Page 230 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 230

Page 5 of 6  Original Research

                  200                                       a       drug exposure and  are also subject to ‘white coat effects’
                                                                    (good adherence around the time of clinic visit).  As a result,
                                                                    it is suggested in the literature that hair ARV concentrations
                  150                                               might be of more value than single plasma concentrations
                                                                    when measuring adherence. 3,22,24  Because virologic failure was
                 % Adherence  100                                   uncommon in our study, we were unable to evaluate either

                                                                    adherence measure as a predictor of virologic outcomes.

                   50                                               Hair EFV concentrations were found to have a non-significant
                                                                    association with adherence measured by the EAMD (Figure 3).
                                                                    These results suggest that, for this study, no significant
                   0                                                correlation between adherence and EFV concentrations in
                    0.1          1            10          100
                                                                    hair exists. Even though the median adherence measured by
                           Hair EFV concentra on (log 10 of ng/mg)
                                                                    the EAMD was 100% at weeks 16 and 32 (IQR: 92–100 and
                  200                                       b       92–103, respectively) and 101% (IQR: 96–107) at week 48, the
                                                                    concentration of EFV in the hair samples varied, most likely
                                                                    because of the different metaboliser genotypes present in the
                  150                                               subset. While hair ARV concentrations have previously been
                                                                    shown to correlate well with virological suppression,
                % Adherence  100                                    this has not been the case when the relationship between hair
                                                                    concentrations and measures of adherence such as self-report

                                                                    the low occurrence of virological failures in this subset did not
                   50                                               and EAMD have been assessed. 11,29,30  As previously discussed,
                                                                    allow  for  hair  EFV  concentrations to  be  associated with
                                                                    virologic outcomes for this study. The relationship between
                   0                                                hair EFV concentrations and virologic outcomes needs to be
                    0.1          1           10           100
                                                                    further explored in a cohort with a higher rate of virological
                           Hair EFV concentra on (log 10 of ng/mg)  failures.
                   200                                      c
                                                                    The  study  was limited  by  the  study  design,  in  that  the
                                                                    participants who provided hair samples were predominantly
                   150                                              female, had higher levels of adherence compared to the rest
                                                                    of the cohort and were mostly virologically suppressed. This
                % Adherence  100                                    did not allow for certain associations to be investigated. The
                                                                    limited the extent to which the data could be analysed and
                                                                    collection of head hair samples was also challenging as many
                   50                                               women were reluctant to donate a braid and most men had
                                                                    shaved heads. Only 135 (59%) of the 230 participants that
                                                                    were enrolled in the parent study provided hair samples.
                     0.1          1           10           100
                            Hair EFV concentra on (log 10 of ng/mg)
                                                                    In conclusion,  we have shown  that a strong correlation
              FIGURE  3:  Scatterplots  showing  the  relationship  of  adherence  assessed  by   exists between EFV concentrations measured in plasma and
              electronic adherence monitoring device (EAMD) (represented as a percentage)   hair samples collected from participants with good  ARV
              to concentrations of efavirenz (EFV) in hair at weeks 16 (a), 32 (b) and 48 (c).
                                                                    adherence. In addition, patient metaboliser status was
              study also showed increased concentrations of EFV in hair   observed to have a significant effect on long-term exposure to
              samples  from  individuals  with  the  slow  metaboliser   EFV. However, because of the low rates of virologic failure in
              genotype. 14                                          our cohort, we were unable to assess the ability of EFV
                                                                    concentrations  in hair  to predict outcomes.  The challenges
                                                                    we experienced in collecting hair from our cohort suggest
              Plasma and hair EFV concentrations were strongly correlated   that this adherence measure may have limited utility in an
              throughout the  48-week  study  period  (Figure  2), which   African population.
              suggests that, for our cohort with very high virologic
              suppression, a single plasma concentration was as good an   Acknowledgements
              adherence measure as a single hair concentration. This is an
              interesting result as hair concentrations provide an average   The authors thank Jennifer Norman and the team at the
              level of drug exposure over the last 30 days or so,  whereas   Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, Division of Clinical
              single plasma concentrations represent a brief snapshot of   Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, University of

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