Page 227 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 227

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              which concentrations of EFV in hair were shown to be strongly   a day during the study was classified as an adherent day, and
              correlated with 24-h intensive pharmacokinetic measurements   cumulative adherence was calculated as the number of
              and only weakly correlated with single plasma measurements.    adherent days divided by the number of days in care.
              Plasma EFV  concentrations are characterised by high inter-
              individual variability in concentrations, which can be   Blood was drawn for HIV-1 viral load (HIV-1 RNA 3.0
              explained, in part, by polymorphisms in the CYP2B6 gene that   assay®; Bayer Healthcare, Leverkusen, Germany) at
              has been reported to influence EFV metabolism.  High plasma   screening and at weeks 16 and 48. Additional blood was
              EFV concentrations have been associated with central nervous   drawn for mid-dosing interval EFV concentrations (in the
              system side effects,  which can lead to patients discontinuing   time window between 9 h and 16 h after self-reported EFV
              treatment. Hair concentrations of EFV are also influenced by   intake) at weeks 16, 32 and 48. Three  CYP2B6  loss-of-
              CYP2B6 genotype. 14,15                                function single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with
                                                                    EFV concentrations were chosen and analysed: rs3745274
              This  study  is  a  supplementary  to  our  recently  reported   (516G→T); rs28399499 (983T→C); and rs4803419 (15582C→T).
              randomised controlled trial of an adherence intervention    Based  on  their  CYP2B6  genotype,  participants  were
              and investigates the potential of measuring EFV concentrations   classified as either slow, intermediate or extensive
              in hair to monitor adherence. In addition to determining the   metabolisers using a simplified version of Holzinger’s
              effect of CYP2B6 metaboliser status on hair EFV concentrations,   metaboliser status classification.
              the relationship between plasma and hair EFV concentrations
              will be assessed. Lastly, the relationship between the   For the determination of EFV concentrations, blood samples
              adherence measured by an electronic adherence monitoring   were centrifuged  at 3500 rpm for 10 min. Plasma was
              device (EAMD) and hair EFV concentrations will be explored.  transferred into labelled cryovials that were frozen at -80 °C
                                                                    until analysis. Plasma EFV concentrations were determined
              Methods                                               by  a liquid  chromatography/tandem  mass  spectrometry
              Setting and participants                              (LC-MS/MS) method validated for the concentration range
                                                                    0.0195–20  µg/mL. Hair samples, collected at weeks 16, 32
              The parent study was a randomised controlled trial over 48   and 48, were analysed at the same laboratory for EFV using a
              weeks in  ART-naïve individuals, which showed that SMS   validated LC-MS/MS method.  The method was validated
              reminders triggered by real-time EAMD had little impact on   for the concentration range 0.625–40 ng/mg. The centimetre
              cumulative adherence to ART.  Participants were recruited   of hair closest to the scalp was analysed to represent drug
              from a large outpatient  ART centre in Gugulethu, Cape   exposure of approximately one month.
              Town – the Hannan Crusaid Treatment Centre (HCTC). ART-
              naïve adults and adolescents (≥ 15 years old) were eligible for   Statistical analysis
              the parent study if they were commencing treatment at the
              HCTC, had their own mobile phone and were willing to sign   Descriptive data were summarised using median and
              an informed consent form. The details of the parent study   interquartile range (IQR) for continuous data and percentages
              have been described elsewhere. 16                     for  categorical  data.  The  Χ   test  was  used  to  compare
                                                                    proportions, and the two-tailed t-test (for normal variables)
                                                                    or the Mann–Whitney test (for skewed variables) was used to
              Sub-study design and participants
                                                                    compare continuous variables. GraphPad Prism 4 (California,
              Participants recruited for the parent study were given the   USA) was used for the statistical analysis of data, including
              option of participating in the sub-study if the hair on their   Spearman’s  correlation.  Regression  modelling  was  used  to
              head was longer than 1 cm. The participants involved   explore whether EFV hair concentrations  were associated
              provided samples of hair at weeks 16, 32 and 48.      with the  adherence  measured  using  the  EAMD  and
                                                                    virological outcome. Sex, baseline CD4 cell count, metaboliser
              Measures and analyses – Laboratory procedures         status and age were included as independent variables.
                                                                    Samples that were determined to be below the assay methods
              The measures  collected  for  the  parent  study  and  the   limit of quantification were analysed as 0.624 ng/mg for
              previously reported pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic   EFV  concentrations in hair and 0.0194 µg/ml for EFV
              sub-study  are described subsequently. In the parent study,   concentrations in plasma.
              adherence was monitored using a Wisepill® device,  a real-
              time EAMD. In a related study, the EAMD was shown to be   Ethical consideration
              the  best  adherence  measure  to  predict  virologic  outcomes.
              The EAMD is of the size of a mobile phone and can store up to   Ethical approval for the study was given by the University of
              a week of medication in a seven-compartment pill box. Every   Cape Town, Faculty of Health Sciences, Human Research
              participant received an EAMD, and when each time the device   Ethics Committee (HREC/REF: 101/2015). Informed consent
              was opened, a signal was sent via the mobile phone network   was provided by each of the study participants. The parent
              to a secure central computer, thereby recording tablet taking or   clinical trial was registered in the Pan African Clinical Trials
              treatment interruptions in real time. Any recorded opening on   Registry (number PACTR201311000641402).

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