporting a   duranvir  and  raltegravir).   Because  of  cost  implications,
              transmission risk of 0%.  Comparatively, the seroconversion   these newer and more tolerable drug regimens have only
              rate was four- to fivefold higher in this study (n = 2, 1.1%).   recently been made available in some public sector hospitals
              Both the subjects had completed the 28-day PEP regimen.   in South Africa (pers. comm. with National Department of
              However, a two-drug and not a three-drug regimen was   Health personnel). Even though these regimens are more
              prescribed  in  both  cases.  Although  most  PEP  guidelines   expensive, their higher cost cannot be compared to the cost of
              recommend  a three-drug regimen, there is no evidence  to   reduced tolerability, which may lead to days off and the risk
              suggest that a three or more drug regimen is superior to a   of acquiring HIV associated with not completing the entire
              two-drug regimen. 23                                  28-day course of PEP.  Widespread availability of these
                                                                    newer PEP regimens in public hospitals would go a long way
              More than half (55.5%) of the OBBFEs in this study occurred   in ensuring PEP completion.
              when subjects were working shifts of > 12 h , with 20.2% of
              subjects  reporting  tiredness  and fatigue  as a  contributory   In  summary,  this  study  highlights  the  high  prevalence  of
              factor. These findings are in line with the findings of a large   OBBFEs amongst intern doctors. We strongly advocate for
              systematic review that included 65 studies from 21 African   better working hours for junior doctors, the widespread
              countries. The authors concluded that a lack of training and   availability of triple drug PEP regimens with more
              working  more  than  40  h  per  week  were  risk  factors  for   tolerable  side effect profiles and strict adherence to
              acquiring an OBBFE. 24                                approved institutional guidelines. We also recommend the
                                                                    implementation of targeted educational programmes and the
              A long-standing tradition in healthcare institutions is strict   training of junior HCWs on local policies and guidelines
              adherence and advocacy for the use of personal protective   relating to OBBFEs. Furthermore, healthcare institutions in
              equipment (PPE) to minimise contact with blood and body   conjunction with the National Department of Health should
              fluids. Such measures include, but are not restricted to, the   ensure that these strategies comply with locally and
              use of gloves, goggles and aprons. Most of the participants in   internationally acceptable standards and recommendations.
              this study used gloves (97.3%), which is considerably higher
              than the findings of other studies that reported  figures of   Limitations
              89%  and 52%. 25
                                                                    This is a regional study that was conducted in four hospitals
                                                                    in Gauteng province. Hence, the findings may not be
              Poor adherence to standard PEP protocols has been associated
              with a high risk of seroconversion to HIV and other   representative of other regions in South Africa. Furthermore,
                                                                    other limitations  that are associated with questionnaire-
              pathogens. 26,27  One study reported that 45% of HCWs did not   based studies also apply here, which include recall bias and
              use PEP after an OBBFE, whilst 50% in the same study had to   selective non-disclosure.
              purchase the PEP themselves.  This research study reported
              initiation of PEP amongst 77.5% of exposed respondents,   Conclusion
              which is suboptimal in a setting where HIV is endemic.
              Reasons for the suboptimal initiation of PEP include a lack of   Occupational blood and body fluid exposures are common
              insight as well as a lack of strict enforcement and education   amongst  intern  doctors.  It  is  recommended  that  regular
              regarding PEP protocols. 27,29  Following education and   training, health education and monitoring compliance
              implementation of institutional protocols, PEP uptake was   should  be  incorporated  during  the  induction  of  medical
              observed to have a trajectory increase from 12% to 90% in a   internship doctors in hospitals. The availability of PEP
              study by Peponis et al. 27                            regimens with better tolerability will encourage compliance.

              This study revealed a PEP completion rate of 63.8% as   Acknowledgements
              compared to 79% recorded by Kassa et al.  Established   The authors would like to thank Dr Callistus Enyuma for his
              reasons for non-completion of PEP include fatigue,    assistance with analysis of the data.
              gastrointestinal side effects and drug rash, amongst others.
              Amongst the 77.5% of subjects who started PEP, 36.2% did
              not complete the course, predominantly because of poor   Competing interests
              tolerability of drug side effects. In light of this discussion,   The authors declare that this article is not under publication
              we strongly recommend that there should be psychological,   consideration elsewhere and that they have no financial or
              social and emotional supports to exposed HCWs who are   personal  relationship(s)  that  may have  inappropriately
              using PEP.                                            influenced them in writing this article.

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