Page 235 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 235

Page 4 of 6  Original Research

                                                           182 OBBFEs’ amongst 136 subjects

                                                                            • 1st OBBFE (n = 136, 74.7%)
                                                                            • 2nd OBBFE (n = 30, 16.5%)
                                                                            • 3nd OBBFE (n = 9, 4.9%)
                                                                            • 4th OBBFE (n = 5, 2.7%)
                                                                            • 5th OBBFE (n = 2, 1.1%)

                                   141 (77.5%) initiated HIV PEP                        41 (22.5%) did not initiate HIV PEP

                           Third drug                                                • Source HIV pa ent nega ve (n = 29, 70.7%)
                    • No third drug used (n = 53, 35.6%)  NRTI back bone             • Felt it was not necessary to start (n = 5, 12.2%)
                    • Unsure of third agent (n =10, 7.1%)  • Unsure of regimen (n = 19, 13.5%)  • No reason specified (n = 7, 17.1%)
                                                • AZT based regimen (n = 84, 59.6%)
                    • Lopinavir/Ritonavir (n =38, 26.9%)
                    • Raltegravir (n = 37, 26.2%)  • TDF based regimen (n = 34, 24.1%)
                    • Atazanavir/Ritonavir (n = 3, 2.1%)  • D4T based regimen (n = 4, 2.8%)

                                                    51 (36.2%) did not complete 28-day course of HIV PEP
                 90 (63.8%) completed 28-day course of HIV PEP
                                                    • Gastrointes nal side effects (n = 17, 33.3%)
                                                    • ‘Felt terrible’ on medica on (n = 16, 31.4%)
                                                    • Source pa ent tested nega ve (n = 16, 31.4%)
                                                    • Didn’t know it was necessary to complete (n = 1, 1.9%)
                                                    • No  me  to take medica on (n = 1, 1.1%)

              OBBFE, occupational blood and body fluid exposure; PEP, post-exposure prophylaxis.
              FIGURE 1: Initiation, compliance and regimen pertaining to HIV post-exposure prophylaxis amongst study subjects.

              (n = 16, 31.4%). The most commonly used PEP regimen was   that only included intern doctors, these studies included all
              AZT based (n = 84, 59.6%) and at least 53 (35.6%) subjects   HCWs  (nurses,  doctors,  paramedics  and  laboratory  staff).
              did not use a third drug. Overall, 33 (18.1%) subjects were   The higher prevalence in our study can be ascribed to the fact
              not aware of PEP regimens with less side effects.     that intern doctors are relatively inexperienced, are frequently
                                                                    the first line of patient contact and are often left with the
              Discussion                                            responsibility of performing basic procedures such as
                                                                    insertion of intravenous lines, wound suturing and taking of
              Compared to other studies where the response rate ranged   blood specimens.  Also, in this study, most NSIs occurred
              between 42% and 98%, 8,9,10,11,12,13  the overall response rate in   whilst  performing  vascular  puncture  and/or intravenous
              this study was 82.5%. Of the 182 OBBFEs, 98.9% were   line insertion or wound suturing (61.6% of cases).
              reported to the relevant authorities, with the majority (83.5%)   Comparatively, recapping used needles was found to be the
              being reported within 24 h of the exposure. A report rate of   reason for most NSIs in an Italian study,  whereas in Toronto,
              77% was found in a study in Montenegro,  compared with a   Canada, Ben Ouyang et al. reported that most NSIs took
              lower report rate of 30% amongst medical trainees in East   place whilst performing wound suturing. 8
              Toronto  General Hospital.  Kassa et al. in Botswana also
              found a low report rate of 37%.  A much lower report rate of   There were no significant differences between those who had
              28.9% was found in Ghana.  The reason for the higher report   and those who had not experienced an OBBFE with regard to
              rate amongst participants in this study could be attributed to   gender, age group, work experience,  familiarity and user-
              greater awareness because of the high prevalence of HIV in   friendliness with institutional OBBFE protocols/policies.
              South Africa. 17                                      However, bearing in mind that South  Africa has a high
                                                                    burden of HIV, with approximately one-fifth of the adult
              More than three-quarters (77.7%) of study participants had   population testing positive,  it is concerning that more than
              experienced  at least one OBBFE. Internationally, the   half  of  the  study participants  were not  fully  familiar  with
              prevalence of NSIs has been reported as between 20.9% and   institutional protocols/policies.
              74%. 3,4,5  In a large meta-analysis that included 16 105 HCWs
              from 44 studies across Iran, the overall prevalence of NSI was   Globally, it  is estimated  that  OBBFEs are responsible  for
              noted as 42.5% (95% CI 37% – 48%).  Compared to our study   approximately 66 000 HBV, 16 000 HCV and 200–5000 HIV
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